That Grinds My Gears/Made My Day



  • SarahDawn00
    Grinds my Gears:
    My dog peeing on the carpet

    Made my Day:
    nothing yet!
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    Grinds my Gears: Three months of headaches of some sort or fashion
    Made my Day: being able to go out with friends for my birthday and not worry about what to eat because of working out twice that day!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Grinds my Gears: Traffic that made me late to work (again!)

    Made my day: Great music on my iPod and a thankfully slow week at work (which would normally drive me crazy), I needed the break!
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    Grinds my Gears: Coughing all night, so sleeping poorly

    Made my Day: My bus driver (who is quite hot) telling me I have really nice skin.
  • DawnCallas
    Grinds My Gears: Having to come back to work after maternity leave :(

    Made My Day: My husband brining my son and daughter to see me at work! :)
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Grinds my Gears: Day 3 of a cold

    Made my Day: Looking at the clock and realising it isn't 2pm but 4pm and I'm leaving work in an hour :D
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    GmG: Realizing that it isn't 6 o'clock yet
    MmD: Looking forward to a Bible study with good friends and good food at a friend's restaurant (just hoping I don't overdo it)
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    GmG: people who get snotty with me over their own mistakes. Hello dingus, User Error.
    MmD: flirtation.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Grinds my gears: It just started raining - guess my afternoon at the beach is shot.

    Made my day: My work for the day is done and I can do something I enjoy now. :)
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    GmG: Migraine, day 5.
    MmD: Frigging end of week.
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    GmG: Thinking the migraine is contagious
    MmD: The waistband on my jeans doesn't roll anymore
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    GmG: Thinking the migraine is contagious
    MmD: The waistband on my jeans doesn't roll anymore

    Sorry. I'll close my door.


    woot! Right on, gorgeous.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    GmG: People with no tolerance for others.
    MmD: I work alone for 70% of my work day. :) That makes me indescribably happy.
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    GmG: Thinking the migraine is contagious
    MmD: The waistband on my jeans doesn't roll anymore

    Sorry. I'll close my door.


    woot! Right on, gorgeous.

    The door is not going to stop the headache. It started last night
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    GmG: Answering the phone to a fax or modem squeal
    MmD: Hot men who want to show me their nipples
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    GmG: Truly depressing office politics that my bubbly personality just can't handle
    MmD: My little brother made me a cd of new chill music and sent ti to me from college "just because"
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Grinds my gears when I worked so hard all week and didn't lose weight - I blame the sodium of my giant Chipotle burrito last night (I was over my calories slightly but not enough to NOT lose even one pound.) GRRR!

    Makes my day when I get a cute little old lady customer who just says the nicest things. :happy:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    GmG: Truly depressing office politics that my bubbly personality just can't handle
    MmD: My little brother made me a cd of new chill music and sent ti to me from college "just because"

    GmG: People who come into their office and take care of personal hygiene and sinus issues without bothering to close their door.
    MmD Honestly, hearing that your little brother made you a cd "just because" that is so sweet
  • DawnCallas
    GMG: My husband being to "busy" playing video games yesterday to change my sons diaper and now he has a TERRIABLE diaper rash. When I changed him last night he screamed for 20 minutes after I was done because he hurt so bad!

    MMD: My six week old smiled her first true smile!! :)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Grinds my Gears:
    Neighbor who complained about having to work instead of being grateful for the opportunity.

    Made my Day:
    Coming home from a morning workout with only 15 or so minutes to get ready for work, to discover that my husband made an iced coffee for me and stuck it in the fridge before he left for work with a little post it note that read "Nom Nom Nom"