Diet Sodas- Is It Affecting My Weight Loss?



  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I stopped drinking diet anything after I worked fast food. The diet soda syrup corroded the lines that ran it to the fountain machine years faster than the regular soda does. You can't pay me to put that poison in my body now.
    Coke and diet coke around ph3 - ph3.5 apparently - however when in your mouth that changes to around ph5 - 5.5 it seems.
    Your gut, comparatively is around ph2 when you start eating I think - so if you don't want something that rots pipes inside your body, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your digestive system!

    The regular coke was fine though- and that's my point. It's the artificial junk in the diet that is corrosive. And yes, I'm well aware that my own stomach acids are corrosive. But it's not artificial.

    I have no issue with the occasional soda- maybe once a month or so- but I refuse to drink diet anything.

    What is corrosive about the *artificial junk* in diet soda? This is assuming that there is no * artificial junk* in non-diet soda of course.

    I don't know. I just know that it made the lines corrode. I'm not forcing you to not drink it- just stating why I won't.

    I never said there isn't any artificial junk in non-diet soda. If given the choice, I'll take my soda made with sugar and not HFCS too.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    artificial sweetener (and stevia as well) are making your blood sugar spike,
    so even though your body is not ingesting it, it still makes your body move the food you ingest with it to the fat rather than muscles and that's why it's bad.

    If you read tim ferriss he has a lot of info in his 4 hour body book about this, but more generally look at diabetes related websites they have a ton of information on this.

    so to resume
    regular soda = spike bloog sugar + carbs in the drink
    diet soda = spike blood sugar.

    on an empty stomach you can get away with it, but one hour before eating to two hours after, your increasing the chances to feed your fat cells rather than your muscle cells.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Thread is TL:DR, so I dunno if anyone mentioned this...

    You indicated you drink a helluva lot of soda. I'm too lazy to maff it, but maybe the sodium in all those drinks adds up. Do you log all of them? What does your sodium look like at the end of the day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I stopped drinking diet anything after I worked fast food. The diet soda syrup corroded the lines that ran it to the fountain machine years faster than the regular soda does. You can't pay me to put that poison in my body now.
    Coke and diet coke around ph3 - ph3.5 apparently - however when in your mouth that changes to around ph5 - 5.5 it seems.
    Your gut, comparatively is around ph2 when you start eating I think - so if you don't want something that rots pipes inside your body, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your digestive system!

    The regular coke was fine though- and that's my point. It's the artificial junk in the diet that is corrosive. And yes, I'm well aware that my own stomach acids are corrosive. But it's not artificial.

    I have no issue with the occasional soda- maybe once a month or so- but I refuse to drink diet anything.

    What is corrosive about the *artificial junk* in diet soda? This is assuming that there is no * artificial junk* in non-diet soda of course.

    I don't know. I just know that it made the lines corrode. I'm not forcing you to not drink it- just stating why I won't.

    I never said there isn't any artificial junk in non-diet soda. If given the choice, I'll take my soda made with sugar and not HFCS too.

    I was just trying to confirm what you actually meant...simple as that...
  • raisingemilyjune
    I have no idea, but it curbs my cravings when I'm working a 9 hour shift alone with a display case full of cookies at 12am. I drink it all night at work, because it keeps me from eating high calorie cookies and other treats that I have free access to at all times during my 9 hour night shift.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    artificial sweetener (and stevia as well) are making your blood sugar spike,
    so even though your body is not ingesting it, it still makes your body move the food you ingest with it to the fat rather than muscles and that's why it's bad.

    If you read tim ferriss he has a lot of info in his 4 hour body book about this, but more generally look at diabetes related websites they have a ton of information on this.

    so to resume
    regular soda = spike bloog sugar + carbs in the drink
    diet soda = spike blood sugar.

    on an empty stomach you can get away with it, but one hour before eating to two hours after, your increasing the chances to feed your fat cells rather than your muscle cells.

    What do you mean 'feed your muscle cells'?
  • mair123
    mair123 Posts: 50 Member
    Diet soda is the devil!!! No matter how physically full I felt, without something sweet, I was just not satisfied. When I started MFP, I had over 60 lbs to lose. One of my inspirations was my friend who was undergoing gastric surgery. Before surgery, she had to see a nutritionist and lose about 20-30 lbs. The first thing that the nutritionist said was to cut out diet soda completely. If you don't like plain water, he suggested Propel Zero. Since I have embarked on my new, healthier lifestyle I have not had a drop of diet soda. My sugar cravings are completely manageable and I believe this change has had a big deal with my success.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I stopped drinking diet anything after I worked fast food. The diet soda syrup corroded the lines that ran it to the fountain machine years faster than the regular soda does. You can't pay me to put that poison in my body now.
    Coke and diet coke around ph3 - ph3.5 apparently - however when in your mouth that changes to around ph5 - 5.5 it seems.
    Your gut, comparatively is around ph2 when you start eating I think - so if you don't want something that rots pipes inside your body, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your digestive system!

    The regular coke was fine though- and that's my point. It's the artificial junk in the diet that is corrosive. And yes, I'm well aware that my own stomach acids are corrosive. But it's not artificial.

    I have no issue with the occasional soda- maybe once a month or so- but I refuse to drink diet anything.

    What is corrosive about the *artificial junk* in diet soda? This is assuming that there is no * artificial junk* in non-diet soda of course.

    I don't know. I just know that it made the lines corrode. I'm not forcing you to not drink it- just stating why I won't.

    I never said there isn't any artificial junk in non-diet soda. If given the choice, I'll take my soda made with sugar and not HFCS too.

    I was just trying to confirm what you actually meant...simple as that...

    Ok, I just spent some time googling- and it looks like it's the Saccharin that they use in the fountain syrup that causes corrosion

    I'm not the only one who noticed it though- you'll have to scroll down here
  • Weljelju666
    Sorry nothing to do with soda. Just noticed your 55lbs weight loss. Amazing. Well done you
  • DeLiRi0uS2010
    I would challenege you to drink only water for a week, no diet soda or tea, and see what happens. You will be surprised!
  • kykimball
    kykimball Posts: 8 Member
    Personally I believe it can affect your weight loss. I was doing great and drinking a lot of water and no diet drinks. For two weeks I started drinking diet soda and all of a sudden I stopped losing weight. I changed nothing else. My eating was the same, exercise the same and I actually gained 4 pounds!
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    Not sure if it affects weight loss directly; but it can affect your health and insulin levels.

    My husband regularly downs about 4 liters of diet coke a day... well, he did. He stopped it officially last Thursday. He only stopped, because his left-side was feeling sore and fatigued, so he went to the dr and has tons of tests done; a day after his dr's apt - he found out he is diabetic.

    He's stopped nearly cold turkey with the sodas. It was messing him up pretty bad...

    His extreme intake of the cokes is part of it. It's also probably in his family (dad was adopted, so we don't have info about grand parents, etc.). So - I say, in moderation, it's totally fine. Probably not gonna kill you to have a coke or two every couple days. But at the rate you're going with LITERS a day? Yeah, it's probably gonna catch up to you. It caught up to my husband.

    Best of luck.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Drink water and eat real food keep it simple.
  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    I have cut out soda as much as I can. If I want something bubbly, I have seltzer water. I have heard that the artificial sweetners can affect it, but when I was drinking it I had no issues. I'm just trying to stop the artificial sweeteners because I don't like their after tastes
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I stopped drinking diet anything after I worked fast food. The diet soda syrup corroded the lines that ran it to the fountain machine years faster than the regular soda does. You can't pay me to put that poison in my body now.
    Coke and diet coke around ph3 - ph3.5 apparently - however when in your mouth that changes to around ph5 - 5.5 it seems.
    Your gut, comparatively is around ph2 when you start eating I think - so if you don't want something that rots pipes inside your body, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your digestive system!

    The regular coke was fine though- and that's my point. It's the artificial junk in the diet that is corrosive. And yes, I'm well aware that my own stomach acids are corrosive. But it's not artificial.

    I have no issue with the occasional soda- maybe once a month or so- but I refuse to drink diet anything.

    What is corrosive about the *artificial junk* in diet soda? This is assuming that there is no * artificial junk* in non-diet soda of course.

    I don't know. I just know that it made the lines corrode. I'm not forcing you to not drink it- just stating why I won't.

    I never said there isn't any artificial junk in non-diet soda. If given the choice, I'll take my soda made with sugar and not HFCS too.

    I was just trying to confirm what you actually meant...simple as that...

    Ok, I just spent some time googling- and it looks like it's the Saccharin that they use in the fountain syrup that causes corrosion

    I'm not the only one who noticed it though- you'll have to scroll down here

    FWFW, saccharin is only in the soda fountain drinks - not in the cans/bottles.
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    I drink enough diet coke or pepsi to kill a small farm animal...I haven't looked into any science, etc., but there are enough chemicals that i can't pronounce that it can't be good for you. As far as affecting weight...I think it can fool some people into thinking they can eat more junk because they are saving cals on soda.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I stopped drinking diet anything after I worked fast food. The diet soda syrup corroded the lines that ran it to the fountain machine years faster than the regular soda does. You can't pay me to put that poison in my body now.
    Coke and diet coke around ph3 - ph3.5 apparently - however when in your mouth that changes to around ph5 - 5.5 it seems.
    Your gut, comparatively is around ph2 when you start eating I think - so if you don't want something that rots pipes inside your body, I'm afraid you'll have to remove your digestive system!

    The regular coke was fine though- and that's my point. It's the artificial junk in the diet that is corrosive. And yes, I'm well aware that my own stomach acids are corrosive. But it's not artificial.

    I have no issue with the occasional soda- maybe once a month or so- but I refuse to drink diet anything.

    What is corrosive about the *artificial junk* in diet soda? This is assuming that there is no * artificial junk* in non-diet soda of course.

    I don't know. I just know that it made the lines corrode. I'm not forcing you to not drink it- just stating why I won't.

    I never said there isn't any artificial junk in non-diet soda. If given the choice, I'll take my soda made with sugar and not HFCS too.

    I was just trying to confirm what you actually meant...simple as that...

    Ok, I just spent some time googling- and it looks like it's the Saccharin that they use in the fountain syrup that causes corrosion

    I'm not the only one who noticed it though- you'll have to scroll down here

    FWFW, saccharin is only in the soda fountain drinks - not in the cans/bottles.

    I discovered that in my googling today. I do try to keep away from aspartame as well. I'm far from a "clean eater" but real sugar tastes better and isn't man made, so I'll take regular sugar any day over any artificial sweetener.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    try giving it up for a while and see how you feel. This process is all about trial and error and experimenting. Soda bloat and expands your tummy. There is nothing redeaming about it health wise. You have to find what's right for you on your journey. This is obviously something you think you have a problem with or you wouldn't be posting about it. Try giving it up and see how it goes.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I discovered that in my googling today. I do try to keep away from aspartame as well. I'm far from a "clean eater" but real sugar tastes better and isn't man made, so I'll take regular sugar any day over any artificial sweetener.

    I can agree with you on that!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    2-4 liters at night alone? that's a lot but you obviously know that. maybe try cutting down to 1-2 cans a day....and then just 1...and then maybe every other day? i'm a frequent diet coke drinker--but i just have a 1-2 can limit. it's way more than i should have in the first place. i'm trying to cut down to just one, and then maybe just a couple of times a week.

    i also drink copious amounts of water.
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