how do i deal with a addiction?



  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I truly believe there is a sugar addiction. I was reluctant to believe this at first, but i do notice with things like baked goods, candy and ice cream its like a switch goes off in my head. I obsess and fixate. I actually taught myself how to practice eating those tempation and over indulgent foods. It was hard at first, i had many epic failures, but, like riding i bike, i fonally stopped falling off. Most of the time i can now eat my addition foods without losing control... But every once in a while it does get me.
    Practice... Practice eating "one serving" of whatever it is that you are addicted to. After you have one serving quickly distract yourself like jump in the shower, leave the house for a walk, have sex with your hubby... Whatever it is make it last about 20 minutes. If you stop yourself before you begin eating compulsively you will be able to train yourself to shut off that impulse. It take s time and lots of practice.
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