jealous of people who take diet pills



  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    Ok, I have been dealing with something for a while now and I just need a little kick in the rear so I can try to stop feeling this way. So many people around me are taking diet pills, such as Phentermine, Thinogenics, and drinking Plexus and Advocare drinks. They are losing weight so quickly. I know that it's not a race to lose weight, but I am working SOOO hard and not having the same results they are. These products are expensive and I really can't afford them, but I think if I could I would. I'm jealous and I get angry when people sell and take these products because I know there's a better way, but I am so tempted to take them myself or yell at the pill pushers!

    I was taking Phentermine for awhile, and you are right, it is expensive. It is an appetite suppressant and taking them helped me to see just how much I was eating mindlessly once I didn't desire eating like that. I only stayed on them for a couple of weeks, and I am back to doing it the old fashioned way, with healthy meal choices and exercise. But I don't know that I would've seen what I was doing to myself if I hadn't taken them.

    They are not the cure to being overweight. It comes off quickly, but can go back on just as quickly. Really learning how to eat and incorporate exercise is what bridges the gap between a diet and a lifestyle change.

    So, when you're feeling flustered about others shedding the pounds quicker, just remember, slow and steady wins the race. And in the long run, you are set to win with the way you're going about it (:

    Much love.
  • kristiontheinside
    kristiontheinside Posts: 74 Member
    I think there is a big difference between people who take prescribed (hopefully) phentermine and other prescription drugs and those who take supplements (vitamins or amino acids, omega 3-6-9, etc.) such as Advocare or other brands utilize. I don't know that those are some sort of unfair advantage. Having taken phenfluorimine back in the mid-90's- I can tell you that while I LOVED the hyped up feeling- I had no appetite and wasn't getting near the nutrition I needed. Eating a clean and balanced diet (be it "clean" or "paleo") that is primarily free of sugar as well as fried and processed foods is your best bet. We all, by human nature, have ":holes" in our nutrition. Having good supplements (NOT unneccessary ones) from a reputable company to compliment and complete our nutritional needs will, by nature allow our bodies to do what they are meant to do which is, hopefully, to get itself to a healthy weight (a setpoint if you will.) As in everything, it is about moderation. I am not a big fan of medications but am also not averse to natural, medically sound and developed sup[lements being used in certain situations."

    You rock! That was a great reply. Thanks for taking the time to think it through.
  • kristiontheinside
    kristiontheinside Posts: 74 Member
    Of all the kids in my family, only my sister was given training wheels on her bike when she first began learning to ride. For her, it was a crutch she never could fully leave. Today, she is the one sibling who cannot ride a bike well.

    Forget about using training wheels. Just learn to ride the bike. :)

    Great analogy!
  • kristiontheinside
    kristiontheinside Posts: 74 Member
    You all put a lot of thoughts into your replies (well most of you :)) Thanks! I'm not jealous anymore, and I feel lots better about myself. I worked out extra hard core today and did great!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    It's easier, healthier and cheaper to suppress your appetite by eating real food...
  • emanda1964
    Options pills? You are kidding, right?
    Dont go anywhere near them, its the worst thing you can do.
    And if you want to loose weight faster and in a very healthy way do weight watchers combined with Insanity workout. After 2 months you'll not believe your eyes when you'll look at the scale and in the mirror. I lost 38 lb in 2 months and 1 week. This happened exactly 2 years ago but in these 2 yrs i gained back 8 lb which im trying to loose now