Bacon (to eat or not to eat)



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Cut down, not out.

    It really doesn't matter what you eat until you're around 10% BF (which is something most people don't aspire to). You like beer? Drink beer. You like bacon? Eat bacon. You like cake? Eat cake. Eat a lot of it, you get fat. Eat less of it, you lose weight. Just remember to flagellate yourself afterwards.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I didn't know pork was red meat! I have so much to learn about eating healthy.

    Pork is "the other white meat." Nope, not red meat. That's the food police talking. :laugh:

    Actually, calling pork white meat is the advertisers talking. According to the USDA meat that is red when raw is red meat, even if it turns white when cooked. White meat are meats that are light when raw like turkey and chicken. Some poultry, such as duck, is also red meat.

    So all meat is red, if you believe that nonsense. :laugh:

    This is what comes of believing the USDA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    According to some nutrition groups all land animal flesh is red meat, including chicken. But it's just semantics. Advertisers for the pork counsel (or whatever it's called) started advertising pork as white meat when the recommendation to eat more white, and less red, meat became popular. Before that, pork was always red meat.

    It's all based on common misconceptions of what makes people healthy. People think chicken is healthier, ergo, lets make our meat sound like chicken. The USDA/FDA lie to us more than any advertiser.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Always eat the bacon.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    trim the fat off it if you're that concerned but imo bacon is just as healthy as any other meat, fat isn't always a bad thing in diet even when losing weight
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i have bacon almost every morning, two slices, nitrate free. with two eggs and avocado, with sriracha. breakfast of champions!

    oh i do trim the fat, sometimes it's an inch or so on each side of every slice. helps make them smaller to fit in the pan.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Moderation!!! I just had ONE slice for breakfast as a matter of fact. Only 40 calories!
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    People keep talking about not eating pork be ause pigs live in filth. That doesn't really bother me cause I wash the food before I cook it. But that's just me.
  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    I have turkey bacon and it tastes just as good!!
  • bluemoon551
    bluemoon551 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie...
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member

    This made me laugh so hard! I am a bad bad person...who loves bacon...ALL THE BACON
  • Getyourshineon

    2. Pigs are smarter then dogs. They have emotions and feel pain just like humans.

    3. Pig skin is very similar in composition to human skin. It is said that pork even tastes like human flesh because of their similar biology. Back in the Middle Ages there was a time with autopsies on humans were not allowed. Medical students had to use pigs to practice on. This was done because the anatomy of a pig also has many other similarities to humans.
    I hate being a smart *kitten*, but this just bothered me...

    Wow.. .Really? That's crazy! #2.I love animals, all kinds but I still eat meat, all kinds, no matter how smart they are!! And #3 That's way too much information!! I still love bacon, sorry, you didn't turn me off! Carry on ~
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: EAT IT :drinker:
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I used to eat bacon regularly. But when my nutritionist told me that the nitrate in it is directly linked to colorectal cancer, I stopped. I eat some from time to time but not as much as i do. I like my healthy colon.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I didn't know pork was red meat! I have so much to learn about eating healthy.

    Pork is "the other white meat." Nope, not red meat. That's the food police talking. :laugh:

    Actually, calling pork white meat is the advertisers talking. According to the USDA meat that is red when raw is red meat, even if it turns white when cooked. White meat are meats that are light when raw like turkey and chicken. Some poultry, such as duck, is also red meat.

    So all meat is red, if you believe that nonsense. :laugh:

    This is what comes of believing the USDA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    According to some nutrition groups all land animal flesh is red meat, including chicken. But it's just semantics. Advertisers for the pork counsel (or whatever it's called) started advertising pork as white meat when the recommendation to eat more white, and less red, meat became popular. Before that, pork was always red meat.

    It's all based on common misconceptions of what makes people healthy. People think chicken is healthier, ergo, lets make our meat sound like chicken. The USDA/FDA lie to us more than any advertiser.

    It's not just the govt that thinks eating too much bacon or other cured meats or meats high in saturated fat can have health consequences.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Bacon is completely fine, although the uncured variety is healthier. It does not have added nitrates or nitrites and is naturally low in calories (60 to 80 per serving of 2 slices, depending on the brand).
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Turkey bacon generally runs between 25-35 calories a slice. The real bacon I buy is 40 calories a slice (it's officially labelled on the package as 80 calories for 2 slices). While obviously everyone has different dietary concerns calorie wise it just doesn't seem like a big difference unless you're eating 10+ slices a sitting.
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I eat bacon every morning and I have been losing a pound a week. I eat Wright Brand thick cut hickory smoked , 2 slices 90 calories.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    theres sat fat in eggs and most of you probably eat them... you're talking minimal content, it's meat, it's good for you

    and to you americans just be glad your not buying meat labelled as beef that is infact horse! lol
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    BACOOOOOOOON! Hell yea you should eat bacon. What you're doing right now is perfect. 1 or 2 times a week is nothing to worry about. As long as you're limiting it to like.....2 to 3 pieces when you're eating then no worries.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    Love this topic! Someone needs to write a book called "The Joy of Porking".

    Everything is better with bacon, except chocolate covered bacon - that's just gross. Boo! to turkey bacon, ham and canadian bacon!

    Here's an awesome recipe that any bacon lover would love - especially the men on Valentines day. (Hey, one cannot diet every day!):

    Prawns (or very large shrimp) - raw, peeled and deveined, tail on
    Bacon, slow-cooked half way to "done" (One slice for each prawn)
    Fresh whole jalapenos, fire-roasted over flames (or toast them in a hot dry pan) (One jalapeno for every 4 prawns)

    Quarter the roasted jalpenos length-wise and remove the seeds. Lay a jalapeno quarter on a prawn, then secure it by wrapping a slice of bacon around the prawn. Secure the bacon ends with toothpicks. Place on a cookie sheet that has been prepared with no-stick spray, and repeat until done. Bake at 325 degrees until the bacon is to your likeness and the prawns are fully pink, flipping them about half way through the cooking process. Remove from oven, let cool about 5 minutes and remove the toothpicks. Enjoy!

    I eat them plain, but they would be good with a coctail sauce. They are about 100 calories each, so don't make a whole meal out of them. It's a great thing to make for your husband or boyfriend on a special occasion - a very sexy food ' cause you eat it with your fingers and it's spicy. :smokin: You might have to find a way to put out the flames.

    Happy V-Day!