200+ (Week 24) Shrinking into Summer



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Carolyn the recipes look so good, I am tempted to change the weekend menu. But, it shall stick since I already have the food. Reubens and guacamole for lunch and hamburgers for dinner today. Tomorrow is lamb chops. Now, I'm hungry. I better go eat some breakfast - greek yogurt and fresh fruit.

    4 people still need to report weights for the chart - Melaestel, Jadegem, MrsBojangles, and Tamaraj

    I am going to try and make more dehydrated fruit for our trip next weekend. Last time the banana did well but the cranberries didn't. I bought extra bananas and have a pineapple that I need to cut up. I'll keep you posted on the results.

    I'm going to weigh when I head to the gym in an hour..I doubt I will have lost any weight but maybe just maybe!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Went to the gym...weighed......204!!!!!!!! Woofreakinhoo!! It was just after breakfast and I usually weigh at 4 so it could bite me in the butt next week, but today I celebrate!

    <a href="http://s971.photobucket.com/albums/ae191/laceyhardyhar/?action=view&current=mysmiley.png&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i971.photobucket.com/albums/ae191/laceyhardyhar/mysmiley.png&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    And now..if it EVER stops raining I might just take my dogs for a walk
    <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.smileycentral.com%2F%3Fpartner%3DZSzeb008%5FEZxdm050YYUS%26i%3D10%2F10%5F14%5F1%26feat%3Dprof/page.html&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_14_1.gif&quot; alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%3A%2F%2Fimgfarm%2Ecom%2Fimages%2Fnocache%2Ftr%2Ffw%2Fsmiley%2Fsocial%2Egif%3Fi%3D10%2F10_14_1%26uiv%3D3.0/image.gif&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

    (okay, as I mentioned most of the time I don't like emoticons, but these are COOL!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    D@mn. Someone tell me how to do those please!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats on the lose Lacey!!!! Sorry I cant help you with how to post what your doing. Can you give me a website? Maybe I can figure it out then. I use tinypic to post the charts, upload my saved, cropped screen and change the IMG to img and the smiley site have a forum code that I copy and past into the thread. Good luck.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    Well you can see the web address in this one, lol. I've tried like five now and followed the directions and still can't get it to work! Doesn't surprise me...I can barely get photobucket codes to work half the time, lol.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904

    edited to add - you actually had it right but change IMG to img on both ends....
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well i had a very bad day today. i was so stressed at work today that i left crying and shaking. i wanted to quit so bad by the time i left. but i didnt. but i might be looking for a new job soon. but and way to console myself after today i pigged out on chinese food and ice cream. i was bad and i know it but i will work just that much harder this week to make up for it. night every body.
    have a happy easter!!

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    ((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))) for Amber. I hate having days like that. I hope things start looking up for you soon.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Easter!!!!!!!!! Here is the chart for our first week of Shrinking into Summer.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The post ghost stealer struck again!!!! Where do they go? Oh, well here is the gist of it again.

    I managed to squeak out 4 mile run in 55 min with an additional 1/2 mile warm up and 1/2 mile cool down.

    Lacey - The egg hunt sounds fun. It's great to watch kids explore. Hope you get out to enjoy the sunshine.

    I am so ready for my trip to Chicago next weekend. I spent the morning looking up fun things to do but will probably just end up at Brewpubs, the dog park and visiting with family. I am going to run and eat some food - running makes you hungry.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Man, I don't post for a day, and I have a whole page to read!

    Hope everyone is having a nice Easter!

    I was feeling grumpypants on Friday after weigh-in (even though the +0.6 is really nothing, and it was completely justifiable after the week), so I did some retail therapy. I went to the mall (the nicer one about 35 min away) and went to NY & Co, which was having a 50% off everything sale and I picked up 2 pairs of dressier pants (black, and pinstripe)- only 20 bucks each! Sizes really are different between stores, as in some places I'm able to squeeze my body into a 16, but these pants are a bit snug (not horribly so) and are 18s. *sigh* hopefully I won't be in them too long. I then went to LUSH and spent way too much money on new skincare products and got several free samples as well. Love that store.

    Yesterday I was still feeling pretty "meh." Didn't eat spectacularly and didn't exercise. I did clean up my room and did laundry- changed out my dark curtains for light springier ones. Today I needed to get back into the swing of things, so I went for a run. 3.78 miles in 49 minutes. I'll take it. It was NOT pretty, as I did very little exercise last week and my body was weeping, but I'm glad I did it. 2 weekends from now I'm running the Almost5K, so I need to pump my running up this week and next.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I love makeup and skin stuff! Speaking of...does anyone know of a good face cream for dry skin that also helps reduce pore size? I am finding this year that my pores are really big. WTF? Hitting the 30's is a killer or your body man!

    It is SO WINDY here. Good lord. I hope this is just temporary and not something we are going to have to live with permanently in Oregon with all the weather changes in the world.

    No exercise for me today. I'm at home and enjoying doing nothing. Feeling a bit guilty for laying on my heating pad on the bed watching tv and reading, but hey, its nice sometimes and like I said...nothing to do!

    Tonight I'm making those asian inspired steak rolls with the veggies in the middle that I've been wanting to try for about six months, and maybe some roasted potatoes and blanced green beans.
    I have found that if I blanch asparagus and green beans, my daughter will eat them like nobody's business (yeay us). She is also downing fruit like its going out of style. Gracie has always been very skinny and she must be getting ready to do another growth spurt because she's eating like a mad woman and filling out a bit.

    Tried Bud Light Lime...bleh. But we have a 12 pack and they are only 116 cals so I am stuck with them till they are gone. Ha!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh my gosh everyone....I had such a great weekend, but I really miss not getting on here and catching up. We did all the fun easter things with the grandkids....went on a bike ride today and it was awesome...then I was at my daughter's friend house and they have these huge mirrors in the bathroom...(my mirrors are tiny, I guess) But when I came in...I kinda just stopped and looked myself over and for once in my life...I was not sickened by what I seen...I can finally actually tell that I am starting to get slimmer...I finally liked what I seen in the mirror...that is huge for me. I have been filling out a form that the trainer guy gave me for the raffle that I won (it's for a one time fitness consultation) and I realized that I have learned a lot and that for the most part I am really sticking to this lifestyle and I feel so confident that I will keep the weight off this time.:bigsmile:

    My daughter called me this morning and said my oldest grandson, he's 3...was sitting on the couch and looked at her and said "GG's(that's what they call me) smaller, everytime I see her she's smaller and smaller"....I thought for sure my daughter was just pulling my leg...but she swears that that was what he said...he sure made his grandma's day!!

    Hope you are all doing well, Hugs to you all...the guys just came in and want a snack....I'll talk with you all later..
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    anyone have a good recipe for chicken parm..

    Serve this no-guilt dish with a side of whole wheat pasta and/or a large green salad
    for a complete, crave-busting meal.

    Biggest Loser family cookbook : Chicken Parm
    Makes 4 servings
    4 (4-ounce) trimmed boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    Olive oil in a sprayer (not store-bought spray that contains propellant)
    Salt, to taste
    Ground black pepper, to taste
    1/2 cup low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar marinara sauce, or more to taste
    6 tablespoons finely shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese
    2 teaspoons grated reduced-fat Parmesan cheese

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

    Lightly Mist both sides of the chicken with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the chicken, turning once, for 3 to 5 minutes per side, or until it is no longer pink inside and juices run clear. Transfer to a baking dish.

    Heat the sauce on low in the microwave until warm. Top each breast with 2 tablespoons marinara sauce, followed by 1 1/2 tablespoons mozzarella, and 1/2 teaspoon Parmesan. Bake the chicken for 3 to 5 minutes, or just until the cheese is melted.

    Nutrition at a Glance
    Per serving: 169 calories, 29 g protein, 5 g carbohydrates, 3 g fat (less than 1 g saturated), 70 mg cholesterol, 1 g fiber, 210 mg sodium
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Monday Morning!!! I didn't sleep well last night so I got up at 4 and finished a book. I keep thinking about exercising this morning but don't really want to. Easter dinner was nice. Mom, the dog and I went for a walk after dinner - we did get caught in a rainstorm but it was nice.

    Debra - that's great that your family is getting into exercise. And that you are getting "smaller and smaller". Enjoy your shopping.

    Hope everyone ate better than I did and got lots of exercise.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Man I was BAD this weekend. Went out to eat Saturday night. Pigged out on fried pickles and a shrimp po boy sandwich. Was trying to give myself a pedi that night and sliced the crap outta my left heel. I seriously cut out a small chunk of skin and it hurts to walk on it. No c25k till it heals. I might be able to pull off some elliptical work but I dunno...don't think I should push it right now. Might try that tomorrow.

    Yesterday afternoon I went over to the bff's house to pick up 2 books and ended up staying there for...oh you know....4-5 hours. lol It happens. But the super bad part is she said she'd never made cupcakes. So we immediately went to the store and bought stuff to make 12 chocolate and 12 confetti cupcakes. And then I ate like, 4 or 5 of them. Plus I don't know how many spoonfuls of the icing I had. :embarassed: Then I went home and finished the other half of my shrimp po boy sandwich.

    Imagine my surprise when I got on the scale this morning and was only 232.0. I was seriously ready for a BIG gain (oh you know, 236 or something). Maybe I shocked the *kitten* outta my metabolism and it just simply refuses to believe I did all that. Haha....my metabolism is in DENIAL.

    Anyways, I just finished putting out a TON of new pictures at my desk and now I feel like I'm sitting in the middle or a field filled with flowers and Lexi. lol I had thrown all the picture frames that had pictures of me and Joey in a drawer several months ago so I put new pictures in those too. :happy:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    It's that time ladies! Today we are officially taking the modem back to Comcast, and packing up the computer. Tomorrow (tuesday) we load up the truck, and then Wednesday-Fri we are driving from CA to WA. There is forecast of some snow along the way, so who knows how long it will take. We are hoping to take about a day and a half.
    Anyhow, I am determined to keep to my new ways of eating and get in as much exercise as I physically can, but with loading and unloading boxes and such, i know my body will be tired.
    Not sure when we will have computer access again. I am hoping soon. My in-laws have computer access, but i don't want to be hogging their computer all the time. Things will be much better when we get our own computer hook up. Either way, I still want to be a part of the group, as I would not have made it this far without all of you. I know we said before that if we hadn't heard from people in over two weeks they would be taken off the charts, but believe me...I'll be back. Maybe two weeks, maybe sooner. Either way, I am not giving up this group. Just don't change the name on me so I can always find you ladies!!

    My goal is to be under 200 the next time I check in...hopefully close to my challenge goal for this time.

    Well, that's that.....I'll try to check in on the way and such, but you all know how that is.
    love and best wishes to all!! Talk to you all when we are moved!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    It's that time ladies! Today we are officially taking the modem back to Comcast, and packing up the computer. Tomorrow (tuesday) we load up the truck, and then Wednesday-Fri we are driving from CA to WA. There is forecast of some snow along the way, so who knows how long it will take. We are hoping to take about a day and a half.
    Anyhow, I am determined to keep to my new ways of eating and get in as much exercise as I physically can, but with loading and unloading boxes and such, i know my body will be tired.
    Not sure when we will have computer access again. I am hoping soon. My in-laws have computer access, but i don't want to be hogging their computer all the time. Things will be much better when we get our own computer hook up. Either way, I still want to be a part of the group, as I would not have made it this far without all of you. I know we said before that if we hadn't heard from people in over two weeks they would be taken off the charts, but believe me...I'll be back. Maybe two weeks, maybe sooner. Either way, I am not giving up this group. Just don't change the name on me so I can always find you ladies!!

    My goal is to be under 200 the next time I check in...hopefully close to my challenge goal for this time.

    Well, that's that.....I'll try to check in on the way and such, but you all know how that is.
    love and best wishes to all!! Talk to you all when we are moved!!

    awww! We will miss you! Good luck with the move and have a safe trip!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cds- take care of yourselves! We will talk to you when you can!

    Monday bleh. Raining and windy as all he11. I am trying to be in a good mood! Not much to say except I ate a ton of candy and icecream yesterday and am dreading if I will have sugar cravings from it all..so far so good.