Is it okay if I "binge" my calories at night before bed?



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member

    You keep using that word. I do think it means what you think it means.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I looked through the past few days in your diary, and I'm honestly not seeing too much of an issue. Don't worry about it, it seems pretty balanced to me. Oh sure, there is room for improvement, but there is no reason to go too extreme in this.

    If you find yourself inching back towards old behaviors, then rein it in. But until then, chill.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.


    however maybe later when i have lost a significant amount of weight and/or have this under my belt successfully i will feel ready to splurge on the whole lifestyle change subscription. [doesnt' like to be locked into cell phone plans either] p.s i looked at your diary and your food seems spread out. maybe you can go into settings and put the times in for your meals and that might help you get a better look at when you're eating if it matters to you.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    I find it entertaining that you always feel the need to comment on what I say lol.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    ^^ This.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Think of it like fueling your car while on a road trip. As long as you get to your destination, does it matter when you gas up?

    Works for me.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I don't know what you mean by "binge" but if you're within your calorie range, hitting macros, and making generally good choices, then don't sweat it!

    It doesn't seem like you're really "binging." It just sounds like you feel guilty for eating after a certain time, or for not eating traditional meals. I wouldn't worry.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I didn't do that bad tonight. An ounce of chips, crackers and cheese, and peanut butter on apples. I'm getting there :)

    I stay up till like 2 am. So stopping eating at 9 would be way too long between them sleeping and waking up

    You are fine. That is not a 'binge' and it's not 'junk' food.

    Eat when you want - hit your calorie and macro targets.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    ^^ This.

    Yep - also, many people do not want a 'lifestyle' that does not include some 'junk'.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I didn't do that bad tonight. An ounce of chips, crackers and cheese, and peanut butter on apples. I'm getting there :)

    I stay up till like 2 am. So stopping eating at 9 would be way too long between them sleeping and waking up

    You are fine. That is not a 'binge' and it's not 'junk' food.

    Eat when you want - hit your calorie and macro targets.
    I concur.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.
    Because if you don't do the lifestyle change & only try to "lose weight & look hot" - in the miracle that you actually DO get there, it'll probably only last 4-6 months. And then you'll have an ever harder time trying to "lose weight & look hot" again.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The only negative to doing that is that carbs give you energy during the day but since you're eating at night it's just getting stored as fat.. You can notice a big different on the scale if you eat late one night and then not the next. I always have a harder time losing weight if i'm eating at night.

    On a caloric deficit, nothing gets stored as fat. I have an easier time losing weight eating at night - neither is the 'right' or the 'wrong' way - it's personal preference.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    ^^ This.

    Yep - also, many people do not want a 'lifestyle' that does not include some 'junk'.

    If you would've read my earlier post it said "eating junk food is fine, moderation is key"...
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.
    Because if you don't do the lifestyle change & only try to "lose weight & look hot" - in the miracle that you actually DO get there, it'll probably only last 4-6 months. And then you'll have an ever harder time trying to "lose weight & look hot" again.

    Exactly! =]
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat. I'm hungrier at night so that's when I eat more. It doesn't make sense to me to try & eat when you're not hungry or to starve yourself when you are, if there is no urgent medical need for it. There are some people that like a glass or 2 of wine before bed. All that is perfectly fine if you plan for it.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I'm a binge eater, I struggle with this regularly. I did intermittent fasting for about 9 months (I didnt start my food day until lunch) mostly because it would allow me to consume most of my calories in the evening and that is also when I binge.

    I recently took more control of this and forced myself to stop IF... It was actually causing me more harm because "allowing" for the binge led to bigger binges and later, double binges and became hard to manage. I would forward my food to the next days diary, go hungry, force more binges... it was bad.

    Now that I dont leave a lot of calories for the evening and dont allow myself this thinking, my binges have become more rare. And Ive recently broken a scale and measurement plateau from last summer! :happy:
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Because if you don't do the lifestyle change & only try to "lose weight & look hot" - in the miracle that you actually DO get there, it'll probably only last 4-6 months. And then you'll have an ever harder time trying to "lose weight & look hot" again.

    Yeah, DavPul does not seem to be having that issue.

    Spamanantha; I think I get what you are saying, but "lifestyle change" is a pretty loosey goosey term. For some people it is a pretty extreme view. Others, not so much.

    edited because the first part seems a bit creepery. But, I can't think of another way to word it. So I'm just gonna' roll with it. Whatever.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    ^^ This.

    Yep - also, many people do not want a 'lifestyle' that does not include some 'junk'.

    If you would've read my earlier post it said "eating junk food is fine, moderation is key"...

    I think our definition of 'junk food' and 'moderation' may well be different.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    That's nice. There is still a huge difference between taking in a bunch of calories from junk food and from healthier choices. It is a lifestyle change ;). Also, you adding all your lovely titles just makes me laugh, but good for you. =]

    But what if she didn't sign up for the Lifestyle Change? I only signed up for the Lose Weight and Look Hot package. So I eat whatever I want whenever I want and continue to improve my physique and vitals. The Lifestyle Change package required too much commitment, offered too little fun, and the people all seemed kinda preachy.

    ^^ This.

    Yep - also, many people do not want a 'lifestyle' that does not include some 'junk'.

    If you would've read my earlier post it said "eating junk food is fine, moderation is key"...

    I think our definition of 'junk food' and 'moderation' may well be different.

    That may be. I said nothing wrong in my first post and it seems like people just want to argue. I did not look at her diary, I went off of her stating she binged and saved her calories for junk and other snacks, that is it. I am not going to argue anymore because of what I said.