Phentermine (Adipex vs generic)



  • MsLovely707
    MsLovely707 Posts: 5 Member
    I have taken Adipex more then once; I have only used it more then once because I did not stay on it until I achieved my goal weight. I am using it again now to (hopefully) complete my journey. It works well for me. I have high B/P and don't usually have and issue. It is a great tool and I did not have the excessive re-gain that everyone is scared of. I actually only gained like 10lbs over a 9 month period due to a ridiculous schedule limiting my meal planning. I definitely had a ton of energy and it helps kill my appetite better then anything else I have ever used. Here are some important things I have learned about Adipex.

    1) You do have to use this as a TOOL... that is key. If you don't, you will not learn the appropriate way to maintain your weight loss.

    2) Everyone is different. some people will not be able to tolerate the increase in metabolism. My body type is high in muscle and my metabolism is slow (per my metabolism test), so the increase is a major benefit for me as long as I am sure to try and complete my protein goal daily (which can be hard for a Lacto-Ovo-Pescatarian).

    3) I can definitely tell the difference between the brand (Adipex) and the generic (Phentermine). The generic is much more mild then the brand. I am not sure if that has more to do with my particular body type or what...but I can tell the difference. My doctor only prescribes me the brand.

    4) Diet and exercise are still key. I lose weight fairly quickly when I utilize all these tools together, but it is not as effective if any one of these tools are missing. Exercise is also an important factor in maintaining and/or reducing my B/P.

    5) You have to learn to increase nutrient rich foods within your specific calorie/micro/macro limits. Filling your day with useless calories will still cause you to feel hungry or like your missing something.

    6) ASK QUESTIONS! Your doctor/NP/clinic is there for a reason. If you feel like you are stuck or not effectively losing... ask for help. They may help you adjust your diet or switch up your workout routine or both. You never know until you ask.

    7) MEAL PREP and track your intake and exercise on MFP! If this works for you, there is a strong possibility that you may forget to eat until you are used to it. If your day is planned and you already have it logged so you know exactly where you are, you will be much more successful. I tend to input my meals the day before as I get ready for work so I don't have to remember to do it during my busy day. If I am off, I just input as I go. I also carry healthy snacks so that I can add calories if needed without adding excessive sugar, fat, carbs, trans fats, and/or salt.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    edited May 2019
    An ex very good friend of mine started phentermine because she didn't want to put in the work involved to lose weight. You can even see some of my old posts on here with my concerns. She lost 16-20 pounds in the first two weeks and when I checked her MFP, she was only eating 400-700 calories a day. I was really concerned for her health, we had a lot of arguments about it and I eventually lost that friendship. That was about a year ago. She now has gained all the weight back plus more and she experienced severe hairloss that she is still trying to recover from. So choose wisely.