Fasting diet

Does anyone have any comments on the latest 5:2 fasting diet? Apart from losing weight it's supposed to have really good health benefits. I'm trying it out this week, so will update but I was interested to see if anyone else has/is doing it?


  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I haven't done it and can't imagine I ever would. I just don't like skipping meals and being hungry. But I am curious about other's experiences!

    My neighbor who is an avid runner started doing a version of fasting where she only ate between noon and 8pm. Problem was, her running club ran at 7am. So she bonked big time at her group runs because she just had no fuel!
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I did alternate day fasting all through my weight loss and love it! I'm doing 5:2 now to maintain.
  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    I did alternate day fasting all through my weight loss and love it! I'm doing 5:2 now to maintain.

    I am curious to know how does day fasting work? What does a typical fasting day look like for you? Thanks.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    My diary's open. I don't eat clean, so it may shock you. ;-)

    My fasting days are anything under 500 calories. I usually keep it closer to 350 calories. Skip breakfast, have chili for lunch, and usually fish or chicken with a veggie for dinner.

    I have done a full fast with just tea or broth before, but never noticed any difference in my rate of weight loss between fasting completely, or very low calorie fasting.

    With 5:2, I'm trying to do my fasting days as Tuesday/Friday.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Started the 5:2 fasting diet this week as well.. Did Wenesday and today.. Will go to Monday/Thursday next week..
    It's up to one's choice to agree or disagree on this but if it's working , go for it..
    Also there is groups on here for the 5:2

    GL it seems to work for me ..
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    It's going to change your life.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    It's going to change your life.

    I might add for the 'good' IMO
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    started 5:2 intermittant fasting in January 2013 and have lost 10lbs in five weeks so I am more than happy. Eating less on two consecutive days has been very manageable and has a knock on effect as I do not overeat on the normal eating days - I often stop at approx 1800 calories.
  • athandtia
    athandtia Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all your comments :-) I'm weighing in tomorrow so fingers crossed. I've stuck to it rigidly and finding it easier than I thought. It forces you to make good calorific choices, so fish and vegetables with some low cal mayo has been on the menu, and tasty home made vegetable soup. Surprisingly, I haven't tried to over compensate on the non-fasting days, so feeling pretty okay at the minute.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Thanks for all your comments :-) I'm weighing in tomorrow so fingers crossed. I've stuck to it rigidly and finding it easier than I thought. It forces you to make good calorific choices, so fish and vegetables with some low cal mayo has been on the menu, and tasty home made vegetable soup. Surprisingly, I haven't tried to over compensate on the non-fasting days, so feeling pretty okay at the minute.

    Keep up the good work your'e doing great!.. Keep us posted..
  • athandtia
    athandtia Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all, I lost 3lb! Absolutely overjoyed! Will continue with this and hope to reach my target soon. So I lost weight on the high protein diet which is marvellous because you can eat lots and lose weight, but the trouble is, once you start to add carbs, the weight goes back on and then some. This way, I think the stomach expects less over time and you def make more sensible choices. Apart from the weight loss, there is evidence of extremely good health benefits, so another reason to keep it up.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Well done, today is my first day and I will do tomorrow too so I can eat normally with the family at the weekend. Looking forward to seing good results. Can I ask how you all eat on a non fastind day. Do you just stick to your nomal diet call and exercise plan?
  • Emmalindley
    Emmalindley Posts: 13 Member
    Well done, today is my first day and I will do tomorrow too so I can eat normally with the family at the weekend. Looking forward to seing good results. Can I ask how you all eat on a non fastind day. Do you just stick to your nomal diet call and exercise plan?

    Hi, I am in my third week of 5:2 intermittant fasting - on my non fasting days I stick to my regular exercise plan (I dont exercise on fasting days) and I eat fairly normally and I don't worry if I go over my calorie goal set by MFP as you can relax on non-fasting days eg. go out for dinner or have a treat. But what I have found is that as fasting is clearing my system (IMO), that on the regular days I'm not as tempted to binge on chocolate like I used to and I'm more able to stick to a healthier diet. This is from a girl who just a few weeks ago had 3 cans of coke a day and 3+ bars of chocolate a day!

    I hope you find the same and that it works for you! Good luck!
  • spally2
    Just started this this week so we shall see how I get on. I think you can eat what you want on the non-fasting days, I think the researcher said that you don't actually over eat on the non-fast days, maybe by 10% only. Am trying to do fasting on Wednesday/Saturdays as those are days that I don't go to the gym or run
  • athandtia
    athandtia Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, good luck. On a non fasting day I truly dont feel like bingeing. For example, over the weekend, I ate a lovely roast lamb dinner with potatoes and lots of veg. I had a very healthy grilled fish and roasted veg on Saturday, and as one of our other fellow dieters said, before doing this, my food choices would have been snacking on chocolates and lots of other rubbish. I do Yoga on my fasting day and this seems to work.:happy:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    On non-fast days I try to stick to my maintenance cals of roughly 1800-2000, but I'm not terribly strict about it, and the odd splurge is OK. I'll have chocolate, wine at weekends, maybe a fish supper with my husband once a month or so. As others have said, you really don't feel the need to over-compensate. I do light exercise on a fast day (yoga, Scottish dancing, walk the dogs), and keep my long runs for a day where I know I can have something carby afterwards!
  • athandtia
    athandtia Posts: 28 Member
    I didn't plan yesterday (my fasting day) very well, and had a tasteless powdered cuppa soup just to keep within the calories for lunch. As a result, I felt very hungry and dizzy by dinner time. Would highly recommend choosing nutritious low-cal food on fast days. Hairy Bikers Diet book is excellent as it gives calories counts per portion. And of course I need to heed my own advice!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I do 20/4 and I love it
  • Alaynes
    Alaynes Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've just started the 5:2 diet and I'm on my 2nd fast day. I must admit I'm hungry and a little light headed at the moment. I had a boiled egg and a ryvita at about 11 am. I'm planning home made veg soup at tea time so by my reckoning I've got about 90 cals left. I'm hoping this will be easier overall to stick to than regular dieting. I've got 4 stones to lose . What an admission !!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Just because I'm at work and not wanting to google.. How does 5:2 diet compare to say Lean Gains?