SAHM 3/29---4/4

Hi all! Trish, had time to get it up and running. Hope you don't mind--and that we don't dbl post. hehehe

We are a group of FABULOUS sahm's who are committed to our good health goals. We are informal but do challenge each other too. and we totally get the unique roles we play and the struggles that follow in trying to get fit and take care of our families and homes. :) come join the conversation at any time. we welcome newcomers!


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    for today--drink at least 40 oz water
    exercise 1 hr
    heavy on the fruit and some chkn in day so dinner will be holiday w/o worry

    my tummy is feeling MUCH better. took the senna pills. i don't use them often but my tummy was so bloated and stuck and hurting and all the fiber and water was not working. i'm down 2 lbs this am from yesterday and feel a gazillion times better. therefore, i will do a better job for my body---less of the crap that makes me feel so sick. i'm 38 and clearly my body just can't tolerate bad eating anymore. (boohoo?)

    kim, can't wait to hear how scrapbooking was! and amy and shera, hope you'll chk back again soon.

    to all the other lovely ladies--let's make this intro to spring SIZZLING HOT! :drinker:
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    bump! :O)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm ladies!

    Stacey- I am glad the senna pills worked!

    My goals today- Drink that darn h20
    Do exercise video of some sort!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    No, Stacey, I don't mind. I COMPLETELY spaced. It didn't register that it was Monday. I thought Sunday was Saturday, just so you know how off I am. I think it's because I slept through Saturday due to illness.

    Andy has what I had now, and stayed home from work today. This is good, because it means I can leave Grace with him during nap time. They can both sleep, and I can go run.
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Yee Haw! GM everyone! It is snowing here did ya know that. Actually it isn't--that is what we call days where Mommy says Nah you don't have to do school--go outside and play. Hee Hee--I knew today would be a snow day cause I am SO tired from the weekend. If I tried to teach my 7 yo I would probably kill him or lock him in the closet. He is happier & so I am I that he was outside all morning.

    The weekend was AWESOME. I got to work on 3 projects & get 1 of them done. All my close friends go & bring their friends so it is an awesome time of fellowship, laughter/tears & encouragement. Wish all of you could have been there. We do this in Oct & March. I didn't eat total junk but I did have dessert & more soda than usual. We also walked up this huge hill(1 mile round trip) several times when I couldn't focus on scrapin' anymore. Didn't stay up terribly late(unusual) so I am doing better at getting things done today than normal after this event.


    WATER!!! 3 glasses down already--5 to go
    Get menus up on here & planned out along with my grocery list made for errand day tomorrow.
    Walk/jog this afternoon for 30 minutes

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Trish--sorry that you were ill over the weekend. Stacey--glad the senna worked. NO junk today!!(talking to myself too)

  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Morning all!

    I'm counting down the days until Easter, FOUR DAY weekend YAY. And daylight savings finishes on Sunday so I get to get up an hour later in the mornings ( at 5am that makes a difference! )
    What's everyone doing over Easter?

    Well I did well yesterday.
    Here's for another good day!

    Oh, 76.4 this morning!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If Grace is better by Easter weekend, I plan on having a lot of fun with her. I want to take her to the Thanksgiving Point farm so she can have a pony ride, and see all the animals whose names she can actually say now (horse, pig, bird, sheep, cow, duck, etc), and the rec center where I work out at is having an Easter egg hunt, too.

    Sassy, is that 76 farenheit? If so, I'm totally jealous. It's nice here today, but I'M FREEZING! So is the little princess. I don't want to turn the heat on, because it gets to 80 in the house by mid afternoon.
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    haha woops that's what I get for typing at stupid o'clock... I meant 76.4kg

    As for the actual temperature, it's 16.3 C / 61.4 F right now @ 9am and expecting 20 C / 68 F but I think it'll go a bit higher and there's no cloud so probably even higher in the direct sunlight.
    The days are starting to cool down now it's great!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    68 sounds just about perfect as far as weather goes.

    Did great on my run today. Was going to take it easy, but my body had other ideas. I ended up smashing through 1.88 miles on the TM, and ran a 6.5 mph 1 min interval at the end. Walked 3.5/4 mph intervals, and maintained an average of 4.5 mph in running.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    rock on trish! i could never run that fast!!

    still experimenting w/my tummy--can't decide if the amer cheese upset it or the diet coke. will need to do more scientific elimination over the next few wks to see what really triggers it.

    no junk so far today. played at the pool w/the kids. i was the southern alligator girl who would never ever eat you--that would be bad manners--but ooops! you do taste good!

    time to set the table and shower then bake a cake (boxed kind). will talk to y'all tomorrow sometime.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Aww, Stacey, never say never, because never is an awfully long time. Now sing the following song from An American Tail along with me:

    Never say never, what ever you do
    Never say never, my friend

    If you believe that, your dreams will come true.
    They'll come true in the end.

    Keep up your courage, don't ever despair
    Take heart and then count to ten
    Hope for the best
    Work for the rest and never say never again

    Never say never
    whatever you do
    Never say never to me
    If you believe you can come shining through
    That's how it's gonna be!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey girls! Marking my spot ;)

    It's been a LONG weekend! Every time we go and do a reno in the house, it ends up being way more labor intensive that we had anticipated....ugh! On a bright note, I got to have a wonderful evening and night out in a hotel with my 3 closest friends on Sat. I ate and drank way too much, but it was all worth it! One of my friends is moving in a couple weeks...going to stay with family while she waits for her hubby to get to LV :( (Stacey, she said she's been emailing back in forth with you and I can't thank you enough for helping!!!)

    Anyway, we seem to have so much to do before we list this did we let the time get away from us?!

    I did get my hilly run in today, 7.69 miles in 84 minutes! I am very pleased with the time, as it's less than what I am shooting for when I go to Bloomsday :) BTW, Nicole, congrats on your run! Sorry about having to pee though, that sucks! I love that 10/mile is slow to you, maybe one day I'll get there?? HAHA!

    Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the upper 80s!! I'm bringing the boys to the park in a tank and shorts LOL Too bad it's going to be really windy...very excited to get away from that!

    Oh and our orders to Mildenhall England have been officially canceled. Hubby got accepted to that off to OH for us. He starts school Aug 31st!! We are very happy with the news...can't wait to tell family and friends, we aren't officially supposed to know until tomorrow LOL
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Options! rockin' it in the car AND in the run! What a great day for you!

    Stacey- How did the day turn out? hopefully no junk!:flowerforyou:

    Katie- Great news on the Ohio transfer, although I personally would rahter go to England than Ohio, but good for hubs on getting the school he wanted. Great job on the run too! Thanks about my run....I just know I could have done it faster...I mean I ran a HILLY (the last 1.2 miles was all uphill, not to mention the rest of the course was pretty much all hill)1/2 marathon before and ran in it 9:38 miles...

    I did my exercises that I wanted to do today. I am thinking of running a 1/2 marathon on May 2nd. I have 2 choices, either the Eugene 1/2 or the Ave. of the giants 1/2 ( another run in the redwoods)...the only prob with the ave \of the giants is that it is 5 hours away....hmmmm
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    BTW....yesterday I officially went under my plateau weight!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: I don't remember if I posted that or not. I weighed in at 165.8..My lowest up until then was 166.4.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, which one has the cooler t-shirt? I'm all about earning the t-shirts! I pick the race that gives me free clothes, LOL.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    you girls crack me up! katie--i'm so happy for your posting. i know how much you wanted to be closer to family--yay! kudos to all 3 of you for your running!
    and trish, thanks for the inspiring song. i didn't mean i cdn't ever--i just meant that i never have run that fast! hehe very cool how you "sang" to me tho. :happy:

    dinner turned out fine. i controlled myself on the macaroons (5) and the cake--telling myself to stop picking at it and leave the rest for the girls. also, i had 1/4 piece matza and barely any potatoes. sooo all in all i did well! (but i did have close to 2 glasses of merlot--it's part of the seder to drink 4 glasses of wine). the girls also loved their $1 target prizes for finding the afikomen. score mommy!

    for tomorrow--drink 48 oz of water
    and really need to do a dvd. katie i like that you have so many. i thought i was excessive w/my leslie ones, but i can see how having more altogether would be motivating.
    figure out somethin' fun with the kids....

    chk you later :flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    Trish- not sure about the avenue of the giants t-shirt.. this is what last years shirt, I think it changes every year.

    But Eugene's looks like the logo in the upper left of their website.
  • blessdmomof4
    Good morning ladies!

    Feeling slow today. Did my workout this AM but I just couldn't give it my all. AF should be visiting anytime now so that is probably the culprit for this sluggishness. It could have been the Cadbury creme egg I decided to have after dinner too...
    Lots of water to drink today and no more creme eggs.
    I do a homeschool/ family blog and i posted a new one yesterday if any of you are interested in reading it.

    Nicole - Congrats on breaking that plateau! Persistence paid off! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I had a busy weekend. I don't have much time to post right now, but I should be back later today. Just wanted to say that I'm still here! :smile:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member

    Trish- not sure about the avenue of the giants t-shirt.. this is what last years shirt, I think it changes every year.

    But Eugene's looks like the logo in the upper left of their website.

    well i say you do the AVE because I WILL BE THERE!!!! How awsome would that be??? I'm not doing the 1/2 marathon ( a few of my friends are) but i'm going to suck it up and do my first 10k. Anyway, there is my 2 cents i'm rooting for THE AVE :bigsmile:

    So I felt really good yesterday, my first weigh in since I came back and I was down 2lbs! Felt really good because I just know I did a little more but I am retaining a TON of water but i'm just hoping to have about the same loss next week! My running is going okay, having a hard time with the bad weather getting on the treadmill, it makes my hips hurt. So yesterday I went to spinning and weight training instead. I'm hoping today to check out the gym's treadmills see if that helps or man up and run in the rain. Dillema's LOL
    So glad to be back on the horse, have a good day everyone!

    water water water gotta flush out that sodium!
    get more veggies in today