

  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm not going to say what everyone else is saying because it's obvious and already been said.I'm not sure if there is a way to see your exercise but, by viewing your profile,I'm assuming you burn most of what you eat just keeping up your two little ones during the normal course of a day.If your working out on top of that,not only will you not lose weight,You'll eventualy run out of energy and crash.
  • jross1006
    Thank you for the posts. I always felt like I shouldnt eat all the calories because I get so crazy busy with my kids football practices and travel ball leagues that I never have time to work out. So instead I try not to eat and in return this is what I get. Its a great eye opener. Thank you
  • jross1006
    I'm not going to say what everyone else is saying because it's obvious and already been said.I'm not sure if there is a way to see your exercise but, by viewing your profile,I'm assuming you burn most of what you eat just keeping up your two little ones during the normal course of a day.If your working out on top of that,not only will you not lose weight,You'll eventualy run out of energy and crash.

    I do a lot of running around with the kids and I crash everyday around 8pm.
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Eat over 1543 per day and the wait will start coming off.

    1543 is your BMR this is what your body would need each day if you were in a coma. This amount of calories just makes your body function without moving.

    Work out your TDEE,

    I plateaued so many times on 1200cals a day

    Eat plenty of lean meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, fruits etc.

    Good luck :0)
  • jross1006
    Why are you yelling?

    Also, it helps if you eat more than 800 calories a day, you know.

    Not yelling. Just frustrated. I do eat. I feel like I eat a lot. Its just the things that fill me up don't seem to have be high in calories. I am going to make some changes.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm not going to say what everyone else is saying because it's obvious and already been said.I'm not sure if there is a way to see your exercise but, by viewing your profile,I'm assuming you burn most of what you eat just keeping up your two little ones during the normal course of a day.If your working out on top of that,not only will you not lose weight,You'll eventualy run out of energy and crash.

    I do a lot of running around with the kids and I crash everyday around 8pm.

    Food is fuel! I have two 7 year olds.You need to fuel yourself to keep up!:smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm pretty sure that you can see your own food diary. Try hitting your calorie target for starters.
  • jross1006
    She wants to lose 20lb in 2 months... :noway:

    Case closed.

    I dont want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. I actually started dieting January 1 but have only been logging for 4 weeks now. My goal was to lose 15 by april 15th. I though it was a realistic number. I am still learning the goods and the bads. I haven't really taken the best care of myself since I am am single mother of two, work full time and go to school full time. So instead of your sarcastic remarks it would nice if you would use these posts to help out, give me some tips on meals etc. Thanks
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Oh my word....eat!!
  • Goldie_13
    Simple you're starving your body! Actually eat 1200 calories for starters & the weight will come off. I'm not speaking for everyone but I have done great with eating 1200 calories a day it doesn't work for everyone but then again I am 3 inches shorter then you. You need to eat or you will never drop any weight & if you do it's muscle from what I have gathered from other users....
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Eat lots of veg and fruit, whole grains, yogurt, almonds, up your protein....
  • jross1006
    Rather than just tell you that you aren’t eating enough I am going to offer you some advice and you can choose to use it or not but I felt it would be helpful. I think you can easily reach your goal of 145 by April 15th if you can do what I suggest or even use it and modify it you fit you.

    Your metabolism is probably in the dumps from your low caloric intake. The only way to get it up is increase your caloric intake with complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats.

    Are you exercising at all? If not that could also provide a metabolic boost especially if you incorporate some type of weight training whether it be free weights or machines. If you don't have access to it I would recommend doing body resistance stuff at home. You would be surprises how 20-30 minutes a day of push-ups, lunges, squats, sit-ups will do for you.

    Try and focus on complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats. It’s better to have eggs (or egg whites) and oatmeal for breakfast at around 300 cals rather than an instant "breakfast" bar, which in reality is basically a candy bar.

    I would recommend this:

    Breakfast: (250-300 Cals)
    3-Egg whites (cooked with non-stick spray, not butter)
    1-whole egg
    1/2 cup oatmeal( or a whole pack of instant oatmeal if you need convenience)
    --- You could use liquid eggs for convenience, I do

    Morning snack: (160 - 200 cals)
    Piece of Fruit
    1/2 serving of almonds

    Lunch: 300-450 Cals
    4-6oz Lean meat (chicken breast/lean beef/Fish/Shrimp)
    1/2 Sweet potato
    1-.5cups or 1 serving of Broccoli/green beans/ asparagus/ cauliflower

    Or Grilled Chicken Salad with low calorie dressing and be very cautious of the amounts of the extras on the salad (croutons/cheese/bacon, etc) they add up very fast

    Afternoon snack: (~200 cals)
    Greek Yogurt or
    1/2 serving of almonds or mozzarella Cheese stick

    Dinner: 300-500 Cals
    5-8oz Lean meat (chicken breast/lean beef/Fish/Shrimp)
    1/2 cup cooked brown rice or sweet potato
    1-.5cups or 1 serving of Broccoli/green beans/ asparagus/ cauliflower

    PM Snack Ideas: (100-200)
    Sugar Free Fudgesicles
    Light Microwave Popcorn
    Piece of fruit

    On the low end it would be 1,300 Cals and on the high end it would be 1,750 and that would assume you at every meal at max Cals.

    I promise you if you eat this way consistently you will lose weight faster than you have ever lost weight in your life. It will only magnify if you can find a way to consistently incorporate exercise. Even if you can only fit in 3 days a week of 30 minutes. All I can say is we need to get out and move. No matter what type of exercise you choose we need to do some.

    There are only two certainties I can guarantee.
    It will happen if you do it
    It won't happen if you don't

    I will say this I am not offering a short cut. If you are looking for easy and a silver bullet that is not what I offered. What I offer is sound advice that takes hard work, planning/preparation and dedication.
    You have to remember if it was easy we would all be walking around with 6-packs.
    Best of luck.

    If this was helpful to you and you have any further questions let me know.

    This was the most helpful comment yet. This is what I needed. I want to get away from protein shakes and start eat foods. I just have a hard time making up my own meals while trying to figure out all the numbers and crap. Thank you for your support and advice. I will be putting this to work ASAP.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    She wants to lose 20lb in 2 months... :noway:

    Case closed.

    I dont want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. I actually started dieting January 1 but have only been logging for 4 weeks now. My goal was to lose 15 by april 15th. I though it was a realistic number. I am still learning the goods and the bads. I haven't really taken the best care of myself since I am am single mother of two, work full time and go to school full time. So instead of your sarcastic remarks it would nice if you would use these posts to help out, give me some tips on meals etc. Thanks

    She's asking for advice.I don't know why she is being verbally attacked.
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Not only are you not losing weight you are wrecking havoc on your metabolism. Please watch this video - it helps explain why a very low calorie diet (VLCD) is not the way to go.

  • jross1006
    ... And I got pulled up about using CAPS LOCK.

    Something wrong with CAPS LOCK
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    She wants to lose 20lb in 2 months... :noway:

    Case closed.

    I dont want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. I actually started dieting January 1 but have only been logging for 4 weeks now. My goal was to lose 15 by april 15th. I though it was a realistic number. I am still learning the goods and the bads. I haven't really taken the best care of myself since I am am single mother of two, work full time and go to school full time. So instead of your sarcastic remarks it would nice if you would use these posts to help out, give me some tips on meals etc. Thanks
    don't worry about the snide remarks, you got some good advice here. i know it might be hard to eat all your calories (i myself still have issues) but really, you must eat more especially as your life seems pretty active anyway. more veggies, fruits, yoghurt and nuts if you like them. eggs are good as well for bumping calories and protein, i like having them for breakfast if i have enough time in the morning as they are calorific but keep me feeling satisfied. also try to maybe pre log? i find if i pre log my dinner, i have more control over the rest of my food intake for the day.
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    From your diary, it looks as though you are not eating enough. If your diary is correct, you are barely eating 900 calories a day, which means you are starving yourself. You need to eat a minimum of 1200 calories. When you set your goals, go by the recommended and eat your cals! Also, coffee isnt breakfast. I always hated breakfast but now eat it daily and have lost 7 #s in about 6 weeks. Drink lots of water too. Lastly, balance your proteins and carbs, and limit your sodium. Good luck! Lots of people will give you good advice -- take it!
    the above is what you should be doing
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    She wants to lose 20lb in 2 months... :noway:

    Case closed.

    I dont want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. I actually started dieting January 1 but have only been logging for 4 weeks now. My goal was to lose 15 by april 15th. I though it was a realistic number. I am still learning the goods and the bads. I haven't really taken the best care of myself since I am am single mother of two, work full time and go to school full time. So instead of your sarcastic remarks it would nice if you would use these posts to help out, give me some tips on meals etc. Thanks
    don't worry about the snide remarks, you got some good advice here. i know it might be hard to eat all your calories (i myself still have issues) but really, you must eat more especially as your life seems pretty active anyway. more veggies, fruits, yoghurt and nuts if you like them. eggs are good as well for bumping calories and protein, i like having them for breakfast if i have enough time in the morning as they are calorific but keep me feeling satisfied. also try to maybe pre log? i find if i pre log my dinner, i have more control over the rest of my food intake for the day.

    This.And I pre-log too.If it's out there,I feel I have to stick to it.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Is it possible that you need to reevaluate your goals? I would really look into calculating your lean body mass, as an earlier poster suggested. Don't get too focused on the number on the scale....find out your body fat %, measure your inches....ask yourself: Do I feel fit?

    I'm just shy of 5'6", and based on my body fat percentage, lean body mass calculations, and past experience, I've set my goal weight to 170 lb...or thereabouts. ;)

    I've no idea of your body type or anything, but it is something to think about. Good luck to you! :)
  • zilea
    zilea Posts: 31 Member
    You're definitely not eating enough, but if it makes you feel any better, it's been four weeks for me as well without any loss (I have 1 pound documented, but I haven't seen that number again on the scale since). I am personally just trying to stay positive. Since I only have a little to lose, I am working on changing up my exercise routine as well as switching up my nutrition a bit (currently trying to focus on more protein, less carbs/fats). One thing I advise is to take your measurements if you don't already. Despite not losing a pound I have lost inches. I've lost 1.25 inches on my hips, .5 inch on my waist, and .5 inch on each arm. Yes, it's frustrating to not see the scale number change, but you have to remember that there's more to it than that. As frustrated as I am about that, my measurements help me to realize that this isn't all for naught.

    Definitely increase your calories and consider trying something new with your diet/fitness. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda have been proven to actually increase appetite and carbohydrate cravings, so be careful with that. Add in some veggies! Try to include a broad and colorful selection of veggies every single day (kale, spinach, squashes, carrots, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, etc.). Your body absolutely needs these foods.

    Stay positive and remember that food is medicine. Research nutrition if you need to stay motivated to eat whole, natural foods. The more you learn about each veggie, fruit, nut, seed, bean, legume, etc., the more you'll probably want to eat these foods. And most importantly, it reiterate, eat more! Good luck!