Plus Size Barbies - Week 1



  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Lets Go Plus Size Barbies, Lets Go~ Woot Woot~
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    I see that it's already Monday and I just discovered this... can I still join too?

    1. My name is Mica. I like the name of this group too and I'd like to lose about sixty pounds here. For my anniversary this year, I asked my husband to help us both get in shape and when we finally hit our target weights, I want to go on a weekend shopping vacation and get cute new clothes for both of us. ;) I have an AWESOME husband. My plan is to cut my calories and try to exercise and burn about 300 calories per day, that should get me to my goals in about six-ish months.

    2. Looks like I already mentioned my goals above...

    3. Things I want to change about myself - I want to start running - 5ks and all those fun things. I want to get to a comfortable bathing suit weight because I adore swimming. Basically, I don't want to be held back from what I want to do by my size anymore.

    4. I will try to post a 'before' picture later.

    5. My starting weight is about 170 lbs, I wear size 14-16. My IDEAL weight is 110 lbs (I am only 5 feet 3 inches and very small framed so this would be a healthy weight) and size 3 or 4.

    Okay, that's it! Hopefully I can still join! Pretty please with sugar on top??
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Week 1: 03/29/10 - 04/04/10

    Hi everyone! I'm Alishia and I'm a single mom to the most amazing little girl EVER. (Yes, I'm a tad biased!) I wanted to join the group because I still have weight to lose (40-50ish) and I know exactly where you guys are at with your starting points. (I've already lost 85 lbs!) So while getting more motivation from you, I hope to maybe give some as well. :o)

    2. Right now my main goal is to be 180 (that'd be100 lbs lost!) by mid-May. That's about 15 lbs to go!

    3. Things I'd like to change: I just want to be happier with my body. I've lost a lot of weight already and I'm really proud of my accomplishments, but sometimes I feel like I'm doing all this work for nothing, I don't always see myself as the size I am now.

    4. Take Before Pictures - These are already in my profile. I'll post a current one as well.

    5. When I first started losing weight I was a size 22/24. I am currently wearing a 14. My goal is to be in the single digits :o)

    Starting weight: 280 (May 2008)
    Current weight: 192 (Friday, March 26)
    Goal weight: 145ish
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi my name is Jacque, I am 46 years old and a single mom. I have a girl 17, boy 14. So Its def. hormone city in my home. hahaha:laugh: I been trying to lose weight for a couple of years now. Started MFP over a year ago. I did really good then went thru a job change and the start of menopause and my teenagers, need I say more. I am part of another group and love them very much. made some great friends. Most of them are much smaller than me. I wanted to be in a group with people that are starting at the same place to see if that would help a little more.

    I want to be at 140. I was at 160 before I had my kids and looked good. So !40 would be good. Once I get my goal weight I can have my surgery to correct my c-section scar that healed really bad.

    I want to be more active. I always wanted to do a marathon. I want to finish school and get my RN.

    Pictures, ok I am really bad at the whole digital pictures and computer but I will try to get them up.

    I wear a 2x top and bottoms are between 20-22

    Date: 3/26/10
    Today’s weight: 247.8 Goal Weight: 140 Starting Weight: 257
    # lbs LOST: 9.2 # lbs to GO: 107.8
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I would like to join is it still open?
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    Alright, it's Monday, time to get going!

    1. Introduction:
    Hello all, I'm Marisa, 24 years old in middle of nowhere Nebraska. I'm working on my masters degree and working part time sitting at a desk all day long (not a lot of exercise opportunities there), but working on finding a full time job that will hopefully have me on my feet a bit more.
    I joined MFP mainly to get support and motivation and to really work on keeping track of my goals, calories and exercise all in one place. I joined PSB because this looks like a great group of girls to work with!!
    I got a Wii for xmas along with Wii Fit plus and I recently bought Biggest Loser, so I try and use that at least 30 minutes a day. And now with spring finally arriving I'm hoping to walk outside more with my mom and sister. I'm getting married in December, so that is my short term goal to look good for that, and I just bought my wedding dress this weekend, so hopefully that'll give me more motivation!

    2. Goals: My ultimate goal is to get down to 150lbs, which means I need to lose 120 (sounds scary!), my short-term/wedding goal is 50-60lbs so I'd be about 210-220 by dress fitting time.

    Highest -> 280lbs
    Total Goal -> 150lbs
    Short-term Goal -> 210lbs
    PSB starting -> 270.1 (almost under 270 woot!)
    Week 1 goal -> 268lbs

    3. Things to change:
    I've gotten better at making better food choices and portion sizes, but there's definitely room for improvement. I just want to feel good about myself. I need to get in the habit of exercising daily, but that gets tricky too sometimes (I'm lazy!).

    4. Pictures - will put up tonight

    5. Sizes: 22 pants, XL/2X shirt or 18/20 shirt. I don't have an ultimate goal for what size I'd want to be in, any size smaller would be great!

    Challenge: I love my eyes, bright blue with long eyelashes that curl. I think it's my best feature!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    sarabear the more the merrier. Today is the offical first day.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Thanks! SO happy to have found this group!

    1. My name is Sara (sarabear is my nickname from my older bro since I was born). I live in Nebraska, finally starting to get warm outside!!! I'm married and we have two wonderful kids. They are so loving, I want to give them a mom that will last a long time for them. My dad died when I was 11 of a massive heart attack, now many people think that right there should have been the tip off to watch my weight, but no! I joined this group because I have to be accountable. I've done ww and all that, but in real life who has time for another meeting??? I hope to get move active and eat heathier/wiser since I'll have to be accountable! I'd like to be a better me for my kids and husband, we all could stand to lose a few pounds, some of us more than a few.

    2. When I think about goals, I get overwhelmed:ohwell: But in long term I'd like to lose about 1125-130lbs. But like I said so I'm not so overwhelmed, I'd like to say lose about 1-2 lbs/week.

    3. First off I'd like to change being a bad example to my kids, my daughter is 11 and my son 10. I have already passed on the bad self talk, you know the one, omg I'm so fat, nothing looks good!

    4. Take Before Pictures This afternoon!

    5. Bottoms 24
    Tops 20/22 or 2xl

    Hmm something I like about myself, my white teeth

    Highest -> 302 lbs
    Total Goal -> 165lbs
    Short-term Goal -> 240
    PSB starting -> 297
    Week 1 goal -> 295
  • meljones
    meljones Posts: 36 Member
    This group looks wonderful, would love to join if it isn't too late!!

    1. Introduction: I am going to be turning 30 in July (ahh!!). I am the proud mommy of a beautiful and spoiled 4 year old girl! I just finished grad school and have recently (last Monday!) started working for the state as a Rehab Counselor. I am married, although it depends on the week as to whether we are seperated or not!! (a very love hate relationship!) Since joining MFP awhile ago I was part of a different group, and all the members were very nice, but they had already acheived most of their goal weights. I am hoping that finding people who are in the same stages of dieting will be more motivating.

    2. Set Goals: My main goal is to be under 200 before I turn 30! I have about 3 1/2 months. I spent all of my 20s in the 200s and don't want to be there anymore. But, I am realistic that 40 pounds in 3 months is way too much. So I will be happy if I can atleast get down closer to 200 than 250.

    3. Things you wanna change: Along with the weight, I need to quit smoking. I am not a heavy smoker, but can't seem to go below 5 cigs a day.

    4. Take Before Pictures: I will get these posted this evening!

    5. Get starting sizes: I wear sz.18 in pants, 2x in tops

    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: I actually love my eyes and hair!
  • learning2bfit
    learning2bfit Posts: 61 Member
    Good Morning PSBs,

    1. Introduction

    My name is Genea, mother of 1 baby boy Tyler who will be turning 1 on April 15th. I joined the group seeking friends with the same goals I have and this is to become more fit and healthy. I also joined because I look forward to the challenges which I hope will make weight lose fun and not such a bore. I lost 40lbs after I had my son and gained about 20lbs. Currently, I participate in Zumba 2x a week and walk 3-4 times a week. I plan to incorporate more running.

    2. Set Goals

    CW 206.2
    Semi Ultimate GW 150 by Jan 2011
    Ultimate GW 130 April 2011

    3. Things you wanna change

    Becoming more active in my community
    Promote the benefits of running and walking
    Run 7-10 5K races with improved times.

    4. Take Before Pictures

    Will do this today.

    5. Get starting sizes

    Size 18 loose
    Size 16 for tight and sexy....LOL
  • shells22
    shells22 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Beautiful PSB!!!! I hope I can join I'm so excited! I feel like reading through these posts I've found sisters! :heart:

    1. My name is Shelly and I am 22 years old. I joined this group because I was looking for a thread where we can connect with similar goals and help each other out. I am a full time student, daughter and girlfriend to the best guy and I work in a coffee shop where I am always surrounded by goodies, oh joy lol. I'm always on my feet so fitting in the workouts is where it gets difficult. I'm hoping we can talk about our successes, work on the obstacles, and kick butt when needed. LET'S DO THIS!

    2. Here are my goals, I've never made mini goals so I'll try to write some down. I'm trying to lose 2 pounds/week max.
    SW: 240 (highest)
    CW: 224
    GW: 160
    -Ultimate GW- 145 (Healthy BMI me)

    3. I want to feel alive if that makes any sense. I want to enjoy taking as many pictures without turning only to my good side. I want to go places and not feel embarrassed or self conscious ever. I don't want to think "I hope I can fit this ride" at amusement parks. I want to feel sexier naked. I want to motivate the people I care about...I want to be able to bear children. I don't want the fear of heart attacks or diabetes that run in my family. I want to live life to the fullest now.

    4. Take Before Pictures: I need to do this, will post when I do...I feel the butterflies already!

    5. Pants: 16/17 Tops: XL-XXL

    THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: I love my eyebrows and the shape of my lips :) I find my shoulders beautiful and I like my nails along with my legs. I love the fact that I'm an avid reader and the bf said not to forget my tush :D

    *****Nice meeting you all! Don't forget to add me as a friend and my food diary is open to ALL of you fabulous barbies!!!*****
  • CreativeRedhead
    Ok I posted up some Before pics today of my side and front, sorry couldn't do a back pic by myself. I wish I knew how to put them in the thread but alas I do not so you'll have to look on my profile. :) Also are we going to take pics weekly or not? That might be cool to see the changes, I might just do that for myself even if we're not doing it as a group.
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    you and I think alike! I was sooooo nervous to put a full body pic up, but I said screw it. I was thinking the same thing, I want to see physical changes, along with the scale moving down! :bigsmile:
  • rosaline1191
    rosaline1191 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, hope it's not too late to join the party.

    I'm a college student, worrying about growing up and taking full control of my life. After being overweight for so long, I've decided to make some life changes.
    I started this journey on March 1st and I hope to lose about 50 - 60lbs. My weight loss plan is basically eat well and exercise hard. I will be doing the c25k running plan, pilates and some weightlifting. On the nutrition side, I'm trying to hit about 25% protein and get about 25g of fiber a day.
    I'm currently a size 14/15, size L/XL. I hope to get down to a size 8/10 and wear a M on the top.
    Most importantly, I want to learn to not use food as a crutch for depression and to treat my body well.

    Will post pictures tomorrow, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!!

    Weight In
    Starting Weight - 211
    Goal - 150-55
    P.S.B SW - 198
    Week 1 GW - 196
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Good Morning Barbies!
    1. Introduction:
    My Name is Michelle and I am a 42 year old mother of 2 wife of 1. My kids are both boys and are 10 and 7. I live in Southern California in the same town as OCTO MOM. No I've never seen or met her but I have seen Micky Mouse. I live about 8 miles form Disney Land. I joined the PSB because I too want and need that support. I have been over weight for the last 20 years and I don't want to be fat for the next 20.
    2. Set Goals: My weight loss goal are...
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Shirt Size: Small - Medium
    Pant Size: 9

    3. Things you wanna change: This I wanna change about myself...
    I want to be healthy for all the right reasons. I want to look at veggies and think YUM not well if I have too. I want to be a good example for my boys since we too have family histories of Diabetes etc. I want to feel pretty.

    4. Take Before Pictures: Working on it

    5. Get starting sizes: I currently wear a 22 in almost everything.

    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: I think that I am a very loving person.

    Weigh In:
    Highest Weight: 260
    Goal Weight: 130
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 237.5
    Week 1 Goal: 236
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    My name is Candace. I'm 26, single (as of about 2 weeks ago) and have no kids. I have a desk job that I enjoy (though ZI wish I were paid more, of course) and in my free time I enjoy reading, watching tv (LOST, The Biggest Loser, American Iodl, and smutty vH1 dating shows), and going out with friends (though that is becoming less and less frequent as they move away, get engaged / married, have kids).

    CW (3/22) 196.3 - BW 205 earlier this year
    Weight Loss Related Goals
    185 lbs by Memorial Day
    175 lbs by Birthday (July 18)
    160 lbs by Halloween
    150 lbs by New Year's
    140 lbs by St. Patrick's Day '11

    - be able to run consistantly for an entire mile or longer
    - to have enough upper body strength to use the contraption at the gym where you rest your arms on the pads and bring your legs up to your chest
    - to feel better about my body and not dread taking pictures with friends

    Non-Weight Loss Related Goals
    - Take GRE and get enrolled in Grad School
    - Pay off all non school related debt
    - Get a new car
    - Save money

    Starting sizes - Depends. I'd say about a 14 in pants. XL in tops.

    My camera was stolen and haven't gotten it replaced yet, so I'll try to dig up a good before picture and see what I can do.

    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: I'm generous & thoughtful

    Barbies: feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    Day one down! I did great today. I don't eat past seven and it is officially 7:14 so I don't have to worry about food anymore! We went for a nice walk, I can't wait until I can really exercise again! (stupid C-section) I am going to try the couch to 5K when I get the OK from my doctor.

    How did everyone else do?
  • michellemwalker
    Hi you guys! My name is Michelle, and Im a 32 year old mom of 2! I just joined MFP a few days ago, and need to find some "friends" for support and to keep me motivated! Plus Size Barbies sounds like just the group! :) So let me know what else I need to do as we go along!

    2.My beginning weight a few days ago was 201 - my all time high being around 230! My untimate goal? I have no idea- because Ive never actually been at an "ideal" weight! Ive been down to 145- but honestly felt very overweight and uncomfortable then too! Although, when I look back at pictures I think I looked amazing! So I guess I will just know it when I get there! A size 7 sounds great though! lol

    3. Things I wanna change- I want to be more motivated to exercize! I just did "The Big Climb" - climbed 69 flights of stairs for Leukemia and Lymphoma and felt great afterward!

    4. Take Before Pictures...they are up! :)

    5. Sizes..hmm- right now my clothes are tight! lol 16 jeans, XL-XXL shirts. But mostly wear pj's at home so that Im comfy! This needs to change!

    Something positive...I made it through this past week without falling off the wagon! All healthy food, and 1 exercize day! :) No fast food!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well I upload my before pictures. I hate cameras.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I've been asking my boyfriend to find the power cord for our digital camera for over a week. I'll get pics up ASAP.

    Well... he took care of that for me yesterday. I wore a pair of shorts and a small tank top so that you would really be able to see my shape. I took a look at the pics and just feel really uncomfortable posting them now. In a few months when I have a progress pic to post next to it I promise I'll put them up. Don't kick me out! Forgive me for my moment of weakness. I sucks to be so uncomfortable in your skin that you don't want anyone else to see it. :sad:

    Oh, and by the way my name is Stephanie. I didn't mention that in my first post. :blushing: I have a job that requires me to travel ALL over the country to train new/current employees which makes keeping on track with exercise/food really challenging!

    High Weight: 260
    PSB Starting weight: 252.6 (this morning)
    Goal Weight: 170

    Highest Weight: 260
    Goal Weight: 170
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 252.6 (this morning)
    Week 1 Goal: 251.1