Doing cardio with out gaining muscle...



  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    Olympic runners do more cardio in a day than most of us do in a month. They're all skinny as *kitten*!!!

    Very good point but their physique is not quite what I am after if you know what I mean? :wink:

    What physique are you aiming for? Cardio doesn't really make you build muscle.

    Not too muscly.... I do a bit of cardio as it is so if I just do something like 2/3 hours of running a week????
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You will not get large muscles from cardio.
    THIS! Do some research....
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    So basically if i have a calorie deficit and do sa 2 hours of running a week will I still loose the 1 lb a week loss?
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Cardio BURNS muscle in the morning and BUILDS muscle in the evenings.

    Just make sure you're doing it at the right time, and you'll be fine.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    You care more about the number on the size tag than about looking/being fitter?


    You do realize that if you strength train and shape your muscles, you can lose inches but the scale won't budge, right? Weight is not related to size. I've seen women on here who lost inches all over but gained five pounds because muscle is more dense than fat.

    Personally, I'd rather look awesome in a dress that's a size 8 than be squishy and a size 6. Nobody can see your size tag, but they CAN see how you look in it. It's not like the size is printed on the back.

    Ok I understand what you are saying, but for me its about loosing motivation, its always been my problem with dieting, I find I need to measure so I can tell my self im doing well.... it may sound strange to some people but for some it must make sense?????

    Measure with a tape measure. It's hard to lose 1 pound per week when you don't need to lose much weight.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    traditionally cardio isn't seen as mass building.

    but building or lossing mass is far more about what you eat. You can be on a heavy weight training program, but if your eating at a defecit, you're not going to gain mass.

    you might 'develope' the muslce, you may even get stronger, but you wont add mass.

    I've been going p90x for two months. I measured my bicep in the beginning of the program and it was 13.5''. Looking in the mirror, my arms sure LOOK bigger. I've been eating less calories then i've been burning for two months. I knew logically they shouldn't have grown, but they definetly looked like they did, and i was certainly lifting heavier weights...

    ... so i thought what the hell, i'm measure them again, yup, still 13.5 inches exactly. i suspect something similair happens with your legs, they are not acutally gaining mass but as they become more 'fit' there is an illusion of fullness or mass. or your not eating at a defecit.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You won't gain muscle with cardio.

    It's unlikely that you'd gain muscle with strength training either.......since you're a woman, eating at a calorie deficit.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are your goals?

    lose body fat? lose more weight? build stregnth etc..?

    Once you answer this then you should be able to get some better answers to your inquiry....
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    So basically if i have a calorie deficit and do sa 2 hours of running a week will I still loose the 1 lb a week loss?

    If you burn roughly 3500 calories more in a week than you consume. Which is harder to estimate than you think. And if you do strictly cardio, some of that will actually be muscle burning away and not fat. You surely won't BUILD muscle this way.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Cardio BURNS muscle in the morning and BUILDS muscle in the evenings.

    Just make sure you're doing it at the right time, and you'll be fine.

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Cardio BURNS muscle in the morning and BUILDS muscle in the evenings.

    Just make sure you're doing it at the right time, and you'll be fine.

    Great, I can't eat after 8pm or I'll get fat and now I can't do cardio after 8pm or I'll get bulky! Oh noes!!! :cry:
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    what are your goals?

    lose body fat? lose more weight? build stregnth etc..?

    Once you answer this then you should be able to get some better answers to your inquiry....

    I want to lose body fat from my face, legs, hips and waist... so basically every where (I realise you cant lose weight off any particular part)
    The thing is I would'nt mind just gaining a bit of muscle on my legs etc but thing is I need the scales for motivation, If i dont see just small drop i just lose motivation and binge the next day... hope this makes sense?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    what are your goals?

    lose body fat? lose more weight? build stregnth etc..?

    Once you answer this then you should be able to get some better answers to your inquiry....

    I want to lose body fat from my face, legs, hips and waist... so basically every where (I realise you cant lose weight off any particular part)
    The thing is I would'nt mind just gaining a bit of muscle on my legs etc but thing is I need the scales for motivation, If i dont see just small drop i just lose motivation and binge the next day... hope this makes sense?

    You need to find a way to either put the scale away for a while or learn to use other metrics to gauge your progress.
    How often do you weigh yourself?
  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    what are your goals?

    lose body fat? lose more weight? build stregnth etc..?

    Once you answer this then you should be able to get some better answers to your inquiry....

    I want to lose body fat from my face, legs, hips and waist... so basically every where (I realise you cant lose weight off any particular part)
    The thing is I would'nt mind just gaining a bit of muscle on my legs etc but thing is I need the scales for motivation, If i dont see just small drop i just lose motivation and binge the next day... hope this makes sense?

    You need to find a way to either put the scale away for a while or learn to use other metrics to gauge your progress.
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I weigh my self once a week, I am def going to start using the tape measure.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You do not build any appreciable muscle doing cardio...maybe a little in the legs if you'r doing certain kinds of cardio, but it's not going to be anything to write home about. Cardio is short for cardiovascular...those are the real muscles you are working. If your cardio results in a caloric deficit and/or if you have a caloric deficit in your diet then you will burn fat, thus the muscles you do have will show more. Actually, over training on cardio can result in cannibalization of LBM.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Your body is used to supporting your weight, so you doing cardio isn't really building any muscles cause your legs are used to holding you up all day..

    This ^^ totally depends on the type of cardio.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I think this is the problem you need to address more than anything else.
    I need the scales for motivation, If i dont see just small drop i just lose motivation and binge the next day... hope this makes sense?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Cardio BURNS muscle in the morning and BUILDS muscle in the evenings.

    Just make sure you're doing it at the right time, and you'll be fine.

  • emma155
    emma155 Posts: 152
    I think this is the problem you need to address more than anything else.
    I need the scales for motivation, If i dont see just small drop i just lose motivation and binge the next day... hope this makes sense?
