Everything I didn't want to know and/or be



  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    This is an unhealthy relationship is so many ways. My best advice… get out… TRUST ME… it will be hard… you will be sad… but within weeks you will feel an amazing weight lifted… both from your life and your body… I’ve lost 25+ lbs since getting out of a toxic relationship.

    Treat yourself with more respect. You’ll be surprised at how amazing you feel without him putting you down all the time.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    He is right. You dont fart/pee/poop near your man..ever.

    I love ya darlin, but I don't know that I agree...

    If this woman has IBS, she will be in constant pain and discomfort if she holds it in... IF in fact she can hold it in.
    There are guys who don't care as much if their woman toots, (some might be relieved to get that free pass to do the same) and there are many who wouldn't flip out on her to that level of crazy.

    I think she should find someone a tad more understanding.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    He is right. You dont fart/pee/poop near your man..ever.

    There is one thing that can make up for it......but if she's in the other room that isn't happening either......

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Yeah... Its unrealistic, especially with your IBS, that someone who "loves" you is mean to you about perfectly natural bodily functions. I am not about to double over in pain holding in gas or pee or my own **** just so my significant other can continue the dilusional idea that im a body that does nothing but look pretty.. Especially not if he has pictures of other naked women in his phone. Eff that.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    He thinks you say stupid things. He thinks you're disgusting and disrespectful. He is freaked out by bodily functions. He has pics of other women in his phone. That doesn't sound much like love to me.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Uhhhh.. This guy sounds like either a) a total whack job, or b) someone who is way too controlling. You can't use the bathroom upstairs? Who does that? Who freaks out about it, and has a little boy hissy fit. At first when I was reading this, I thought he sounds like some sackless wonder who wants out of the relationship, but doesn't want to be the one to break it off. Instead, he is being as annoying as possible to force your hand in breaking it off. Then as I read about the other girls pics, I became more convinced.

    Like Jac, my one liner was going to be "just break up" , but that is so used as a joke, I didn't think you would take me seriously. How about lose the loser. Move on and find someone who will love you for who you are and be accepting of the things that make you who you are!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I read a bunch of these, I troll, I joke, I generally find the OP to be overreacting...

    My heart sunk for you reading this. None of us would laugh at that story (and any jokes on here, trust me, are not at your expense). I'd say talk to him, but this sounds like textbook emotional abuse. And that's scary, because you don't realize it's happening right away.

    Because even if there IS something else going on in his life, there is no excuse for the behavior he's exhibiting towards you, and I can't think of a single flipping excuse why he'd have the pictures of other women on his phone.

    Based on the excuses you made for him to a bunch of people you don't even know online, I imagine it'll be very, very hard for you to acknowledge the huge negatives this man seems to possess, but acknowledging them would be a first step towards making sense of this sort of relationship and working towards getting yourself out; is there anyone you can talk to offline? A friend, family member, or better yet, a counselor or therapist of some sort?
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    It's pretty bad when you're scared of your boyfriend.

    That being said, he sounds like an *kitten*, and I would get out now.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Get out, now.

    No, wait, scratch that. Kick HIM out, now.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Right now, I'm so glad I made the decision to stop dating for awhile.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Dump him, hes an *kitten*. And how can you honestly "trust him 110%" like you say even though he has pics of other women in his phone? Thats denial, plain and simple.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    He is right. You dont fart/pee/poop near your man..ever.

    Uhhhh... seriously? If i didn't fart/pee/poop rainbows and sunbeams, this would be a problem.

    Also, this guy sounds like a ****. Kick him to the curb
  • My gut tells me hes getting at you because he has something to hide.

    Go through his phone, I think it will answer a few things for you.

    Advice all the way from NZ :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    This reminds me a lot of my exH - telling you that you say stupid things and are disgusting for having natural bodily functions is a form of control and abuse. It's a mild one, and it's easy to glaze over because it's subtle, but it's there. Making you feel like you are undesirable to anyone else is a form of keeping you for himself. Does he ever accuse you of cheating? Or when you're out with friends does he ever crack jokes about you 'sleeping around'?? I bet he does, because it's par for the course with guys that act like this.

    But, just to be fair, you are probably not right for him, either. No matter what you think or suspect, going through his phone is disrespectful and crazycakes. If you can't talk to him about your fears and concerns, you are not communicating like an adult in a relationship should.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    My gut tells me hes getting at you because he has something to hide.

    Go through his phone, I think it will answer a few things for you.

    Advice all the way from NZ :)

    He's moving on in his mind and using anything and everything you do as an excuse to be annoyed with you so he can break up.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    It pains me to say this because I see so many of these boyfriend/husband hating threads here on MFP and I just want to feel for the dude, but I can't. GET OUT NOW!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    It pains me to say this because I see so many of these boyfriend/husband hating threads here on MFP and I just want to feel for the dude, but I can't. GET OUT NOW!

    A wise man, this one.
    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
  • Get the heck out now. Honestly, I was in an abusive relationship that started just like this. If you keep letting him treat you like this, it won't be a long hop, skip and a jump before he's throwing things at you and/or smacking you about.

    You'll be so much better off and so much happier. Your IBS will also get better as you won't have to keep trying to hold it in all the time and will stop causing yourself internal stress.

    p.s. don't send any more sexy pics of yourself to anyone, you never know where they could end up with the interwebs and all.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I could never be with some one that uptight.. ever. Not even friends with.