

  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Our diet here is Caloric count high and nutritional value low. while the rest of the world have the opposite approach. So May I suggest juicing. What I do is carrot, kale, apple , lemon. mix. using a Hurom slow juicer. If you don't want the vege taste add more apple. Mix and match. Initially it look gross. like green slushy toxic waste. but it just taste like fruit juice. By the way DO NOT BUY COMMERCIAL AVAIABLE FRUIT JUICE. it's just a big giant box of Sugar.
    You will still need fiber though.maybe adding a fiber supplement.

    If you have time look up "Fat sick and nearly dead". I think it's available on Youtube.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I highly recommend the Hurom Juicer. The juice comes out looking like the original Vege, instead of a dead version of it's previous self. Carrot juice comes out orange. Pretty! While the spin and chop kind look more oxidized, because they have been thru the ringer.
    Look up rawfoods channel in Youtube. I bought my Hurom based on all it's comparisons on all juicers
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