Vegetarians Live Longer and Healthier



  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
  • soldierbot
    soldierbot Posts: 12 Member
    I was just about to toss all the meat in the refrigerator but then I got to the bottom of the article and saw this...

    "Finally, eating meat makes a big difference. Adventist men who do not eat meat outlive American men by seven years. Adventist women who do not eat meat outlive American women by five years. Many Adventists do not eat meat, but even those that do outlive their peers thanks to the amount of vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods they eat. Meat-eating Adventist men live 7.3 years longer while the women live 4.4 years longer than other Californians.

    So, as a male, if I want to live the extra.3 year I Have to eat meat. Dammit, I really want that .3 of a year...where is the bacon. :)
  • serofex
    serofex Posts: 23 Member
    Okay - if the canine is proof that we are designed to eat meat. Go out in the woods today - catch yourself a deer with your bare hands and gnaw on it raw. Humans are only opportunistic meat eaters. In the beginning we relied on the leftovers.

    Or go out in the woods, grab some berries and gnaw on those. Yep - that is actually possible... how were we designed?

    Because that is what man has been doing since day one...gnawing on live deer. Come on, that is not even a reaslitic analogy. We hunted with sticks and rocks and cooked the meat over fire. We have been hunters and gatherers since walking the planet. You are really trying to argue evolution? Then what is the canine for, decoration? :noway:

    Gorilla's have canines as well.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I would rather live a longer life and enable other sentient beings to live a longer life as well, than eat bacon. And I LOVED bacon when I ate meat. But I loved my pigs more...I'd sooner eat my dogs.

    Yeah, that's... that's just strange.

  • domduck
    How smug are you?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Well I don't live in America o the standard american diet does not apply here. I'm happily a meat eater & don't suffer from any of those.

    Your point is invalid & scare mongering.

    Always a vegetarian to do that,
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    good, more meat and bacon for me!


    LOL , same here!

    PLUS, its a fact: 100% of vegans die anyway.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I was just about to toss all the meat in the refrigerator but then I got to the bottom of the article and saw this...

    "Finally, eating meat makes a big difference. Adventist men who do not eat meat outlive American men by seven years. Adventist women who do not eat meat outlive American women by five years. Many Adventists do not eat meat, but even those that do outlive their peers thanks to the amount of vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods they eat. Meat-eating Adventist men live 7.3 years longer while the women live 4.4 years longer than other Californians.

    So, as a male, if I want to live the extra.3 year I Have to eat meat. Dammit, I really want that .3 of a year...where is the bacon. :)

    This means that all things being equal, Adventists WHO DO EAT MEAT live longer than Adventists WHO DON'T EAT MEAT. I have to yell here to get through the thick skulls of those who are on the Veggie band wagon.

    So having meat in your diet is better than having none. Hm, interesting. Because in Genesis God says to Noah and his family that they are now to have animals as meat (which meant as FOOD). So any Adventist who believes the Bible should be eating meat.

    Case closed.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    How many of you kill your own food?

    I hunt, gut, skin/pluck, AND butcher 90% of the meat I do eat. Duck, elk, and deer. I also fish, pink salmon season is coming up and I'll be out there at 5 am catching supper.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    How many of you kill your own food?

    I hunt, gut, skin/pluck, AND butcher 90% of the meat I do eat. Duck, elk, and deer. I also fish, pink salmon season is coming up and I'll be out there at 5 am catching supper.

    Marry me?
  • LilMissDB
    Phew, good job i live in the UK.

  • runningfataway

    Meat might be murder but it's tasty, tasty murder.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    How many of you kill your own food?

    I hunt, gut, skin/pluck, AND butcher 90% of the meat I do eat. Duck, elk, and deer. I also fish, pink salmon season is coming up and I'll be out there at 5 am catching supper.

    Good for you!! :drinker:

    I'm a little queasy about the idea of killing my dinner.. but I do believe it's a ton healthier than eating any kind of meat from a grocery store. I wish I could even think about doing it without thinking of throwing up. lol

    My grand dad used to keep chickens and rabbits and kill them for food. Bunnies!! :sad:
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Pangui,
    I found this article to be encouraging, affirming and inspirational. I am so glad I adopted a plant-based diet. Hopefully, I too, can avoid the lifestyle diseases (coronary artery disease, type II diabetes, stroke, most cancers, alzheimers, and obesity) caused by the Standard American Diet.

    "The death rate from cancer for Adventist men is 60 percent lower than that of the average California male; for Adventist women, it is 75 percent lower. According to Loma Linda University, ground zero in the Adventist Health Studies, "Death from coronary heart disease among Adventist men was 66 percent [lower compared to their California peers]; for Adventist women, it was 98 percent [lower]. Stroke death rates for Adventist men were 72 percent [lower], compared to their non-Adventist counterparts. For Adventist women, death from stroke was 82 percent [lower]."

    Thanks for the article. Personally, I am very nearly vegetarian, having returned to a plant-based diet after about 25 years of meat eating. I am not strict but most of my meals during the week are vegetarian.
    I think its great and more people should adopt a well-balanced vegetarian diet.
    Having said that, I don't think there is a direct correlation between vegetarianism and better health. I have witnessed some people with eating disorders masking their condition as vegetarianism or veganism.
    kind regards,

  • 1kerriberri
    I have 3 meals a day, each and every meal including either fish, chicken, offal, steak or eggs. , along with heaps of avocado or olive oil (each meal) and veg or salad with each meal. I have been doing this every day for the last 4 months. I feel fantastic, way better than I ever have, my joint pain has gone. My cholesterol is well within acceptable range, (where it was excessively high, I was supposed to be on medication) I sleep way better than I ever have. My bloodwork has gone from hideous, to excellent ranges.
    Each to their own, but meat and other protein has done wonders for me..:bigsmile:
    Also, I have lost 16 kgs in those 4 months, I started at 92.5 kgs, and rejoined mfp when I got to 88 kgs.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    How many of you kill your own food?

    I hunt, gut, skin/pluck, AND butcher 90% of the meat I do eat. Duck, elk, and deer. I also fish, pink salmon season is coming up and I'll be out there at 5 am catching supper.

    Good for you!! :drinker:

    I'm a little queasy about the idea of killing my dinner.. but I do believe it's a ton healthier than eating any kind of meat from a grocery store. I wish I could even think about doing it without thinking of throwing up. lol

    My grand dad used to keep chickens and rabbits and kill them for food. Bunnies!! :sad:

    As far as the deer and elk go..the worst part is the gut bag. Talk about wanting to throw up.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I love it. I've been veg for almost a year now. I don't know if this is due to my diet but my sweat never, sometimes barely smells now. Sometimes I will forgo the deodorant when I run and will end up with no foul sweat. Maybe it's due to me drinking a lot of water but it's awesome. However I sill wear deodorant in public. ;)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    How many of you kill your own food?

    I hunt, gut, skin/pluck, AND butcher 90% of the meat I do eat. Duck, elk, and deer. I also fish, pink salmon season is coming up and I'll be out there at 5 am catching supper.

    This makes sense!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    This is funny. There are studies and stuff going around about people in Okinawa living the longest, etc. And their diet isn't all veggies. There is quite a bit of fish and meat in there too.

    A lot of their pork dishes are amazing! *sighs*

    Eat only until 80% full, pay attention to a macrobiotic diet. That's the model for that. There's limited meat and practically no diary. Whole grains, seasonal produce, sea vegetables.

    Really? That's not how I remember Have you been to Okinawa or Japan? They have dairy and they enjoy their meat dishes quite thoroughly. And there is a lot of it..lmao.

    Nowadays Okinawan cuisine is full with fatty pork dishes (and they put that nasty spam/corned beef in every single dish they have), but that's not how they used to eat 30 years ago. That is the diet that's known for the Okinawan people's longevity, the one of 30 or so years ago. Its main characteristics are low caloric intake on a long term basis and limited meat, dairy and rice, not as much fish as in mainland Japan, and plenty of soy products and local vegetables (goya, local varieties of sweet potato). In other words people were poor and ate what was available. Today, Okinawans eat very differently and obesity rates raise fast.

    SPAM was introduced to the diets of many south pacific islanders just after WWII, so that's more like 70 years ago, not 30.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Also, I have been a vegan for 9 years with no supplements and get blood work regularly, see a nutritionist, and have absolutely no problems. I get a lot of protein and iron and even B12. And only recently have I actually started TRYING to eat properly... it's not difficult to be a vegan. For me, I've worked in animal rescue all of my life and it would be far more difficult for me to eat animals I've had emotional bonds with then it is for me to not eat meat or dairy.


    It's so cute!!! Ahh!