Plus Size Barbies - Week 1



  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Soon your inner barbie will be released!

    lol, love it!

    Yesterday just plain sucked. I'm traveling for work and ending up eating fast food twice! By the end of the day I was way under on calories and had almost 5500mg of sodium! OMG! Is anyone else tracking their sodium? This seems to be my biggest challenge. I've read that you should be under 2300mg a day and I almost never can do that.

    Today was an awesome day! I went grocery shopping last night and loaded up my hotel fridge with produce, yogurt, nuts, etc. Ate lunch at a buffet and made ALL healthy choices and kept the meal under 400 calories while eating a TON of food. Ate all my scheduled snacks. Stayed under on sodium in the first time in forever and got to the gym to work out!

    I thought eatting well while traveling was going to be impossible. It certainly isn't easy (or cheap) but I can do it! Having a proud moment, sorry for gloating...
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hi, can i still join?? my name is melissa and im from michigan. im a sahm because my daughter is sick and needs me to care for her. i have 4 kids 10, 7, 6, 2 1/2. ive been doing this since jan 4th and ive lost 21 lbs so far!! lately my eating hasnt been so good, but i do exercise to make up for it. im hoping this group will help motivate me a lil more. i want to be down to 150 by the end of the year, hopefully!!! congrats everyone on ur weight loss so far!!!!!

    SW: 229
    CW: 208
    GW: 150
    MG 1: 198 by mothers day
    MG 2: 180 lbs by july 12th (my bday)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome Stormy and Fooja and anyone else joined today.

    I was able to turn today after being super annoyed with people all day and taking it out on chocolate they happen to put in the cube behind mine. I made up for it with 65 minutes of cardio and now I feel great.
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    Hi All,

    I hope I'm not to late to be a PSB. I just joined about half an hour ago and saw this thread. I believe that this will be the tool that will really help me get through this.

    Week 1: 03/29/10 - 04/04/10

    Challenge: This week challenge is going to be a little different since it is our first week.
    Things to get done sometime this week...

    1. Introduction - Hi, My name is Nancy and I am an administrative assistant in a Health Care Benefit company. I am married, do not have children but do want some one day. I come from a family of six brothers, one sister and me. I have moved several times in my life. My mother and uncle both died to diabetic complications.

    2. Set Goals - My goal throughout this journey is to eat properly with portion control, have less anxiety and stress, deal with my emotional baggage that has me held down in this position for 20+years, quit smoking and learn about being more healthy. Eventually, I believe that I would be comfortable at a weight of 150 to 160 pounds and fit into a size 12.

    3. Things you wanna change - I would like to quit smoking, stop being so passive about issues, stop agreeing with everyone, voice my opinions once and awhile and stand up for myself more.

    4. Take Before Pictures - will be posted by Monday.

    5. Get starting sizes - Pants 20-22 - Shirt XXL - Bra 42C


    Weigh In: This is where I will post what your weigh in post should look like!
    Highest Weight: 245
    Goal Weight: 150-160
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 245
    Week 1 Goal: Still coming...
  • joyfulmom4him
    Hi PSBS, I had an okay day. I didn't plan my meals ahead of time and ended up waiting until I was starving to eat. I used most of my calories on snacking not really sit down and enjoy meals. There is always tomorrow. I will sit down and plan tonight. I did get in a 30 min. WATP workout.

    Welcome to all of our new members. Keep up the great work ladies. Feel free to add me as a friend. Love and Blessings~Veronica
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Finally posted my before pic in my profile...It's a web cam photo, my camera is being stubborn and will not let me upload :grumble:

    Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • Jparadise72
    I went to the gym in the morning did my usual workout of circuit and cardio. When my husband got off work he wanted to go hit the gym so I went back and did a yoga class and stayed for zumba!

    How is Zumba? I've been thinking about switching gyms and the one I ant to go to offers a lot more classes, including this. My current one is closer to home (and my mom goes as weel, so that has played a big factor), but doesn't have any fun classes!
    I :heart: ZuMbA!! Its a great workout, and it burns aton of calories. You should try it!
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Hello all!! Is it too late to join for this week? My name is Cassie and I'm a 24 (almost 25) year old vocal music teacher in Iowa. I have been overweight since I was a child and have always struggled with my weight. Throughout the last few years, I had been having problems with my vocal cords. After going to the ENT doctor countless times, we finally figured out my problems-hypothyroidism and sleep apnea. I was scared about being sick and felt like I had no control of my life. I was worried that I would have to give up my career. The realization that I needed to change came on Feb. 15, 2010. I made the decision to get my butt in gear and start to live healthier. Since that time, my voice is much healthier (thyroid meds helped de-swell my vocal cords) and I have shed over 30 lbs. I am happy that I have found the motivation to do this for myself and so far stuck with it! I would love to be part of this group for support. I think a we all have a lot of the same goals and it will help me be accountable for mine! :)

    Week 1: 03/29/10 - 04/04/10

    Goals: To loose weight to live a long and healthy life. I'm not sure how much exactly, but I want to be in healthy range for my height. It will take a long time, but it will be worth it.

    Things to change: I want to learn to enjoy exercise and incorporate it in my life. I don't want it to feel like a chore anymore. Also- eat healthy and nutritious foods.

    Sizes: Start: 24 in pants very tight by my highest weight, 3x in shirts. 24 is comfortable or loose now (depending on brand), and I just bought a new pair of 22 dress pants for work! yay.

    Positive: I like my eyes and my singing voice :)

    Weigh In: 299.2- morning weigh in
    Highest Weight: 331.8 (Feb. 15, 2010)
    Goal Weight: 150? (or a healthy BMI)
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 299.2
    Week 1 Goal: since I'm starting late, I would like to loose 1 lb before the next weigh in.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok is Thursday and I am feeling good abouot my walking. So far I have walked everyday. So that a major plus for me but I know I wont see the weight come off till I start at the gym. So plan is to start Saturday. Just want to get to Friday with the walking. I might start slow like 2 days a week to the gym or maybe everyohter day. Eating is getting a little better. Def room for improvement.
    Postivie thought today- I like my hair
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    So I've done really well this week at watching what I eat and counting calories. That's the easy part for me. It's the exercise that I struggle with. My job consists of sitting at a desk all day long in front of computers, I hardly ever move or interact with other people and it's so boring, by the time I get home I just don't feel like doing anything. I've been trying to get up earlier before work to workout, but I love my snooze button too much. Then I just feel lazy...blah
  • jacksmomma17
    Hi, my name is Cortney and I hope that it's not too late to join in your group..... I am a 28yo mother of a very cute, very active 2 yo boy named, you guessed it...Jack. I am a labor and delivery nurse by trade and I work 12hr night shifts 3 days a week. Michellemwalker and I are co-workers and she is the one that turned me onto your group. I've struggled all my life with my weight and now that I have a son, I want him to have a good example to look at in his mother. I want him to grow up healthy and hopefully avoid some of the problems that I had growing up. On top of that, I want to get into better shape and of course lose some weight. I'm hoping to get some support from others with the struggle of weight loss. My ultimate goal is too lose more than 100 pounds and that sounds like such a huge goal...... My first goal is to get under 200 pounds, but by when, I'm not sure. I'm trying to encourage my husband to change his eating habits so our son wont know about our bad habits by the time he's a little older. I'm also trying very hard to start exercising. I have chronic health issues and daily pain and extreme fatigue so for me it's a very big leap. I'm doing my best and so far it's going well.

    I wear size 16 pants that were starting to get tighter, and I wear 1-2x tops depending on the cut and shrinkage that happens. I'm hoping to get down to a size 10.

    One thing that I like about myself......This really shouldn't be this hard. Uhmmm, I'm proud of my perserverence with exercising even through my pain.

    HW: 260lbs just after I gave birth to my son. (no, it wasn't water weight)
    PSBW and SW: 237.5 lb
    GW: ultimately 135lb but my short term goal is to get under 200lbs.
    First week goal: To see ANY improvement from the eating and exercise changes I've made. :wink:
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Well Barbies,

    It's going to be so hard this weekend because Easter dinner is at my house this year, and I am making everything. UGH. I am trying my hardest to be down 5 lbs this week, since I was up 3 lbs, and I wanted to lose 2 lbs every week. So I am in double trouble. I am eating well, and drinking soooooooooooooooo much darn water but it worries me about this cooking and baking. I have a very large family, 7 brothers, 2 sisters (yes, when you put a mexican and hillbilly together, you make 10 kids and we become MexiBillys!) :huh: , 27 nieces and nephews. So you already know, family holidays are important in this family! My focus this weekend, will be to TRY and stay away from the desserts. You know how some people say just have a small bite, but for someone like me, I CANT just have one bite so I might as well have none, for my own good!!!! :laugh: I know still have to really make myself eat a small portion, because I am not even going to lie and tell you that I will not eat my food. :bigsmile: I just have to make sure that this holiday is not like the rest, where I eat until I can't move. The week has been so good for me, and I am soooooooooooooo not wanting to screw up, that's for sure. I will weigh in on Saturdays, because that was the original plan for the group, and it works better for me to do it that morning.

    I will say, it's so nice to see all you lovely women joining the Plus Size Barbies~ :flowerforyou: I think together, we can do this for sure. Do you want to know when I came up with the name Plus Size Barbie? I was about 16 years old, and this boy said I was pretty but a little chubby, so I told him "don't hate me because I am a Plus Size Barbie!" Every since then, I have always said it as a joke to people. Since all my friends are Fluffy, we all use it. lol My other favorite quote is :blushing: "I will make you feel like a virgin all over again!" Shhhhh, don't tell my hubby that I told you that one. :blushing:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Hey Tina for the Easter dinner can you physically divide up your plate and make sure you stay with in the guidelines. I know I eat less when I don't let my food intermingle on the plate. I also do that because I hate to mix my food.
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Hey Tina for the Easter dinner can you physically divide up your plate and make sure you stay with in the guidelines. I know I eat less when I don't let my food intermingle on the plate. I also do that because I hate to mix my food.

    OMG, are you my long lost sister???????????? lol My hubby makes fun of me, because I will not let my food touch each other, it grosses me out. :glasses: You know what tho, the plate wont be as big as a regular dinner plate, so I can't load up the paper plate. I am sure I will be good this week, because the weigh in will be before I eat, it's probably next week I should be worried about. Can't wait to see what our next challenge is tho! :happy:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    hahaha one year at Thanksgiving someone dropped some cranberries into the gravy. I could not eat the gravy after that.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I just started a topic to have a group that wants to burn 3500 calories a week with me. If you are interested please come visit that topic as well.
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I had my first water aerobics class today and LOVED it so much! It was just great! I love the water, so it's my favorite kind of exercise!
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    yay that sounds fun. I wish my gym had a pool!

    Monday night I posted I had lost almost 3 lbs since the prior Monday on my Facebook and my ex called me the following night to say congratulations and that he was thinking about me. I stayed non-chalant and didn't say anything and loving him or still missing him, which was hard since our break up was pretty recent and I was willing to try. Resolving to not call him until next week to remind him to mail his mother's bday present and tell him where I left it.
  • shells22
    shells22 Posts: 56 Member
    Lol, Tina I think it's cute you wont let food touch..I don't care as long as nobody touches my fooood lmao! I'm soo tired today I took a break. I just walked my dog Koko for 20 mins. Oh! And made damn sure to burn calories with the boyfren this morning if ya catch my drift :blushing: Today I am just relaxing. Gonna watch a movie and chill, and just to make sure I stayed UNDER my caloric goal because I really do not want to add any more weight. I'll prolly do some yoga moves just to release stress from family problems and school, keeping it low key. I have to go to a viewing today, maybe that's why I feel a bit down and forcing myself to find ways to burn calories so I wont get more upset, it's like that feeling of a storm brewing you girls know? I feel it, yet I'm trying to create backup plans so I can fall but bounce back up. For reals, I should be handling this stress like it's nothing but I'm getting tiny headaches and bleeding in the stools===> I think my body is telling me I'm effing stressed. The small things are just getting to me. Okay, enough babbling. Sorry barbies, I really hope you all are having a great lovely day and I wish you peace and love. And Sanity. Sorry for the TMI part.
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Tina, here are some of my tricks for getting though family gatherings. I come form hillbillys too where eating is a sport! Chew gum while cooking. Make some healthier food versions without telling anyone. Like I sometimes use fat free condensed milk in my pumpkin pie. Make some healthy food choices for everyone. I find people will eat them if they are there. Eat a really big healthy salad BEFORE everyone shows up so you sit down to the goodies already full.

    Good luck on Sunday. Just think the next holiday they see you at you will be way skinnier.:wink: