Looking for NON overly critical, but supportive friends



  • PXMike
    PXMike Posts: 94 Member
    Hey Tiffany, I have absolutely no time nor patience for three type of people. Whiners, Shallow Twits and Judgmenatalists. Having not only successfully lost 182 pounds but also having placed in a National Body Transformation competition, I have just a little bit of experience at this. My Thought is if you want to play games, open a page on FB. This site deals with the betterment of peoples health and our health is a beautiful gift from God that is not to be taken lightly. People come here with high hopes of reaching their goals and it is our responsibility to be to help and council one another, not hinder. With that comes a small, but important, caveat. Not all advice are words we want to hear. As I have always taught my children, love can be tough and can sometimes hurt a bit; however, love NEVER inflicts injury. There IS a difference. A brief synopsis of my continuing saga is that I was once a very fit and athletic individual who allowed himself to thoroughly screw up and turn into a nearly 350 pound poor excuse of my former self. A few years ago I woke up, shook of the dirt, got right back on the horse and whipped myself back into shape. I went a bit overboard and lost a bit too much weight though, including quite a bit of valuable muscle so I hired a Personal Trainer, Dietary Coach and got a good Sports Physician. I'm now in my third month of rebuilding and things are going great. A side note, I also do a little coaching with a well known Workout Program. So, If I can be of any assistance I would be honored to have you among my friends. Just from what you've said here I am impressed with your fortitude and look forward to reading of your success! PXMike