200+ (Week 23) Shrinking into Summer begins!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey yall! I got a lot done yesterday. I was hoping to do an hour at the gym, but had to stop after 45 minutes. I had talked to Shaun (the guy I'm seeing) around 6 and told him I needed to go to the store before I met him at the gym. I sent him a text around 7:15 telling him I was getting ready for the gym and I would meet him there. I was there by 7:40 (thats really late, even for me) but he didn't show up till 8!!! GRRRR!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I had to sit there and wait for him because he wasn't a member yet. Little did I know, he didn't need me to sign him in as a guest cause he signed up for his own membership! :explode: :explode: :explode: Dude could have sent me a text and said he was running late, he was going to get his own membership and I should start without him. Plus the fact that I hadn't had dinner yet.....yeah, I was super cranky. So by 8:45 I decided I was too tired to keep going and had too much to still do at home, so I got off the elliptical. He said he needed 12 more minutes on the machine. I told him to come over when he was done. So....I went home and kept doing the laundry and started cooking dinner (my super yummy black bean quesadillas)....he finally showed up around 9:25. (Hello?? that was more than 12 minutes behind me!) He works 3rd shift and goes in at 10 so basically he came over, I fed him and he left. :angry: He's going to a comedian show tonight and something else tomorrow night. It will be so nice to have a little bit of time to myself. He's a little too clingy for my liking.

    I'm not burning as much as I used to on the elliptical. Its frustrating but I knew it would happen one day. Geez, I've been doing it for 6 months. I really hope my shoes are there when I get home today. Its turning into a BEAUTIFUL day today and I feel like going to the park.

    I don't burn cals like I used to either...but I find that if I get on the treadmill and do interval run-walking for 10-15 minutes it gets my HR up in that high range and it stays in the upper-mid or high range the rest of the work out. So when I finally do get on the elliptical I burn like I used to. You might try that? IDK...lol.

    So this guy...grrr...already getting into his comfortable routine with you and he's not been around that long. Is that what I am hearing? Maybe it is time to have that convo we all dread when things get like that and the clingyness starts that early?

    Hope you love your shoes and the next two days!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    so, I didn't do my same old jog 2.5 miles on the tready this morning, decided to mix it up a little. Even though I am totally beating myself up for not running the same distance as usual, i did do something i am proud of.....

    1 mile in a SOLID 12 minutes. never done that before that I can think of!! Hell, i remember when i couldn't even run a mile.
    then i just bumped up the incline to 8 and walked at a medium pace for the other 30 minutes. And the last 5 minutes I added in bicep curls with 2 pound weights. At first, i though, this is dumb... i don't feel anything. After 5 minutes.....my arms hurt just typing....lol.
    Thanks! just wanted to share my achievement.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- what a weenie! he needs to get it together. hope your sweet shoes come today!

    Carolyn- I know it's hard not to think about moving. it's definitely a major change. *sends good vibes* As for the apt hunting, nothing new to report. I had put my reservation in for the one place. The condo looks like it probably won't happen, which I'm okay with. They have a couple of people who want to move in earlier in the summer than I would like. But if things fall through, I think I'm next on the list. I'm okay with it either way. I'm also continuing to be on the lookout for other opportunities as well.

    Mish- hope the board meeting goes well tonight!

    My calf muscle appears to be a bit better as the day has been going on, so I'm hoping to go for a mini-run after work, but we'll see. It's so pretty out!

    ETA: Carolyn- just saw your new post. CONGRATS! That's so fab! I don't think I can run a 12 minute mile still. That's very impressive!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so, I didn't do my same old jog 2.5 miles on the tready this morning, decided to mix it up a little. Even though I am totally beating myself up for not running the same distance as usual, i did do something i am proud of.....

    1 mile in a SOLID 12 minutes. never done that before that I can think of!! Hell, i remember when i couldn't even run a mile.
    then i just bumped up the incline to 8 and walked at a medium pace for the other 30 minutes. And the last 5 minutes I added in bicep curls with 2 pound weights. At first, i though, this is dumb... i don't feel anything. After 5 minutes.....my arms hurt just typing....lol.
    Thanks! just wanted to share my achievement.

    That is totally awesome! I am excited that I'm going to be starting c25k soon. I don't know why I feel like I have to start it on a Monday....I may just be motivated to give it a shot today
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    thats great. i dont even have a box of skinny nothing. .great job. get it girl!
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Nikki- that sucks hope you feel better soon. i had all my wisdom teeth taken out at the same time and i refused to take the pain med.s they gave me bc i still breastfeed and i was in some real pain.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Do you guys have any suggestions for aching knees? Never did I have any issues with my knees until I over extended my right about three weeks ago and started running. I"m taking huge doses of glucosamine/msm and using Sambra cream on them, but there has got to be something else I can do.

    Congrats on the 12 minute mile!! Woohoo!!

    Kendall if you are feeling it today, try the C25K...even if you only do half of the first day, its a start in the right direction.

    While I look forward to the gym after work I dread it at the same time. For the past two weeks I've barely gone. It will be a chore to get back into it full swing this week and go more than three times. But I need to do it.

    On another note...our planned trip to Canada is still up in the air. And my husband asked for the week off so I sure as hell hope my boss hears from his guy like today. It is hard when you have children to think about in these situations.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    so, I didn't do my same old jog 2.5 miles on the tready this morning, decided to mix it up a little. Even though I am totally beating myself up for not running the same distance as usual, i did do something i am proud of.....

    1 mile in a SOLID 12 minutes. never done that before that I can think of!! Hell, i remember when i couldn't even run a mile.
    then i just bumped up the incline to 8 and walked at a medium pace for the other 30 minutes. And the last 5 minutes I added in bicep curls with 2 pound weights. At first, i though, this is dumb... i don't feel anything. After 5 minutes.....my arms hurt just typing....lol.
    Thanks! just wanted to share my achievement.

    thats great i cant wait till i can run period.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Morning all!!

    First things first......JADEGEM....you can also view my diary if we are friends on here. I have mine open to friends. It can feel like there is nothing to eat, it's all about rewiring your point of view. sure you can have 1 Oreo cookie, or a huge fruit salad. those things are hard to learn, and I check out my friends food diary's to find new foods.

    anyhow, one week till the moving truck is here. Had to force myself to go to sleep last night and think of other things than moving. Didn't feel like crying myself to sleep last night. Today I need to get to the post office to do a change of address form, call Purple Heart Donations to donate my husbands car, and get our "game closet" packed up. fun fun fun!!

    Scale is possessed by Satan this morning. It is showing 204, which pissed me off.....but it is also that time, so maybe it is just extra junk in my body. someways i dislike being a woman, though I wouldn't be a man for anything.....Yeah, that made sense....sorry ladies I'm tired.

    Kendall.....sorry you have clingy guy right now. Maybe he'll back off, maybe you should just be honest with him. Either way, just enjoy the next two days. And, can you send me that black bean quesidilla recipe please? It sounds so good to me right now.

    Aka--how's the house hunting going?
    Emj--so sorry about the parents. that has got to be rough. hang in there :)
    deb--I am so looking forward to being out of the obese category too! i have to look into mine to see how far i need to go.

    Everyone else.....hugs and good vibes for good eating today!!!

    you can change your address online instead of going to the post office.

    Thanks i will add you. I need all the help i can get.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Do you guys have any suggestions for aching knees? Never did I have any issues with my knees until I over extended my right about three weeks ago and started running. I"m taking huge doses of glucosamine/msm and using Sambra cream on them, but there has got to be something else I can do.

    Congrats on the 12 minute mile!! Woohoo!!

    Kendall if you are feeling it today, try the C25K...even if you only do half of the first day, its a start in the right direction.

    While I look forward to the gym after work I dread it at the same time. For the past two weeks I've barely gone. It will be a chore to get back into it full swing this week and go more than three times. But I need to do it.

    On another note...our planned trip to Canada is still up in the air. And my husband asked for the week off so I sure as hell hope my boss hears from his guy like today. It is hard when you have children to think about in these situations.

    have you tried soaking in a hot bath with espom salt. that helps me with any kind of aches. pms cramps to.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Thanks Jadegem! I ended up doing it online. it was $1 per person, but being as the line at the post office was out the door (and it was raining) and they didn't have any in their self help stockpile, i took your advice!!

    Thanks for the good thoughts with the run. i was pretty proud of myself!

    Kendall---i agree w/ Lacey. just try to do it today. (the c25k), but i'm so much like you. Mondays just seem like a day to start things!

    I treated myself to a big yummy green salad with corn, beets, tomatoes, carrots and balsimic vinagrette today for lunch! yum!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    dude....I totally just found out about the Nike+ Ipod sensor thing! HOLY COW THATS AWESOME!! I have 3 different mp3 players and none of them are ipods, but this will make me get one. Nike makes a sensor you put on your shoe and it tracks your time, distance, pace and calories burned. Theres a receiver you plug into your ipod that gives you all the information. This will make it easier to run outside and pace myself instead of having to do it on a treadmill.

    So yeah....I want an Ipod and the Nike+ Sensor thing now

    here's the link if you wanna look at it
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Ok question. i workout today and burned 254 cal. I added it to me exercise log and it gave me extra cal.s that i an consume for the day. IS it really ok to eat those extra cal.s?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    dude....I totally just found out about the Nike+ Ipod sensor thing! HOLY COW THATS AWESOME!! I have 3 different mp3 players and none of them are ipods, but this will make me get one. Nike makes a sensor you put on your shoe and it tracks your time, distance, pace and calories burned. Theres a receiver you plug into your ipod that gives you all the information. This will make it easier to run outside and pace myself instead of having to do it on a treadmill.

    So yeah....I want an Ipod and the Nike+ Sensor thing now

    here's the link if you wanna look at it

    Wow....I have an original Ipod Nano that sometimes is a pain in the A to turn off after I've uploaded new songs or audiobooks. Its about 4 years old now and I've been debating getting a new one but have yet to justify one. This just might make me do it. I always assumed the Nike thing was just a thing you could use to listen to music, etc. and had nothing to do with exercising. ALthough now that I think about it, DUH...how would it help you really listen to music. LOL

    Check out www.overwhelmingoffers.com because about once a week they have an offer for $100 off an 8gb ipod touch, which are $200..so yeah. Stellar good deal.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ok question. i workout today and burned 254 cal. I added it to me exercise log and it gave me extra cal.s that i an consume for the day. IS it really ok to eat those extra cal.s?

    According to the general consensus on this site, yes, you should eat at least 50% of those exervcise cals back. At least that much. I found that after I started eating them back I started losing weight where the first 8 weeks nothin.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    hmm thanks. off to baskin robbins to get my 4.0 oz cup of lem custrad ice cream ( 260 cal.s)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Jadegem - If you have your goal set for a 1 pound loss, you can get away with eating 1/2 of your exercise cal at your weight. If you have it set for higher, then I recommend that you eat a minimum of all your exercise cal.

    Kendal - enjoy your shoes and I hope you start the C25K this week. I hope Lexi has fun training with you. Enjoy your "me" time the next 2 nights.

    Carolyn - YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! You are rocking with the running. Keep up the great work. Good luck with the move. Are you recording your packing as exercise? It's in the data base:grumble:

    Lacey - good luck getting back into the groove of working out. Are you icing your knees? Where on your knee does it hurt (front, back, side, under the knee cap, etc)? How old are your shoes? If you want to private message me, I may be able to help more with your knee pain. I'm not sure how much info you want posted on a public site.

    Kristina are you stretching your calf both with knee straight and with knee bent? There is a tiny muscle called the plantaris that is easily sprained (overworked). Massage, ice and stretching work wonders. PS I would have pitched the bag too.

    Mish - good luck tonight. ((((((hug))))) that it all works out with the least amount of stress to you.

    Erin - ((((((hug))))) to you too for your stress. I will keep you and your parents in my thoughts. Maybe some exercise will help your stress.

    Deb - I am right there with you on trying to get to a healthy BMI. I am short so I have 10 pounds to go - 182 pounds (maybe next challenge for me)...

    Amber - Where are you? We miss you. Only 1 post recently. Hurry back to us.

    To anyone I missed, I hope all is well.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    wii fitness is pretty cool. i likes.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    off to baskin robbins to get my 4.0 oz cup of lem custrad ice cream ( 260 cal.s)

    Remember that quality of calorie is just as important as calorie amount. I try to make sure that treats aren't eaten until I have at least 6 to 8 fruits and veges eaten. I have been trying to eat cleaner but not doing as well as I would like. Good luck and enjoy the ice cream.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Deb - I'll keep you posted on my Excedrin PMS quest. I couldn't find it at the local grocery store or dollar store - 6 kinds of Excedrin but no PMS:grumble: I looked at all the labels of the ones they had and all were very similar to Extra Strength Excedrin. I did find a generic PMS pill with a diuretic. I bought it and really did feel better and my fingers seem normal size again.