Some posts on MFP are starting to concern me



  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I am not sure how much this will add to this topic, but after reading, I felt compelled to share my story: I was a lineman in HS and college football -- highest weight (in shape) was 300 -- size 44 waist. After I stopped playing (1997), my weight went up to 315 pounds (and was a size 48 waist). I could barely make it up a flight of stairs without losing my breath -- this was until 2001. That entire time, I would say "I'm going to make a change" and that would last all of a week, before I was right back into my old habits again.

    Around 2001, I remember that "Stacker" was the big craze. I tried it for exactly 7 days. I didn't sleep more than 2 hours a night for those 7 days, and I felt my heart race faster than I could ever explain. The day I stopped, my sleep went back to normal. That would forever scare me away from any quick fix.

    However, I was still something had to change. I consider myself a very determined person, and I decided that if I was going to lose the weight, it would have to be done as a long process. Not "how much can I lose by XXX"

    I started by simply looking at what I was eating, and researching what I was taking in and what I was burning (long before MFP). I borrowed a friend's WW book and looked at points, and using the point system, I was able to drop down to 285 in about 6 months. That was the only "fast" part of my journey (2002). However, that initial boost was all I needed to realize that it COULD be done without any help from pills. That this WAS possible, but if I stopped,I would be right back up at 315 faster than I could imagine!!

    Slowly but surely, a pound here, a pound there would come off -- all while consistently working out and eating (to what I knew) was healthy. By 2005 (3 years later), I was 230. I stayed around 230 (give or take 10 pounds) until I became a father in late 2008.

    Originally, I had a MFP account, but didn't stick with it and just went back to the routine that worked so well for me. I hit a plateau in November of 2009, and that's when I decided to re-join MFP and really write in EVERYTHING and see if it helps. I am currently weighing in at 198, a mere 13 pounds away from my BMI finally being "healthy."

    I am not looking to pump my chest on here, but I am hoping someone will read this and realize that losing weight isn't an overnight process!! It has taken me almost 10 years -- but now I am running into old teammates who don't believe me when I say I am who I am! 10 years is a long time, but I would do it all again, over and over, because I never want to be that person who can't make it up a flight of stairs ever again.

    Please, if you're reading this, don't believe the fads or hype. Pills don't help. If you lose it fast, you'll gain it back faster. Just make this a one day at a time process, and as time passes, you'll see results!

    Thanks for reading guys, and good luck in you journeys!!

    Thank you for the inspiring story! Keep up the great work!:drinker:
  • apetermann
    I agree. And I just want to add that this site has taught me so much. It has taken me nearly 7 months to lose 25 pounds, but I know I can be successfull. This site is about education and friendship and it needs to stay this way.

    This is probably the best way to sum up what I think of MFP. I have learned SO MUCH about fitness, healthy living, and managing your weight here. I know that I have gotten frustrated when it seems that whatever I do just doesn't "work" to help me lose weight, but after getting to know so many people here, I am much happier with my goals for fitness. I have been nothing but inspired here...I have become accountable for my own health, and it's certainly in great part to MFP and the wonderful people here!!
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    I'm fairly new to this site, but I will offer this, when I looked into an online calorie counting site, and I tested
    four of them in one day, I found this one to be the best and most realistic. I sure wasn't looking for a
    quick fix. I also think the folks who come looking for a quick fix and advice will soon find that to get any
    results it takes time and patience. :heart:

    And as quick as these posters come, it will be just as quick they leave because they will find there is no
    magic pill.
