Can't be bothered - does it matter?



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Nope, makes no difference..none. Zero, zip, nada.. Eat at a 20% deficit from your TDEE and you WILL lose weight. It's not hard, it's not complicated. I really wish more people would understand that.

    You don't need pills, you don't need doctors, you don't need to kill yourself at the gym. You need to find out exactly how many calories you need (1600 is way too low for you by the way), you need to record your food, buy a scale and weigh it. If you can't find 'UK food" then use USA food or something similar or the MFP food. If you don't track you will NOT lose weight. Stop trying to do everything at once. Read the roadmap, figure out your TDEE (at least 2k), track your food, lose weight...easy.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    Nope, makes no difference..none. Zero, zip, nada.. Eat at a 20% deficit from your TDEE and you WILL lose weight. It's not hard, it's not complicated. I really wish more people would understand that.

    You don't need pills, you don't need doctors, you don't need to kill yourself at the gym. You need to find out exactly how many calories you need (1600 is way too low for you by the way), you need to record your food, buy a scale and weigh it. If you can't find 'UK food" then use USA food or something similar or the MFP food. If you don't track you will NOT lose weight. Stop trying to do everything at once. Read the roadmap, figure out your TDEE (at least 2k), track your food, lose weight...easy.

    this is true but doing a bit of cardio regularly will help massively, not only in weight loss but gaining back fitness lost from not doing much for a long time, part of weight loss is feeling good and getting into any form of cardio WILL make you feel good if you stick with it
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    If you need more inspiration, I just saw this on the boards...


    And someone else reminded me of Ed Davenport's AMAZING AMAZING transformation...

    Granted they're both men, but I share their stories only because I can't remember the name of the woman who had such amazing results...
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member

    Anything is better than doing nothing because you can't manage a full hour yet.

    ETA: I've never had any problems getting UK food to come up on the log. Perhaps trying to reduce branded, processed foods might assist you here as well?

    It's really annoying when someone does this to me (above). What I mean is..

    (a) does not read my OP properly then gives unhelpful advice that makes it look like I do NOTHING 24/7 when in fact I was simply exhausted from doing too much exercise. You won't find a woman of 54 weighing 346 who exercises more than I do.


    (b) Assuming I eat processed junk.

    I just checked Jojo's food diary and she lives off branded junk foods, Sainsbury's ready-meals and Kellogg's cereals andd branded protein shakes..

    My diet is cleaner than hers:
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    If you need more inspiration, I just saw this on the boards...


    And someone else reminded me of Ed Davenport's AMAZING AMAZING transformation...

    Granted they're both men, but I share their stories only because I can't remember the name of the woman who had such amazing results...

    Thanks, syntonic.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    hiyah i hate exercise and prob always will
    but i force myself everday atleast 20/30 mins a day. i must say i feel so much better after. i am slowly seeing benefits and feeling stronger. so i think its worth it. try and find an activity u enjoy
  • lunameow
    lunameow Posts: 9 Member
    Gotta address this whole "drug dependent" stigma, because it's BS. If you had diabetes, you wouldn't call taking insulin every day a "dependency". If you were born with a hole in your heart and had to take medication to regulate that, you wouldn't call it a "dependency". Depression and other mental illnesses are medical conditions, and sometimes, just like any other medical condition, they DO require that you take maintenance medications to regulate.

    I have not, do not, and will not ever apologize or make excuses for my "dependency" on my anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants. Before meds, I was miserable, cranky, and always tired. Once I started the meds, I had a MUCH more positive outlook on life, and THAT is what got me exercising and watching my calories, because I love my life and I love myself, and I'll do whatever it takes to make me happier and healthier, both physically and mentally.

    (Okay, yes. You'd be insulin-dependent, but there's a difference between that and implying an addiction.)
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    By all means go on the attack about how much of a better person you are if it deflects attention away from the fact you are here complaining you can't over exercise without having to spend the rest of the week shuffling between the couch and the refrigerator.

    You may notice that my diary is open for anyone to see; I am not ashamed of chemo making me feel too sick to eat breakfast; sometimes my breakfast is actually eaten at about 4pm because the antiemetics haven't kicked in yet. This morning, I have had a bacon and egg mcmuffin. Even UK branded foods are on this database, I find.

    I could eat better. It wouldn't make me a different person. I keep ridiculous hours, especially when I am trying to balance chemo drugs and steroids with rehearsals, soundchecks and gigs. Sometimes I drink. I'm over 18, it is allowed, and it is always recorded accurately. Entering what I actually consume every day without exception or excuses that I have got it noted down 'somewhere' does make me honest about what I do, however. This isn't some online RPG where we compete to be a Pureeater Level 3000, it's supposed to be recording what we actually do so we can see it written down and see where we may choose to make improvements.

    I also exercise. I don't kill myself on one day a week, I keep as active as I can every day. Sometimes that is purely running to the toilet to throw up again. Chemo sucks, especially as there isn't a foreseeable end to taking the drugs; it's every week for the rest of my life. I'm off to the gym again this afternoon. If I'm feeling good, I will go past my minimum plan. If not, I'll keep to that. If I feel unwell, I'll do what I can in the knowledge that, as long as I do something everyday, it's more effective than flapping around once a week and watching Star Trek the rest of the week.

    The reason I replied to this thread is that you blatantly lied about needing permission to change GP in the UK, assuming that you were just bull****ting a bunch of well meaning Americans who didn't have a clue about how the NHS works. If you can lie about that, what else has to be taken with a pinch of salt?