how do i deal with a addiction?

i'm convinced i'm addicted to food mainly sweets. no matter what i do i crave them like mad and i get grumpy if i don't get them. i gave up cake frosting but i catch myself reaching for a piece of chocolate in the middle of the night and in between do i beat this? also keeping sweets out of the house is impossible i have a hubby who's 140 lbs soak and wet who can eat anything and not gain a pound and we use treats for rewards when the kids do something good.


  • m00glem0g
    m00glem0g Posts: 21 Member
    DO NOT USE TREATS AS REWARDS!!!!!!!!!!! You are completely setting them up for problems later!!!!! Time for the whole family to undergo a change. Other rewards might include priviledges, or fun outings, or something other than food.
  • m00glem0g
    m00glem0g Posts: 21 Member
    Talk to your partner about it. Tell them that you're struggling having treats around all the time and that it would give you much more peace-of-mind if A) the treats were kept well out of sight and out of easy reach, or (better) b), treats were not kept at home. Out of sight, out of mind. Stock up your fridge and cupboards with healthy treats. Your favourite fruits and that sort of thing.
  • him1025
    i can do that for the kids but hubby is always bringing them home he give me zero support on anything so i need to break this addiction with the problem in front of me
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Honestly, get them out of the house and use fruits as "treats" for the rewards if you absolutely have to. A cousin of mine used to stock up on little toys from the dollar store and use those as rewards too... maybe a good idea? Or a ticket system depending on age?

    Read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan.. frankly sugars and carbs (which become sugars in your body) perpetuates a desire for more of the same.
  • laciemn
    laciemn Posts: 77 Member
    Easy, when he brings it home, wait til he's gone and throw it out.
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    Try peanuts, cashews, any kind of nut. The protien will help counter the carb cravings. I keep jars of nuts all around. Though I do occasionally break down with chocolate covered. Who knows your husband might just pick up your habbit if they are more accessable!
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I also have an addictive personality. For what it's worth, there are studies out there that indicate that addiction is pattern based (duh?). What I mean is, if you can break a pattern, you can break the addiction.

    For smokers something like "do not smoke after you eat"..

    For college kids that party every weekend and drink. "stay home and watch a movie"

    Breaking cycles of behavior teaches the brain to function without dependence.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I was addicted to sugars when I started. I beat it by giving myself a set time and a set limit on how much and when I could have them. In my case, I told myself I could have as many sweets as I exercised off the calories for beforehand, and only after dinner. Knowing they were coming kept me strong enough to resist during the day, and having to work off the calories got me motivated to work out each evening. :)
  • amyotte1992
    amyotte1992 Posts: 39 Member
    I found a program called Food Addicts in Recovery and it has saved my life. Nothing else worked, I tried everything. It's a support group, not only do you lose weight but your life will become so much easier and peaceful.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    DO NOT USE TREATS AS REWARDS!!!!!!!!!!! You are completely setting them up for problems later!!!!! Time for the whole family to undergo a change. Other rewards might include priviledges, or fun outings, or something other than food.

    This. Food is fuel not rewards!!!!
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    I found a program called Food Addicts in Recovery and it has saved my life. Nothing else worked, I tried everything. It's a support group, not only do you lose weight but your life will become so much easier and peaceful.

    Great suggestion!
  • amyotte1992
    amyotte1992 Posts: 39 Member
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Any way you could wean yourself off sugar by buying diabetic candies with artificial sweeteners? I know those aren't meant to be eaten all the time or long-term but ... neither is too much sugar! If you really are physically addicted to sugar, these zero-calorie candies might break that part of the addiction at least.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    I found a program called Food Addicts in Recovery and it has saved my life. Nothing else worked, I tried everything. It's a support group, not only do you lose weight but your life will become so much easier and peaceful.

    Is it religion based like the 12 step programs? Jesus and I don't mix.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    When I'm trying to cut back on sweets, I set an amount that I'm allowed to have that day. I buy a lot of fun size candy bars and allow myself one or two for treats that day, and always save them for the end. I know that the good stuff is coming, so I don't need to stuff it in my mouth all day. Although I'd like to. I'm a huge sweets person, too.
  • him1025
    I found a program called Food Addicts in Recovery and it has saved my life. Nothing else worked, I tried everything. It's a support group, not only do you lose weight but your life will become so much easier and peaceful.

    thanks i will see if there is local chapter in my area
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    the only thing that has helped me was doing a cleanse and changing my eating habbits to not allow any sugar of any kind. the first few weeks was torture. it is smooth sailing since i got past that
  • DrLabRat
    I found a program called Food Addicts in Recovery and it has saved my life. Nothing else worked, I tried everything. It's a support group, not only do you lose weight but your life will become so much easier and peaceful.

    This. If you really, honestly think it's an addiction, treat it the same way you'd treat an addiction to drugs. Get professional help, and if that's not possible, at least find yourself a support group and a program to work.
  • him1025
    DO NOT USE TREATS AS REWARDS!!!!!!!!!!! You are completely setting them up for problems later!!!!! Time for the whole family to undergo a change. Other rewards might include priviledges, or fun outings, or something other than food.

    This. Food is fuel not rewards!!!!
    we where told by the dr to offer treats a a reward for my son cause he has problem and he need incentive to do things that are asked of him. i dont want to deprive my kids of the occasional childhood treat. my kids are taught one or two pieces is a rewards for a good deed. they dont have they problem i have. i refuse to punish them like they kids are actually on the small side for their ages. i know you mean well but like i said i have no support from my hubby cause he doesnt have weight issues or a craving problem like i do. i need to address this problem with the problem still being in the house.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I, too, believe I have a sugar addiction. Like any addiction, you have to completely quit. There is no "I can have a bite of a cookie." The first stage is a 2-3 week detox. There are many programs out there. I've used the South Beach Diet and the 17-Day Diet. The first couple of weeks are very strict, but you get the sugar out of your system. Then you gradually introduce other foods, but just don't reintroduce processed sugar. I eat fruit, use agave and stevia, but absolutely no processed cane sugar or corn syrup. You'll have to really read labels, and there may be small amounts of sugar in some things. But you know your triggers. I just don't eat that first piece or take that first bite. Eventually the cravings do go away. But I won't kid you that it's easy. Like an alcoholic, it's a battle I face every day. I have to choose not to eat those things I know will send me off on a binge. But it's very worth it to rid myself of the things that make me gain weight. Good luck!