200+ (Week 23) Shrinking into Summer begins!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Check in for me...
    todays weight 206.8, so that is a 2# loss from last week....but remember I gained a pound last week...so the ticker only shows 1 # loss...anyhoo...right direction. I think I might of lost 6 pounds for the challenge...that sounds about right, that's what I tend to average. Still have heard no news from the Doctor...I'm going to call right after lunch and find out...I'm very curious!

    Mish...I'm swollen in the mornings too...that's why I always weigh in around 11 AM.

    Congrats everyone on your losses during this challenge....We Rock and are so much farther in our journey than we were 6 weeks ago.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pinbot...Have FUN this weekend!!!!

    Kendal, take your time hun, just be honest...if it's meant to be...it will be, if he is the perfect guy he'll wait. I met my husband shortly after I split with my first brief husband.....my great guy told me he loved me shortly after we started dating....scared the HE double hockey sticks out of me.....I knew he was a good guy, but I just wasn't ready and told him exactly what I needed...which was time. I am very lucky, he waited for me to get my life together and then about 16 months later...I asked him out again and we have been a strong couple ever since...do what's right for you... I'm going to have to go check out these shoes....:wink:

    My tummy is just a growling...I better get some lunch...have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Glad the week is over, its been a roller coaster that I am looking forward to jumping off.

    Hubby and daughter went to Medford so I have the house to myself till Sunday. YES!!!! It will be hard to go to the gym tonight for that reason. I just want to rent movies and go home. Enjoy the silence. Okay, let me be honest. I may not go to the gym tonight. Yeah, that is the real truth. However I have to remind myself that I will get bored early if I don't go. I am so damn tired I might just fall asleep early too.
    But since I will be in town tomorrow bright and early to get my hair did I will go to the gym then. That will make at least 3 times this week so that is at least good.

    Next week through the first of May I don't have any plans so I know I can get in another good month of working out and eating right. That is a good sign for this upcoming challenge.

    I will post weight tomorrow after the gym and my goals for SIS too.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    makeitallsue - Ugh, glad to hear that I am not the only one going through that. On top of it TOM is being really mean. I am not having a good Friday at all. Boooo to TOM.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    ok ladies, I won't be on over the weekend.. my internet is off:sad: , but I'm back Monday!!!:tongue:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    kendall--i may have to steal your ticker idea. do you mind??

    sure!! I've seen a lot of people on the boards here with mileage tickers from tickerfactory.com (at least I think thats the site). I hope its not a big hassle to have to update that ticker though. I was thinking I could even get 2 separate tickers and keep one for walking/jogging distance and another for elliptical distance. Of course, there is a character limit on our signatures so I'm not sure exactly how many tickers will fit in there. And again, it may be a pain to update the numbers on the distance tickers.

    Thanks!! I am hoping it updates by itself by some magical internet capability. if not, i may have to let it go....
    still, i love it and think it will help me improve as a runner. in fact, i think we all need one!!
  • FSW=265
    Fling into Spring SW=250
    GW for challenge = 243
    CW = 248

    Dang, I did horrible!! I only lost 2lbs! Ok, I'm about to get down to business! What an eye opener!!

    SW - Shrinking... = 248
    GW = 240

    That's 8lbs. I can do this!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ME NIGHT begins in T-50 minutes! WooHoo!!
    1. Stop at blockbuster for chick flicks
    2. Call thai food in and go pick up
    3. Get home and change into pj's
    4. Crack open a beer, eat and CHILL OUT husband and child free!

    A. I WILL go WAY over calories tonight. And B. I'm not gonna care. Cuz its ME night!!

    Now if only my girlfriends lived closer...
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Checking in at 243 down .8 lbs. Not as much as I hoped but better than a month ago when I was still 251! :ohwell: Yard work al weekend so I should sweat off some of this oh so lovely winter fat that's been keeping me nice and toasty all through the cold harsh ( for the south) days of winter.

    Hope everyone's had a good week!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    ME NIGHT begins in T-50 minutes! WooHoo!!
    1. Stop at blockbuster for chick flicks
    2. Call thai food in and go pick up
    3. Get home and change into pj's
    4. Crack open a beer, eat and CHILL OUT husband and child free!

    A. I WILL go WAY over calories tonight. And B. I'm not gonna care. Cuz its ME night!!

    Now if only my girlfriends lived closer...

    Sooooo JEALOUS.....I mean, happy for you!! Have a beer for me.
    and don't forget to paint your toes!!!! That's what i'd do, as my hubby hates the smell of polish.

    HAVE FUN!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ME NIGHT begins in T-50 minutes! WooHoo!!
    1. Stop at blockbuster for chick flicks
    2. Call thai food in and go pick up
    3. Get home and change into pj's
    4. Crack open a beer, eat and CHILL OUT husband and child free!

    A. I WILL go WAY over calories tonight. And B. I'm not gonna care. Cuz its ME night!!

    Now if only my girlfriends lived closer...
    That sounds SO fabulous. Damn for not living close- I would invade your couch in a moment! Enjoy your ME evening!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    great job everyone on losing or at least not gaining ..weight..
    is anyone measuring themselves?? i have been and ive lost 4 inches off my belly and 2off my hips... :flowerforyou:

    my goal for the next 6 weeks would be still trying for 2lbs a week..
    SW 210Lbs GW lets go for 199 see if I can get under 200... ive been over 200 for probably about 4 yrs now.. uhh and it sucks
    i am doing more strength training.. so im prepared to not lose as much as i want because of building muscle so if i lose inches that will be just as acceptable :bigsmile:

    Does anyone plan on rewarding themselves at the end of 6wks.. if so what are you planning to do ?? im hopeing when i reach 35lb loss that i will get a massage that is also my half way point...

    well good luck to everyone

    Deb~ i eat like you do ... whatever i want but limit the portion size and eat a lot of extra healthy food!!

    Kristina~ congrats on getting under 200 awesome job!!

    NIkki~ great job 13lbs thats a great number

    Lacey~ sounds like "Me" night is going to be awesome!!! enjoy your Thai food and beer and peace and quiet !!! :happy:
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Just another quick post. I weighed in at 239 today!!! That's down 3.5 pounds from last week. Thought it was some kind of fluke so I weighed again...same weight!! Woo hoo!!

    My starting weight for Shrinking into Summer is 239
    My goal weight for end of shrinking into summer is going to be 229 (that's 10 pounds!)

    Have a good weekend everyone. I'm late for work and still don't feel like going to sit behind a cash register all day today, but gotta do it!! We booked our honeymoon yesterday and have to pay for it somehow!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    emj--congrats on the 3.5 pound loss!!!

    sorry your stuck behind a cash register, but whoo hoo for honeymoons!! where did you book to go to??

    I'm off for my big "family dinner farewell". i'll try to log on later, but i may see you all tomorrow. hopefully today goes well, and isn't too emotional!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Using my fiances iPhone to post so sorry for lack of punctuation. We are going to the Mayan rivieria for 7 days and 6 nights. Amazing all inclusive resort! I can't wait!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ejm- congrats on the big loss! fabulous!

    so I went for a run today- 4.1 miles! *twirls* :blushing: what was even better, was that my roommate went with me. she runs (jogs) semi-regularly, but pretty slowly as well, but as she's got about 5 inches on me, her slow is still faster than me. She kept me at a decent pace throughout it, but definitely slowed down for me. Was nice to work out with someone else for once. Did the run in 55 minutes, so not super fast, but about 4.5mph. I'll take it!
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    well i eat what i want sometimes but not all the time bc i can get way to in to the moment. i just need to start working out more.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    well i eat what i want sometimes but not all the time bc i can get way to in to the moment. i just need to start working out more.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congats on the loss Erin.

    Lacey, I want to come to girl "me" night too.

    We just got done birdwatching. I am tired but we are going out to eat. I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • I didn't think I lost that much until pinbot reminded me of when we started the challenge and how far I've come since then. I started at 336 and I am now 324! I am very excited! :bigsmile: I made my goal.

    Summer Challenge:
    SW: 324
    GW: 314

    Congrats to all of our weight loss family members who lost or stayed accountable for their weight by not giving up the fight! :flowerforyou: We are all winners!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    mrsbojangles- WAY TO GO! :drinker: great job on making your goal. Keep it up hun!

    Happy Sunday everyone! The weekend is flying by. I'm feeling good after yesterday's run (longest ever!), and my legs aren't acting up or anything, so plan to hit up the rec center in a bit to do an hour on the elliptical. Then it's off to the grocery store. The recipes of the week are a triple bean salad that I made several weeks back and really enjoyed. I'm going to have that for my lunches this week and plan to roast a bunch of veggies (maybe cauliflower, zucchini, onions, peppers) and throw that over either some brown rice, or more likely whole wheat couscous with a little parmesan for dinners this week. Other than that, no plans for the day. Will probably watch some of the NCAA basketball tournament. My boys didn't make it this year after winning it all last year, but I still need to cheer against Duke, and as Michigan State is part of my current state, I suppose I'll pull for them as UM sucks in bball still. Perhaps get some reading done as well. I finished "Mansfield Park" last night- finally finished all the Austen novels. This one wasn't a fav, but glad I finished it.
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