

  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Why would anyone want to drink chemicals? It's dangerous but unfortunately you'll find many people on here looking for a reason to continue a bad habit. You'll get plenty of people with research saying its safe as much as anyone can prove its not but personally with knowing the political reasoning behind most of these things being approved as safe, I don't trust them or their recommendations. I eat things that grew from the ground or live and only natural grass fed meat. I sure as Hell am not going to be taking the risk with my children's health!

    Unfortunately your post is one of a number on this subject this week and you'll only get the same responses sadly.

    Even water is made of chemicals: hydrogen and oxygen.

    BUt WATER or H2O won't kill you or make you sick! :noway:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why would anyone want to drink chemicals? It's dangerous but unfortunately you'll find many people on here looking for a reason to continue a bad habit. You'll get plenty of people with research saying its safe as much as anyone can prove its not but personally with knowing the political reasoning behind most of these things being approved as safe, I don't trust them or their recommendations. I eat things that grew from the ground or live and only natural grass fed meat. I sure as Hell am not going to be taking the risk with my children's health!

    Unfortunately your post is one of a number on this subject this week and you'll only get the same responses sadly.

    Even water is made of chemicals: hydrogen and oxygen.

    BUt WATER or H2O won't kill you or make you sick! :noway:

    It can if you drink too much. It will kill you graveyard dead! When discussing toxicity, dosage is a critical component.
  • AmandaW01
    Why would anyone want to drink chemicals? It's dangerous but unfortunately you'll find many people on here looking for a reason to continue a bad habit. You'll get plenty of people with research saying its safe as much as anyone can prove its not but personally with knowing the political reasoning behind most of these things being approved as safe, I don't trust them or their recommendations. I eat things that grew from the ground or live and only natural grass fed meat. I sure as Hell am not going to be taking the risk with my children's health!

    Unfortunately your post is one of a number on this subject this week and you'll only get the same responses sadly.

    Even water is made of chemicals: hydrogen and oxygen.

    BUt WATER or H2O won't kill you or make you sick! :noway:

    Ok, so read this which is information about what is put into the water that we drink... water won't kill you, but what about the chemicals in it? Not in any way arguing that diet soda is safer - far from it, rarely touch the stuff - but basic tap water:

    Many prominent scientists are alarmed by the content of some drinking water and actively seek to change the processes involved. The practice of making water safe to drink actually involves adding large amounts of extremely poisonous chemicals to it. Key scientists are now providing evidence that long-term ingestion of small amounts of chemicals like these could be the cause of some major health problems.

    Here is a list of just a few of the chemicals routinely added to our water supply:

    Liquified chlorine
    Fluorosilicic acid
    Aluminium sulphate
    Calcium hydroxide
    Sodium silicofluoride
    Even if the water leaves the source in a relatively clean state, don't forget that your water travels through pipes, which may have been underground since Victorian times. It is almost impossible for the water not to become contaminated by something undesirable.

    Contaminants in Tap Water

    Tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, it may contain other undesirable contaminants like toxic metal salts, hormones and pesticides, or it may become contaminated by chemicals or microbes within pipes (e.g. lead, bacteria, protozoa).

    Typical Tap Water Content:

    Fluorine compounds
    Trihalomethanes (THMs)
    Salts of:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    What really amuses me is that while Aspartame is ‘bad’ (for people with Phenylketonuria) and everyone must avoid it, bananas have MORE Phenylalanine than what is found in Aspartame! Yet you do not hear ANYONE say bananas are ‘bad’ and should be avoided. Also if you drink protein shakes or eat protein from whole food you are consuming more Phenylalanine than what is in a diet soft drink.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Why would anyone want to drink chemicals? It's dangerous but unfortunately you'll find many people on here looking for a reason to continue a bad habit. You'll get plenty of people with research saying its safe as much as anyone can prove its not but personally with knowing the political reasoning behind most of these things being approved as safe, I don't trust them or their recommendations. I eat things that grew from the ground or live and only natural grass fed meat. I sure as Hell am not going to be taking the risk with my children's health!

    Unfortunately your post is one of a number on this subject this week and you'll only get the same responses sadly.

    Even water is made of chemicals: hydrogen and oxygen.

    Water is essential to life, diet soda is not. Thank you for proving my point about excuses.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't have any concerns over diet soda in moderate amounts assuming the individual does not have phenylketonuria.

    The claim that it's dangerous without any mention of dose and context is pretty laughable.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't have any concerns over diet soda in moderate amounts assuming the individual does not have phenylketonuria.

    The claim that it's dangerous without any mention of dose and context is pretty laughable.

    Did you read the material that I posted? The FDA's experts, had judged that it could cause brain cancer.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Thanks all, I obviously understand that there maybe room for over expressing dangers in certain additives. If something that was so dangerous why would it be still in use?
    Just curious to know what others thought. Your feed back is appreciated. :smile:
    Btw I do not generally consume much in the way of diet sodas, just as an occasional mixer :)

    Someone else posted that exact "article" pulled from Facebook last Saturday. I will recommend again.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I don't have any concerns over diet soda in moderate amounts assuming the individual does not have phenylketonuria.

    The claim that it's dangerous without any mention of dose and context is pretty laughable.

    Did you read the material that I posted? The FDA's experts, had judged that it could cause brain cancer.

    The FDA's EXPERTS? The FDA is a joke...wait, never mind. I'm not going there today.

    *goes back to minding my own beeswax*
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
  • heyjay31
    heyjay31 Posts: 79 Member
    All I know is my one Diet Dew a day and lots of water has to be better than the 6 regular dews and lots of sweet tea I was drinking previously. OP, just try to push yourself into drinking less soda every day. You won't even miss it and it can be used as a treat.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Thanks all, I obviously understand that there maybe room for over expressing dangers in certain additives. If something that was so dangerous why would it be still in use?
    Just curious to know what others thought. Your feed back is appreciated. :smile:
    Btw I do not generally consume much in the way of diet sodas, just as an occasional mixer :)

    Someone else posted that exact "article" pulled from Facebook last Saturday. I will recommend again.

    Why fact check when you can blindly follow a "smart" "article"? Just accept what you read as absolute truth.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I don't have any concerns over diet soda in moderate amounts assuming the individual does not have phenylketonuria.

    The claim that it's dangerous without any mention of dose and context is pretty laughable.

    Did you read the material that I posted? The FDA's experts, had judged that it could cause brain cancer.

    The FDA's EXPERTS? The FDA is a joke...wait, never mind. I'm not going there today.

    *goes back to minding my own beeswax*

    You mean the same FDA that is almost totally funded by the food industry, including sugar companies, may not be legit?! But their employees retire from the FDA to go on to work at those very same companies!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    But hey, I will drink a liter of diet soda today and post my results tomorrow.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't have any concerns over diet soda in moderate amounts assuming the individual does not have phenylketonuria.

    The claim that it's dangerous without any mention of dose and context is pretty laughable.

    Did you read the material that I posted? The FDA's experts, had judged that it could cause brain cancer.

    The FDA's EXPERTS? The FDA is a joke...wait, never mind. I'm not going there today.

    *goes back to minding my own beeswax*

    You mean the same FDA that is almost totally funded by the food industry, including sugar companies, may not be legit?! But their employees retire from the FDA to go on to work at those very same companies!

    That's why I wanted you to know the real story behind the FDA approval process on Aspartame. It was pretty obvious that some corruption was involved.