200+ (Week 24) Shrinking into Summer



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Carolyn- we'll miss you! I hope the move goes well!

    Well, i'm having a serious case of the Mondays today, but am trying to power through. Just not feeling all that fab today. The week seems very long at the moment... I plan on dragging my tush to the rec center after work though and do some elliptical, as I really need to be consistent with exercise leading up to my "race" in a couple of weeks. I just didn't sleep enough last night, it appears, so I need to get to bed early tonight. Unfortunately, it's the championship NCAA basketball game, and I don't know where my priorities should lay- getting my beauty rest or cheering as hard as I can against Duke. Choices oh the choices!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I have not been posting much since hubby and I are getting ready for a road trip to NY. We will be gone from 4/10-4/18. Hopefully this trip will not mess up my eating habits. I will just have to have lots of snacks available I guess. The next few days I will be getting laundry done,stuff packed for 3 people. So more then likely the next time I post will be my weight on Friday.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Carolyn - we will miss you but have a safe and fun journey!!!! Good luck with the moving.

    Mish - have a wonderful vacation!!!!

    Kristina - You have to say up and root against Duke so that I can go to bed early. Good luck exercising.

    Lacey - Send some of your rain my way. We need it desperately - the fire danger is super high here.

    Kendal - I hope your foot gets better soon.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yeah, i think I'll need to stay up and watch at least some of the game. Duke needs to go down.

    So, I did got to the rec center. 65 minutes on the elliptical down!

    Cool thing: the guy working out three machine down from me: one of the current biggest loser contestants! his feet were flying on that machine. Crazyness. When I left, he and his trainer had moved to the treadmill. Also, two former contestants were there... maybe checking in on him? Small world! Seriously... I have no excuse.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I wasn't gonna work out today...but since I read Kristina's post about the BL's in there working out, now I HAVE TO.
    I guess that is good! Hubby and I are not getting along right now for whatever reason. Too much tension and all it makes me want to do is curl up with my kid and watch toonies! Not really feeling the working out thing right now.

    I would gladly send rain and wind your way girl! This SUCKS. I've almost had my fingers chopped off by the heavy doors here because the wind pushed them back at me so hard.

    Since we work in the mining industry here, we are all quietly praying for those that got killed and are missing in the coal mine accident today. Ugh...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - how cool it that. Makes me want to come down and work out with you just to see them!!!! Did it make you work a little harder?

    Lacey - Marriage is hard work. Good luck getting through the tough time:flowerforyou: Let us know if you want to talk it out in a private messages. Maybe the exercise will make you feel better.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kristina - how cool it that. Makes me want to come down and work out with you just to see them!!!! Did it make you work a little harder?
    A little bit. I was more just in awe of how fast he was moving on the machine. a body just doesn't seem to be meant to go that quickly, but it totally was inspirational. I haven't been watching this season all that often, so did a triple take before I recognized- plus I appreciated the fact he was rockin' it at the county rec center and not some fancy schmancy gym. The weight has just dropped off- I mean he's still big, but not like stand out big, which is I imagine pretty fabulous. I'll have to keep an eye out for a repeat sighting (Victoria- you can always come visit. haha!)

    Lacey- yay for getting your booty to exercise! Glad I was able to help with the inspiration.

    And after working off all those calories, what did I do? Cupcakes... not one, but TWO. there goes the majority of the exercise calories and puts me over for the day. I stress eat when college basketball comes one. Why can't I stress eat carrot sticks?? :grumble: sweet shortening sugary goodness, how I love you so.
  • spfraser
    spfraser Posts: 17
    Hi! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter. We had beautiful weather here in the south... and plenty of cupcakes!! :wink: While I did not do fabulous with my eating this weekend, I did not totally go overboard either. I tried to make smarter choices and eat smaller portions. I walked the dog on saturday and played some tennis on sunday for exercise. I seriously hope to see a significant drop on friday. My son is on spring break this week, and he had big plans for us today. We swam at the Y this morning, then went to see "How to train your dragon" in 3D this afternoon. That movie is great. He was pretty tired after all that, but even now he's protesting bedtime. Tomorrow is the Zoo.

    Christina and Kendal, I too am a lover of the intense yumminess of cupcakes!:smile: Kendal, hope your foot heals soon.
    Carolyn, I miss you already!! Come back soon!!!
    Dixie, I'm sorry. We all have those days. Hope tomorrow is better!

  • spfraser
    spfraser Posts: 17
    Oh!!! And did I mention that when I put my bathing suit on today after not wearing it since last summer that it was way loose? It was a great feeling!!! I was about 246lbs last suummer. I need a new suit!:bigsmile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So which guy from the BL is it?? One of the twins?? I'm trying to remember which people were from Michigan. It IS cool that he is at a rec center instead of a big gym!

    I didn't end up going to the gym. Came home (hubs in a good mood, go figure) and I made THE BEST peanut ginger sauice. Noodle dish with salad on top. Yes its high in fat but it might end up in our rotation. YUM! I want to use the sauce for chicken burgers soon. On sandwich thins with shredded cabbage and carrot and stuff. Yummmmmm

    It is just one of those things couples go through. When things at work and with other family gets stressful it is easy to have it happen at home too when you're short on tempure anyways! Thanls for the good thoughts :)

    I'm layin on the bed watching toonies with my daughter and have the heating pad on my lower back. That thing does wonders!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    spfraser- way to go with the loose swimsuit! Success!

    lacey- it was the dad from the black team. i don't know anyone's name on the show. last time I watched, he was at home, but his daughter was still in the competition, but that was a few weeks ago. your noodle dish sounds super yum! and aren't sandwich thins pretty much the best things ever?

    on a sad note, i'm weeping for duke's win in the game tonight. it was a pretty amazing game that came down to a halfcourt hail mary toss that almost went in. boo. plus, one of my fav moments that I love to get weepy to ("one shining moment") turned out to be more of a music video for jennifer hudson (who, btw is looking slammin') than a reel of all the fantasticness that went on in the tournament. Bring back Luther Vandross' version! *seethes* not one tear shed- that should not happen! :yawn:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: Carolyn....I wanted to say good-bye too....but I probably missed you:sad: :sad: , hurry back, stay safe..hugs

    Kristina....I hear ya on the BB game....I kinda felt that Duke was getting some breaks with the calls.....I had a waffle cone smack dab in the middle, but I loaded it with fresh fruit and yogurt...but it was still around 10 PM I believe....:ohwell: , my bad!

    Took my son visiting and shopp[ing yesterday, he needed new baseball stuff....I wanted to score on some exercise stuff...but there were no clearance racks anywhere and the new stuff, didn't really impress me...I must of just been in a mood! Probably a good thing, cus my daughter is needing new tires on her car, and I think we'll have to help her out some...she just doesn't make a lot of money right now.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My workout for the day is done. I got off my tush and ran 3 miles this morning. I forgot how good an early morning workout is. Thanks to Lacey (who I am sure sent this wonderful rain my way:wink:) I had to get out early. 100% chance of additional rain and I didn't want to face the treadmill this afternoon.

    Now to get ready for work. At least I dont have to leave for another 45 min.

    Kristina - thank goodness I slept threw the game. I would have been ranting at the TV. Boo Duke!!!

    Deb - your snack sounds good. I'm glad you didn't post it last night. I had 4 cups popcorn at 8:30 and thought that that was stretching it. I should have eaten a cutie but was too lazy to peel it.

    spfraiser - YEAH for smaller clothes!!!! It's such a great feeling when stuff is too big. Have fun shopping.

    Lacey - your right ups/downs in marriage are life and stress seems to make it worse. I have been waiting for DH and I to get into over something this week. It always seems to happen as we are getting ready for a vacation - packing and getting ready just adds to our stress. So far so good and he promises all the laundry will be done tonight - yeah right. Is anyone else not allowed to touch the washer and dryer? He is a bit OCD and freaks out if I do any laundry. I guess I just need to be happy he does it and helps out.

    Gotta go jump in the shower and get ready. Only 2 clients - I am thinking of wearing jeans today. Not very professional but both have been clients for awhile and seem to like me. I'll see what else is there that doesn't need to be ironed. Have a wonderful day!!!

    PS Carolyn - good thoughts going your way for a safe trip today...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    dude, I got home yesterday and opened the door and was about knocked out by the nasty horrible smell. Apparently Lexi had a case of explosive diarrhea while I was at work. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: I put her outside and spent an hour cleaning it all up. It was even on the WALLS around her crate. :sick: :sick: :sick: Then I gave her a bath with the hose outside (normally her baths are in the bathtub) and she didn't like the cold water that much. And I left her outside till about 10:45. UGH. Her crate is still out in the yard so I had to leave her outside today. That doesn't happen often and I don't like doing it. But she has a dog house and I left 3 bowls of water out for her so she should be good.

    But since I was still stressing over her and getting the trash to the curb, I completely forgot to grab my yogurt and my book this morning on the way out the door!! NOT MY BOOK!!! I have like, 80 pages left in the book and I already have the next book in the series here at my desk. So frustrating!! :grumble: :grumble: now I will have to surf the web when I'm bored today lol (Reading the Wicked series...not the one about the Wicked Witch of the West, thats a different book)

    I was 232.2 this morning. Yesterday when I got home from work (and before dinner) I was down to 230.6. Of course, I had a couple cupcakes last night too so that probably didn't help me this morning. I think I have like, 3 left.

    My foot is starting to feel better. If I keep neosporin on it, it keeps the skin soft and stretchy and it doesn't hurt. I might try to go to the gym tomorrow. I REALLY don't want to go back too soon and hurt myself more. OOHHH!!! I've been so excited about doing c25k that my bff is thinking of doing it too!!! I was able to create a new song for Week 2 and I wrote down all the time changes for the rest of the 9 weeks so thats a big part of the work. Now I need to create the songs. I really have no clue how to jump from jogging 90 seconds one week to jogging 3 minutes the next week. That seems so freaking crazy to me!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So over the past few days I've been eating more carbs- had sandwiches both days over the weekend, had pasta twice, etc. and now I'm craving them like whoa! Obviously, I need to not eat much of that stuff- only in moderation with much more heavyness on the veggies, cause these cravings are crazy. I want to eat every sugar or bread item in sight! wtf.

    Victoria- great job on running first thing this morning. I really wish I could do morning workouts. I mean, I can, but I'm totally crankypants first thing in the morning, and they don't really revive me, other than the fact that I know my exercise is done for the day. Getting up early to do anything in the morning just isn't pretty for me.

    Kendal- I'm sorry to hear about Lexi, and your horrible clean-up experience. I hope she's okay. Wonder if she got into something she wasn't supposed to yesterday and her innards did not like it. Keep on taking care of your foot- don't push it too quickly, as you don't want to exacerbate anything. I'm glad you're enjoying c25k so far. I know the 3 minutes seem daunting, but you can totally do it. You might need to go at a slower speed, but keep moving. There are a few times in the program where there is a big jump in the jogging time and I never thought I would be able to do it, but I was.

    Plan for my day? Trying to stop myself from gorging on crap. I have a later meeting this afternoon, where there will probably be snacks which I will attempt to avoid. I need to do some sort of cardio today even though i'm exhausted and feel a cold coming on. If it's nice out, I'm going to get a run in- at least 30 minutes- whatever that adds up to in distance. It's supposed to be raining on and off today, so I brought my gym clothes with me in case. I'm not really down with the treadmill running today, so I'd be more inclined to hit up the elliptical again- or maybe some bike or rowing. We'll see.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal- I'm sorry to hear about Lexi, and your horrible clean-up experience. I hope she's okay. Wonder if she got into something she wasn't supposed to yesterday and her innards did not like it. Keep on taking care of your foot- don't push it too quickly, as you don't want to exacerbate anything. I'm glad you're enjoying c25k so far. I know the 3 minutes seem daunting, but you can totally do it. You might need to go at a slower speed, but keep moving. There are a few times in the program where there is a big jump in the jogging time and I never thought I would be able to do it, but I was.

    Lexi normally eats 1 cup of food in the morning and 1 cup at night. Two days ago, she didn't eat breakfast but went to TOWN on dinner, so I put in an extra half cup and she gobbled that up too. The only thing I can guess is that she didn't poop when I let her out yesterday morning and just couldn't hold it all day long. Or maybe she ate something in the yard when she was outside that morning. Didn't look like that though. Hopefully she learned her lesson and won't just play when she goes outside anymore.

    My jog is only at 5.5 and my walking is between 2.5-3.0. And for some reason, I have to jump on the sides when I'm going from jogging to walking. not sure whats up with that lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies!

    So, have a meeting today with some new customers...had on a cute pair of jeans and top...making smoothie with my magic bullet..go to take the lid/blender off and drop it on the floor...SPLAT green stuff all over my jeans and shirt2809.gif....yeah. I cussed. A lot. LOL

    AND the best part of that outfit was the fact that the black shirt I had on was too big on me and I was totally celebrating that fact. Cuz a couple months ago I had to stretch out the arms and lower stomach for it to fit. Anyways, I went and put on the other top in another color just like it and its big too (woowhoo) and another pair of jeans.

    That sucks about your dog Kendall. Been there done that. I will never forget the time I had been in this gorgeous brand new apartment in Portland that had cream colored carpet and granite everything...and went to work, came home and my puppy who was about 6 monhts old at the time got diarhea so bad it was literally squirted out all over the living room. O.M.G. Barf dying...ugh. HORRIBLE.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Just wanted to pop on and say hi to everyone. Doc appt today with my neurologist. Should be fun, NOT! Doing ok this week with food. Not too worried since I have been more aware of what I am doing. Since I will not be around a computer a lot next week I need to rely on myself to keep at it. This will be a big test, but I am positive I will do just fine.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    My jog is only at 5.5 and my walking is between 2.5-3.0. And for some reason, I have to jump on the sides when I'm going from jogging to walking. not sure whats up with that lol
    that's pretty fast though. I started off with walking at 3.0 and running at 5.0. I only think I got above 5.0 once, that was like 5.2 for a minute or so. I went down to 4.5mph for the longer runs towards the end. Then again, it might just depend on your gait- I'm pretty short (5'3") and have short legs for my height, so they were moving pretty quickly even at a slow speed. Keep it up!!

    Lacey- yay for smaller clothes! *twirls*

    mish- hope the test goes well!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah - done with work for the day. I just have to go to town (an hour away) and pick my taxes up later this afternoon. I'm glad I did the running this morning because it's raining. I asked DH what he needed and of course his answer was Jimmy Johns for dinner. Not so low cal but it does sound good.

    Kendal - sorry to hear about Lexie. It sounds nasty. What we do for our furry loved ones (*sighs*). I came home to mouse guts on the hallway floor. At least it didn't smell. That's what I get for leaving the cat door in this morning. You can so totally do the 3 min run!!!! Remember running is more mental than physical - just slow down and take your time. 5.5 mph is really fast. I did my training at 4.5 for the runs esp as they got longer. Like Kristina I have short legs and am only 5' 5" tall.

    Lacey - that's wonderful that your clothes are getting too big. I love that feeling.

    Kristina - good luck working out. Remember - no snacks at the meeting!!!!

    Mish - have a great trip and good luck with the doctor.