Ladies, what qualities do you like in Men?



  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I recently read this blog article about an online dating experiment that I thought was really interesting:

    Bottom line: When it comes to initial contact, women are looking for high-value men that possess multiple qualities, and men are pretty much just going by appearance. Men need to have "game" and put together a profile that highlights their suitability as a potential mate, women just need to look good.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Judging by the men women are with I'm going to say looks and $$$.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Women only like guys who have lots of skills.

    I've got Bo Staff skills AND Wolverine hunting skills. That's right ladies...I'm available! :) Haha.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Judging by the men women are with I'm going to say looks and $$$.
    Obviously you are attracted to the wrong women. :D

    I have been with the same guy for 8 years (next month, but let's not be picky). The initial attraction? His eyes, he was tall, and he smiled at me like I was the most important person in the world. He was 19 when we met, he partied, he was attractive TO ME, he was NOT rich, we both made our own money and paid for our own things. The reason we lasted? Because we both mutually respected and cared for the other, and we had lots of good sex. :D

    By the way the last two things still haven't changed. BAZINGA
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    as long as he ties me up and does dirty things to me.....

    i'm good.

    IDK I had one of those and his unemployed scared to drive stay at home *kitten* got really boring really fast while I was out working. So I'm going with employed.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    as long as he ties me up and does dirty things to me.....

    i'm good.

    IDK I had one of those and his unemployed scared to drive stay at home *kitten* got really boring really fast while I was out working. So I'm going with employed.
    Oh and yes, having some sort of job is a plus!
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Come on ladies.. let's be honest. Most want a 6 pack, a 10 inch cawk, and a 6 figure income. Full head of hair is a plus too.

    No. No. No. No.

    All we want is to feel desirable, wanted and loved. That's it. Okay, a little sex-appeal is always a bonus :wink:.

    Bulllllllllsheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm sure if some less than attractive chubby guy starts hitting on you, desiring you one might say, you're probably going to react a hell of a lot different if Mr. 8% body fat does the same exact thing. Been there done that. Not that I'm 8% body fat by an stretch of the imagination but at 290 I was flat out turned down 100% of the time right out the gate. Some girls even walked away without even speaking back. At 230ish at least I actually get a chance to talk for a couple minutes, though there is still a clear "Oh, heavy guy" vibe women put out. Seriously ladies, drop the nice girl act. You're not fooling anyone.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Come on ladies.. let's be honest. Most want a 6 pack, a 10 inch cawk, and a 6 figure income. Full head of hair is a plus too.

    No. No. No. No.

    All we want is to feel desirable, wanted and loved. That's it. Okay, a little sex-appeal is always a bonus :wink:.

    Bulllllllllsheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm sure if some less than attractive chubby guy starts hitting on you, desiring you one might say, you're probably going to react a hell of a lot different if Mr. 8% body fat does the same exact thing. Been there done that. Not that I'm 8% body fat by an stretch of the imagination but at 290 I was flat out turned down 100% of the time right out the gate. Some girls even walked away without even speaking back. At 230ish at least I actually get a chance to talk for a couple minutes, though there is still a clear "Oh, heavy guy" vibe women put out. Seriously ladies, drop the nice girl act. You're not fooling anyone.

    Ouch thats harsh it's on both ends I guess. I would NEVER expect Mr 8% to find me attractive. Shallow people are shallow people no matter what the gender.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    We all like different things, don't get too down on yourself - there is someone out there for everyone! For me:

    great sense of humor
    someone who is well read/cultured

    Of course I need to be attracted to someone as well, but he doesn't have to be conventionally good looking ya know?
  • heymirth
    heymirth Posts: 448
    I missed on the list where it said "doesn't mind being whipped and stepped on with red high heel boots"
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Come on ladies.. let's be honest. Most want a 6 pack, a 10 inch cawk, and a 6 figure income. Full head of hair is a plus too.

    No. No. No. No.

    All we want is to feel desirable, wanted and loved. That's it. Okay, a little sex-appeal is always a bonus :wink:.

    Bulllllllllsheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm sure if some less than attractive chubby guy starts hitting on you, desiring you one might say, you're probably going to react a hell of a lot different if Mr. 8% body fat does the same exact thing. Been there done that. Not that I'm 8% body fat by an stretch of the imagination but at 290 I was flat out turned down 100% of the time right out the gate. Some girls even walked away without even speaking back. At 230ish at least I actually get a chance to talk for a couple minutes, though there is still a clear "Oh, heavy guy" vibe women put out. Seriously ladies, drop the nice girl act. You're not fooling anyone.

    Honestly, you sound bitter/have a chip on your shoulder, and that isn't attractive. Stop looking at shallow women and maybe you won't have these experiences.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Judging by the men women are with I'm going to say looks and $$$.
    Obviously you are attracted to the wrong women. :D

    I have been with the same guy for 8 years (next month, but let's not be picky). The initial attraction? His eyes, he was tall, and he smiled at me like I was the most important person in the world. He was 19 when we met, he partied, he was attractive TO ME, he was NOT rich, we both made our own money and paid for our own things. The reason we lasted? Because we both mutually respected and cared for the other, and we had lots of good sex. :D

    By the way the last two things still haven't changed. BAZINGA

    Whenever women say the first thing they were attracted to was a man's eyes that's their way of trying to say looks without being shallow. It's a safe thing to pick. It doesn't sound as bad as saying "He was hot."
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Come on ladies.. let's be honest. Most want a 6 pack, a 10 inch cawk, and a 6 figure income. Full head of hair is a plus too.

    No. No. No. No.

    All we want is to feel desirable, wanted and loved. That's it. Okay, a little sex-appeal is always a bonus :wink:.

    Bulllllllllsheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm sure if some less than attractive chubby guy starts hitting on you, desiring you one might say, you're probably going to react a hell of a lot different if Mr. 8% body fat does the same exact thing. Been there done that. Not that I'm 8% body fat by an stretch of the imagination but at 290 I was flat out turned down 100% of the time right out the gate. Some girls even walked away without even speaking back. At 230ish at least I actually get a chance to talk for a couple minutes, though there is still a clear "Oh, heavy guy" vibe women put out. Seriously ladies, drop the nice girl act. You're not fooling anyone.
    *cough* Again


    Or as someone already pointed out, it's both genders doing it... Mr. 8% probably wouldn't be interested in me either. I have cellulite, stretch marks, and a bad attitude. But I do not hold it against Mr. 8% or Jessica Alba who still has flawless skin and can get Mr. 8%, after all I found someone that loves me for me. Now relax, and stop being a diva.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Not to sound cliche but i think you just have to be yourself....BUT on those dating sites you have to be really honest (not modest) and put what you are really like and have to offer, honestly. If you make 6 figures write it, if you make a comfortable living write that. If you're super considerate, outdoorsy, a city boy, a dry sense of humour, the life of the party, don't be afraid to be honest about your positive qualities or better yet, ask someone you know to write it about you since they will be less likely to omit things due to modesty and most likely to remember every nice thing about you. Plus things you didn't even know mattered, like the way you always remember exactly what someone wanted in their starbucks, or how you always order at restaurants with like 3 omissions/special instructions/substitutions but you are so charming you make the waitress WANT to bring it right. They cannot write it in front of you because you will try to get them to remove half of the very best things about you out of modesty or fear of overreaching.

    It's kind of a catch 22: be yourself but have someone else write it. Or is it ironic? Or just backwards, idk but that's my advice.

    The thing is if you represent yourself as accurately as possible you will likely attract women who are just exactly interested in those qualities, thus you. As you saw from the list you made from the answers here there are LOTS of qualities to choose from and no man could expect to be all those things. Who could be a nerd playing HALO all day and simultaneously a superambitious never-say-die go getter, know what I mean? Different strokes for different folks. Now go get a folk so you can get to stroking.
  • sweeTTurbo
    Depends what I need a man for.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Just to clarify from you ladies who listed non-physical qualities.

    So physical attraction doesn't play into the quality you're looking for in a guy? Granted that's subjective I know. But basically are you saying, if the guy looks good on paper he's good to go?
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    So physical attraction doesn't play into the quality you're looking for in a guy? Granted that's subjective I know. But basically are you saying, if the guy looks good on paper he's good to go?

    Oh absolutely not! good on paper could be boring in real life...I absolutely need chemistry/attraction - but that isn't quantifiable in physical qualities. Sure, being tall, fit, etc sounds great - but I have been extremely attracted to short/overweight men too, and am not attracted to every tall, fit man.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member

    Bulllllllllsheeeeeeeeeeet. I'm sure if some less than attractive chubby guy starts hitting on you, desiring you one might say, you're probably going to react a hell of a lot different if Mr. 8% body fat does the same exact thing. Been there done that. Not that I'm 8% body fat by an stretch of the imagination but at 290 I was flat out turned down 100% of the time right out the gate. Some girls even walked away without even speaking back. At 230ish at least I actually get a chance to talk for a couple minutes, though there is still a clear "Oh, heavy guy" vibe women put out. Seriously ladies, drop the nice girl act. You're not fooling anyone.

    What kind of women were you hitting on that shut you down every time and sometimes walked away without even speaking back? I'm guessing they weren't "Less than attractive chubby"?
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    A guy that cooks and cleans makes me ridiculously excited.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    Come on ladies.. let's be honest. Most want a 6 pack, a 10 inch cawk, and a 6 figure income. Full head of hair is a plus too.

    6 pack is a plus. But I want someone to be healthy. And if you can get it in 10 inches YOUR A MAD MAN! And a 6 figure salary, no, But I don't want to have to be relied on to pay the bills. A good paying job would be nice. And my man shaves his head really short. So I don't mind that either. Your perception of women and how they want their men are completely off. Sorry