Bariatric Surgery???



  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Let me get this straight, because I don't quite understand.

    You are willing to pay somebody tens of thousands of dollars to cut you open, rearrange your insides in a way not at all natural to the human body, with one of the after-effects being sh*tting yourself at inappropriate times?

    This is more desirable than portion control and learning to eat right?

    I'm sorry. I'm just not getting it.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Come on people, how is having your gut cut open, and having your internal organs cut and stiched a more pleasant alternative than exercise???

    For some people it's a last resort or a life and death situation. If you're 600lbs, how exactly are you going to wake up one day and start eating healthy and exercising regularly? Some people that size can't even get out of bed.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Sure, but those cases are rare.

    There are people around the 250 lb mark who are qualifying for it no problem. Hell, I would have been a candidate.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I only view surgery as a last resort solution. If you're morbidly obese, have tried everything to no avail, or are in a situation where you have to lose weight to live, then surgery would be a good option.

    If you CAN lose weight the old fashioned way, via eating healthy and exercising, then do it. If you're physically able to exercise, then do it; I know exercising isn't pleasant, but you're blessed with the ability to do it. If you are having emotional ties to food and binging, then seek a counselor to sort through those issues. Most times food issues aren't just related to food itself, but to something deeper and psychological. See a nutritionist to tailor a meal plan for you to follow. Work on establishing good habits and a healthy mind, body and outlook and then, if you still can't get at a better place, look into surgery.

    If you're looking for a quick fix, surgery isn't necessarily it. Surgery won't get rid of your emotional ties to food. It won't cure your self esteem issues, your penchant for sweets or anything else. All it will do is allow you to lose weight rapidly, but after a while, the rest is up to you. Ultimately, your weight and your health are in your hands; it will all come down to eating right and exercising. If you can't do that now, for whatever reason, it is unlikely that you'll do it post-surgery.

    I say this all as someone who lost over 100lbs by eating less and moving more.