I'm just going to come out and say it



  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    I'm forgiving with 3 days. Computers crash, vacations happen without laptops or cell phones (heaven forbid haha), and life happens in general. 3 just seems too strict.

    I don't know that I'd 'hang up' on someone until they've been gone for about a month. I'd probably send them a message first though. "hey, just checking in" kinda thing.

    Love this!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I don't drop someone after 3 days unless they do it consistently....like log in once, then don't log in for a few days, then log in, then don't. I will unfriend someone if they are gone for a few weeks but not before I send them a message asking about them and see if they respond. Life happens and not everyone is a quitter....sometimes we just hit bumps. But to each his own. :)
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    I personally think 3 days is too strict but to each their own. Life happens, people or pets die and I am here for my friends for the long haul. That means truly supporting them thru crises, whether it is food related, family or other life challenges. I would not want a friend who can't even stick with me for 3 days while I dealt with other things going on...I want them there when I return and need the continued support. Good luck.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I only do it if it's been weeks not 3 days. What if the went on vacation and were out of cell range?
    I also unfriend if their ideas about eating are super duperly different than mine. If we clash that much, there won't be any support from either side, just bickering. I also unfriend if I find out you eat way to few calories.

    ^this. i'm new but when i was new-ER i also unfriended at 3 days until one of my "friends" said he was in another country then i realized that was too strict. so now i keep them longer and then today got my first notification that someone unfriended me! haha karma.
  • jaycuepea
    I'm glad to read these replies. I'm just starting today and when I saw the post about unfriending someone who is "gone" for three days, I thought, "Oh my. I'm not in the right place." Sticking with cleaner ways of eating and also exercising is quite a struggle for me. To get on the computer each day and log things and maybe blog.........that a whole other battle! I need a place where it's okay to be imperfect.
  • crazydaisy15
    Just curious -- what do most of you expect from your friends? Do you expect a 'good job' or equivalent every time you exercise or complete your diary under your calorie goal?
    Personally, I read through my friends activities and if something hits close to home to me, or strikes a chord with me, I will comment. I also do the occasional 'good job' etc. Nothing wrong with that.
    Just wondering, because I really don't do it a lot, but don't want to disappoint any of my friends.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Most people delete inactive friends but I have a no delete policy... it doesn't bother me and sometimes they come back, in fact most of them come back, and are grateful to still have a few friends still here.
  • friendly71
    friendly71 Posts: 4 Member
    Well you say it you have. It is very rude. Like things happen in life with people like the readers have mentioned.

    Oh I am sorry but that is a real hurtful remark. One of my family members broke her hip and she was rushed to the Hospital.

    Will be off her feet. For 8 weeks.

    I hope you never eat your words. Life is not perfect.

    Three days is a little much to throw them off the boat and let them swim home.

    For goodness sakes give it a month. Like the man said. Holidays, people die of cancer.

    Everyone is responsible of themselves yes and we know sooner or later that we have to be the boss of us. Yet we need the

    encouragement of others. You must of not read what they expect of us in this site or you would of never said that. . To be gentle

    and not being hurtful.

    So sorry but that was really a hurtful remark. So you made your point. Does that make you feel good?
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    to each their own... we had a death in the family not too long ago, and I lost my stride for about a week and bounced back. I didn't stop following my new lifestyle, but I did forget to log it all due to the stresses going on in our day to day. I have unfriended people after a month of hiatus, if you're gone a month, chances are you're not coming back.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    And this is why I have 0 friends on purpose. Friggin' high school all over again. No thanks.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    3 days is a bit harsh for me, people have lives away from the internet....
  • McChubbyruewho
    I remember the last time I did this, it started to stress me out so much "pleasing" my myfitnessbuddys

    some people get really really in a militery stance with this stuff "your not drinking enough water" you should eat that" ect.

    So no offence but I don't want to be you myfitness budy lol but all the luck to you :drinker:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    so much judgement and assumptions
  • navywendy00
    I'm new to this too! I need all the support I can get. Seeing others daily logs helps keep me motivated!
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    You know what they say about assumptions....

    I'm in this for the long haul as well, but I'm well aware that I'm far from perfect and I DO fall off the wagon. That doesn't mean I'm following a fad diet, it means I'm a human being. Good luck to you though.
  • FatIsNotGood4Me
    FatIsNotGood4Me Posts: 45 Member
    just joined this site today trying to meet other people who are trying to eat healthier and excercise I am doing insanity with my husband. Anyone else doing insanity? any success stories?

    Grammy make sure you log everyday otherwise you'll be deleted lol
  • navywendy00
    BTW, anyone can add me...I won't delete you reguardless
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    3 days? Wow. If each of my friends doesn't post a witty or supportive comment on my profile every 2 hours, I kick 'em to the curb.

  • greatfoodlady
    Well, I just want to say that anyone who would like to add me - please feel free to do so. I don't have many friends on here and the few I do have don't do a lot of "communicating". So, some support would be nice. But, please don't friend me if you're really strict on your log in days. I work from home & homeschool 2 children. So some days we're out running on field trips, etc. And then on the weekends I go set up at craft shows - and I don't have a fancy phone, just a plain jane phone to make calls on, so logging in when I am in a hotel room for 2-3 days won't be happening. Just know I am here and do log in most days, but there may be rare occasions when I am gone for days or if we go on vacation this summer, the whole week. :happy:
  • FatIsNotGood4Me
    FatIsNotGood4Me Posts: 45 Member
    I remember the last time I did this, it started to stress me out so much "pleasing" my myfitnessbuddys

    some people get really really in a militery stance with this stuff "your not drinking enough water" you should eat that" ect.

    So no offence but I don't want to be you myfitness budy lol but all the luck to you :drinker:

    You hit the nail on the head! There's a lot of nutritionists out there dying to help, I really don't appreciate that either if I'm following a specific diet program of course my log it's gonna look weird to the "normal" food intake log.... I have my diary private and only give access to people that I know are following the same program as me.