

  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Experiment! I don't particularly like cooking, but I do it because I want to eat healthy & yummy food & don't have money to waste going out. I seriously make THE BEST broccoli - I've made it for people & they can't believe it's broccoli. I won't even eat broccoli anywhere else. Just mine lol. Part of my secret is garlic & a bit of balsamic vinegar. You want it mushy & lightly brown. :wink:

    I also make pretty bomb grilled veggies, inspired by something I tried at a BBQ once. Chopped peeled carrots, red potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash... Again with more garlic & some balsamic & ground pepper & basil & butter... Kind of the only way I can eat those veggies too. It's SO GOOD - but if I were going to have them somewhere else or another way I probably wouldn't like them.
  • RNDougherty
    I hate most veggies too. I bought a juicer awhile back and this is honestly one of the only ways I love vegetables. I'm eating (drinking) vegetables I never had before, beets, kale, cabbage! I even juiced a clove of garlic. Juicers are expensive, so maybe if you know someone you can experiment with theirs to see if you like it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not on a juice fast, but I do like it and it makes me feel really good.
  • Hershpup
    Hershpup Posts: 22 Member
    I can't stand most veggies myself, I actually hate lettuce but I've been forcing myself to eat a salad at least 3x a week, What I do to get veggies in is to drink v-8 fusion. I love the fruity flavor and I get all the benefits from the veggies.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Hmmmm, maybe you could find recipes with vegetables added, like pizza, spaghetti sauce, stew, soup, etc. Plus try different ways of preparing vegetables. Tossed in oil with your favorite spices and roasted can be divine!

    When I was a child, my mother used to open a can and boil the vegetables. Ick! I thought I hated vegetables too. Turns out that I like quite a few of them. Garlic green beans with lemon is one of my favorites, and green beans used to be my absolute most hated vegetable.

    I so agree! Preparation and freshness are key! My hubby now loves several vegetable that he used to snear at, the most memorable being asparagus. No one in his life had ever fixed it properly, so he thought he hated it. He is now an asparagus lover. Asparagus season is right around the corner, people! I can't wait! Yum!
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't know how to eat right, I am seriously at a loss with this diet crud! I HATE vegetables. My idea of vegetables are corn potatoes tomatoes and cauliflower...... That's it. I am the pickiest eater ever, I hate shellfish! I hate most fishes unless its on my pole. I have no idea how to get myself on a regime. All I want to yeast is Mac n cheese fries burgers pizza...... Anyone want to point me in the right direction?? :-/

    Have you tried making a lowfat vegetable dish? I just thought that might be easier. I had zuchini tonite and sprayed it with Pam Olive Oil flavored spray and sprinkled on a little garlic powder and and spicy flavored Mrs. Dash (cuz I have to watch the sodium) and then topped it with some parmesan cheese and baked it. Another way is top it with tomato sauce, a little shredded mozarella cheese and mild chili's and bake it. Spark People has a lot of recipes.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    As a mother to be (hopefully) .. let's look at what are you going to teach your child(ren) with food and diet. Leadership by example! (it's truly a monkey see - monkey do world.. I'm a mother!) They will mimic everything you do!

    I know it's tough if you don't like it .. but bacon and garlic can become your best friend with some veggies! Yum yum! In and over time .. gradually try different things .. as others have stated.. make the adjust gradually and first start with eating at a sensible calorie deficit :flowerforyou: don't worry about your veggies at first .. work on living within your calorie goals first!

    Walk for exercise if you don't like exercise .. at least a little stroll is better than no exercise at all. start off for 15 minutes and work up.

    You're having to make a lifestyle change .. and it should be permanent and easy for you and your family to follow for the rest of your lives.

    I'll be happy to be your friend here if you want :flowerforyou:

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • jhassell67
    jhassell67 Posts: 5 Member
    I started by making Dr. OZ's Green shake it's loaded with veggies and it's real good. Now I add spinach to every protein shake I make. It doesn't change the taste and it's real good for you. start breakfast with veggies to get the most you can in your day. It doesn't sound appealing but it really is good.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I can totally relate! I can't stand most veggies either, when I first started out potatoes, corn, and lettuce were pretty much it. Seriously my idea of a salad was a piece of limp lettuce in my bacon cheeseburger. And ketchup totally had tomato ya know? Speaking from my own experience, changing your entire way of eating too quickly is just setting yourself up for a binge later on. Eat the foods you like trying to incorporate healthier choices as you go along such as baking your french fries instead of frying them, using 93/7 lean meat for your burgers etc. To get in some form of greens I make homemade smoothies consisting of 1 cup of frozen fruit such as mixed berries, pineapple, mango, or strawberries (whatever you like really), a small banana, 4oz of Trop 50 orange juice, 1 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup kale, and ice. The smoothie is a booger green color (depending on the paleness of your fruit) and isn't exactly aesthetically pleasing but the taste of the fruit COMPLETELY overpowers the taste of the veggies, and it really is quite delicious. For the past 11 months I've been trying to find ways to hide veggies in my food or exploring my own recipes to figure out what I like and how to make them taste less like *kitten*. Low calorie dips also help as well, and make it a little more bearable.

    Good luck! :wink:
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Mix them in with spaghetti sauce, taco meat, etc.

    Disguised veggies are your best friend.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member

    Or, you know, just get over it and eat them because they're good for your body and you love your body because it's the only one you're gonna get. :)

    This^^^^ - your body will get used to it. I can't go a day without having several serves of fresh vegetables. If i miss a day, I don't feel myself and get all lethargic and yucky.

    You can do it!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I love veggies. I think my favorite is zucchini or spinach, or maybe carrots. I really love broccoli too though.

    A couple of my favorite (super easy to make) recipes are:

    Teriyaki stir fry: Chopped zucchini, summer squash, carrots, broccoli all cooked in a pan with my favorite teriyaki sauce (until just tender, I like a little crunch in my veggies. (sometimes I add other things like snow peas, etc...)

    Garlic 'bread' Zucchini: Chopped Garlic in a pan with some olive oil, Slice the zucchini into thin strips, put them into the pan let them toast on one side, flip them and then sprinkle parmesan cheese on top while they finish cooking.

    I think the key is just to try different ways of cooking veggies until you find a way that you like. I actually really don't like summer squash unless it's cooked in teriyaki sauce.
  • stacezilla
    Take the things you like and make them healthy to begin with?

    You want pizza? Too bad.

    Grab a whole wheat english muffin, put some pizza sauce, low fat cheese on it. If you want something else, try ground turkey instead of sausage etc.

    You want a burger? Make it a turkey burger.

    Breakfast sandwich? skinny wheat bagel and egg whites.

    Find things you like and make them healthy.
  • MrsDevor
    This sounds more reasonable than anything else. I have tried veggies other ways and they still taste so bad to me. The working out thing is a slow start for me, but I think that's how it's suppose to happen. Slow and steady wins the race...right?
  • MrsDevor
    I can't just can't deal with texture either. They are either slimey or rubbery. BLAH! I just can't deal with it lol. I do HIGHLY APPRECIATE all of your suggestions. They all sound better than most things I could have thought of. I like the idea of eating what i want within reason and working out, which was my plan to begin with. I just wish I liked vegetables. Think a hypnotist would work?? lol :wink:
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I think you will find that as you start to eat better and become familiar with how many calories are in the foods you really really WANT to eat, you will eventually WANT to find foods that are lower calorie and more nutrient dense. That will inevitably lead you toward veggies, and you will learn to cope with them. Maybe not ever love them, but at least start eating them because they're filling and they're fueling your body. No one says you have to get rid of all the real YUM-YUM foods, just that they shouldn't be eaten for every single meal. :)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Food is medicine. When you start thinking about it that way, vegetables become so much more appealing. I eat mostly vegan, so the idea of hating vegetables is foreign to me these days, but it wasn't always. I was raised eating junk food and if I ever even had vegetables, they were out of a can. I transitioned slowly. I thought I'd never like mushrooms, and then I started grilling and frying them. Kale sauteed is one of my favorite things. Sweet potatoes, steamed asparagus, grilled corn, roasted root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, etc.) – this stuff was all weird to me at once but these are now my comfort foods. Use the internet to your advantage! If you don't know how to prepare something, look it up. Preparing something the wrong way, especially a vegetable, can definitely leave a bad taste in your mouth. ;)

    Well said
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    Hmmmm, maybe you could find recipes with vegetables added, like pizza, spaghetti sauce, stew, soup, etc. Plus try different ways of preparing vegetables. Tossed in oil with your favorite spices and roasted can be divine!

    When I was a child, my mother used to open a can and boil the vegetables. Ick! I thought I hated vegetables too. Turns out that I like quite a few of them. Garlic green beans with lemon is one of my favorites, and green beans used to be my absolute most hated vegetable.

    I so agree! Preparation and freshness are key! My hubby now loves several vegetable that he used to snear at, the most memorable being asparagus. No one in his life had ever fixed it properly, so he thought he hated it. He is now an asparagus lover. Asparagus season is right around the corner, people! I can't wait! Yum!

    Yes. I used to hate green beans, because my mom always made the canned ones. I love them fresh, and just barely cooked (so still crunchy), but the canned ones are still nasty.

    When we were little, my sister and I were super picky and would only eat most vegetables raw. So, my mom gave us raw vegetables so we would eat them (except for certain things like corn and potatoes that aren't good raw).
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    They are either slimey or rubbery.

    It really sounds like you need to look at some recipes on baking/roasting vegetables. If you like potatoes, I HIGHLY recommend for you (based on your other comments) roasted rutabega, turnip, parsnips, carrots and sweet potato. Not only are these often EXTREMELY cheap to buy, they also last a long time in the cupboard or fridge.

    Here's a recipe

    Almost any vegetable can be oven roasted and will not come out slimey or rubbery. Asparagus, brussel sprouts, sweet onions, sweet peppers, broccoli also roast well.

    But it sounds like you're not ready for roasted eggplant, summer squash and zucchini, so stay away from those ones in the oven, because I could see someone calling them slimey and rubbery once they're baked.
  • mrsbromley
    i stir fry mine in a frylite spray and LOADS of garlic and chilli flakes, i love them like that. or for example with sweet potatoes i boil them, then sprinkle a bit of garlic salt on them just a tiny bit and some chilli flakes :)
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Try preparing them different ways.
    I do not like a lot of vegetables but I try my best to include the ones I do like in my diet. I add garlic and pepper to them for more flavor.