Why do you care so much about your health?



  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    You know how people used to say to someone who was broke, alone, and miserable, 'well at least you still have your health'? Well I didn't. So now I do. Still broke and alone, but funnily enough, much less miserable.

    Also when the world tries to kick me when I'm already down again I'll now be able to kick it back, tie it in a knot, and hurl it to Pluto. That'll teach it!

    LOL... at least good health breeds great strength/ fighting moves!

    "At least you still have your health".... is so true.

    My husband had to get his appendix removed in October and before that he never had any "major" health problems besides an occasional cold. We both agreed that this really brought to light how precious having your health is and how fortunate we are to have good health. You really don't know how important your health is until it is compromised...
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Both of my parents are over weight and have high blood pressure. My father had a heart attack a few years ago. At 35 yrs old I had dangerously high blood pressure. With a teenage son I wanted to be here for a long time and be part of his life. I was also starting to get into a pattern of not being able to do anything because I didn't have the energy. My marriage was ok but I think my husband wanted me to be more active. I was to young to feel that way.
    Last year I went to New York with my son and we walked for an entire day around town. It was a great feeling. I love the energy I have now. I don't feel that there is anything I can't do if I want.

    I bet that felt amazing to be able to walk around with your son without being winded, etc. Glad you have such empowerment now.. everyone deserves that feeling!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    You know how people used to say to someone who was broke, alone, and miserable, 'well at least you still have your health'? Well I didn't. So now I do. Still broke and alone, but funnily enough, much less miserable.

    Also when the world tries to kick me when I'm already down again I'll now be able to kick it back, tie it in a knot, and hurl it to Pluto. That'll teach it!

    LOL... at least good health breeds great strength/ fighting moves!

    "At least you still have your health".... is so true.

    My husband had to get his appendix removed in October and before that he never had any "major" health problems besides an occasional cold. We both agreed that this really brought to light how precious having your health is and how fortunate we are to have good health. You really don't know how important your health is until it is compromised...

    Very true. And as I've gotten older I've started losing that illusion of immortality, too. I knew I was flirting with diabetes at my heaviest as well as debilitating disc damage that was just going to get worse, not to mention more painful. And I'm seriously a wimp, I wouldn't want to go on living like that.
  • bluskies01
    bluskies01 Posts: 72 Member
    Agreeing with the other parents here, I want to be around for my son, I want to see my future grandchildren grow up too. I want to be able to "keep up" with my hyper little boy. I want to be able to date again. Yes I occasionally date right now, but it's very very few and far between, and I just feel like I'll have a better chance of finding something real if I get that boost of confidence that comes along with being smaller. I want to be flexible again. It's annoying having trouble putting on shoes or doing other things. That's all I can come up with for now. :)
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I want to be healthy & look good & be around for my future grandchildren!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Honestly, I just wanna look good naked.
    This....and I have 3 people with various health issues that I need to take care of. Even if they don't think so.
  • candace_ndiaye
    candace_ndiaye Posts: 23 Member
    There are several reasons. I won't deny that I want to be able to wear cute clothes and look good naked; I think that's most people, on at least some level.

    Beyond that, though, I tend to be abit high-strung, if I'm honest, so exercise in particular helps me to be abit more calm and focused. Also, I have always had a hard time sleeping, so it helps with that.

    There is also a family history of not only heart disease, diabetes, stroke & high blood pressure/cholesterol issues, but there is a strong disposition in my family for breast and/or ovarian cancer. I've seen multiple family members to through it and I'm willing to do just about anything to avoid it myself.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good question. I haven't asked myself this. Huh.

    I don't have children to want to be around for. (My cats, maybe???) Vanity. I'll toss my hat into the "I wanna look good naked" camp. Also maybe some kind of strange curiosity. If I got this sick, could I possibly get unsick as well?

    Not sure. Good question.
  • shooter560
    I've always been pretty laid back when it came to my own health, though I quit smoking in Dec 12 and joined a gym a few weeks ago, if nothing else but to treat myself and maybe shift a few extra Kgs.

    However after a couple of things that made me visit the doc, i had loads of tests and bloods taken, 2 days ago I got the results back and I think it was one of those Oh *kitten* moments, the list of issues and problems revealed by the tests was quite shocking followed by the statement that you'll need to take at least these tablets for the rest of your life, maybe some more too, plus the chilling comment of if thinks don't change and improve you won't be here in 12 months time :o

    I am only 10kgs over weight, not a lot but that along with diet, life style and things have taken their toll and now I care, I have a family I want to be there for, so its time for a lot of changes.

    Take care of your body, you only have one and its not guaranteed for anything other than to wear out at some point
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    There's a whole bunch of reasons!

    1) I've always been heavier. I want to know what it is like to be on the flip side.

    2) There's quite a few health issues that run in my family. On top of that I have osteogenesis imperfecta. I want to get as healthy as I can to try and prevent any future broken bones (bigger they are, harder they fall kinda thought process).

    3)My hubby and I want to have children eventually and I want to be able to keep up with them. We may end up adopting and I believe for most places you have to get a physical and such because the agency wants to make sure you're healthy enough to adopt children.

    4) I also want to lessen aches and pains (there's already signs of osteoarthritis in at least one of my knees and I'm only 30!).

    5) I want to be able to shop for clothes in a regular sized section.

    6) I know he loves me as I am but I want to look better for hubby.

    7) Last but not least I just want to feel good all around! :)

    I think those points about sum it up. Haha
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I have 3 small kids and need to be around for them for a long time.

    I also want to be able to take them to the water park or the lake and not be embarrassed to take my shirt off !!

    I second that...much easier at the rec center of you're ok with your self image
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Good question. I haven't asked myself this. Huh.

    I don't have children to want to be around for. (My cats, maybe???) Vanity. I'll toss my hat into the "I wanna look good naked" camp. Also maybe some kind of strange curiosity. If I got this sick, could I possibly get unsick as well?

    Not sure. Good question.

    Vanity. Fair answer.

    I think no matter how much we want to fight it, the media/society has painted this portrait of the perfect body and for so many of us, we are constantly striving to live up to that. I'm one of those people. Am I proud that I'm a "victim" of the media's standards? No. Do I think I should take drastic measures to fit into some cookie cutter image of the perfect bod? No!

    The bottom line is we all have our idea of the perfect body and how we want to look. As long as its healthy, there's nothing wrong with striving to meet that!
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I lost my dad last August to heart disease and diabetes. Both run rampant in our family (on both sides) and I do not want my children feeling like orphans in their 30's. He was only 59 and will not get to see his grandchildren grow up or see any others that may be coming.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I lost my dad last August to heart disease and diabetes. Both run rampant in our family (on both sides) and I do not want my children feeling like orphans in their 30's. He was only 59 and will not get to see his grandchildren grow up or see any others that may be coming.

    Also, I like the fact that my teenage Daughters friends have recently said "your mom is hot"
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    Honestly, I just wanna look good naked.
    yep, same here, and look good in a bikini
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    My mental health is my reason.
    I'm 19. I've been depressed since I was about 12 and anxious for the past 2 years. It messed up my relationship with food a few times - in both ways. I'm finally getting that if I eat healthy foods and get my sweat on, I feel better. I'm more confident, more productive, have more energy and less mood swings.

    I understand and accept vanity as a reason to take care of yourself - I love me, so I should be the best possible me - but I was surprised at how doing it the healthy way made vanity and health work both ways. I work out because I want to look hot, that's okay, but working out makes me feel like I'm hot! :smooched:
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    My mom had a stroke when I was 19 and she was 39. Then she had a heart attack before she was 50. She has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and her blood sugar numbers aren't great. My dad isn't in the picture, but both parents are adopted.

    I don't want to follow in my mom's footsteps, or worse. I already have HTN. I was also recently diagnosed with insulin resistance and also multiple sclerosis, and found out that my HDL is low. Losing weight and becoming more fit will likely help with ALL of that.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I think that being healthy is something that "good people" do, and I want to fool people.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    to live longer so that i may see my enemies enter the ground
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    For me its returning to some healthy habits that I had embraced in my early 20s. Back then, I was a vegetarian, vegan and then went onto macrobiotics. I was involved in Aikido for some years. It sort of stopped when I had my first child 24 years ago.

    I am approaching 50 this year and after being warned of high blood pressure and creeping weight and the persistent insistence of my wife - I've decided to bight the proverbial bullet and get back into shape. For health, happiness and longevity. I know from experience the influence of physical well-being on mental well-being and happiness, so I am just exerting some effort to make it happen.
    kind regards,
