Starting do you all find the time???



  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've started doing squats while waiting for my husband's toast to pop in the mornings - anyone watching through the window must think I'm nuts lol

    I work long hours (plus spend 2hrs in the car commutting each day) so I squeeze in little bits of strength training as and where I can (push ups before getting in the shower, takes 5mins) and then on my day off, that's when I try to do longer sessions of cardio on my bike or take the dog for much longer walks than she gets on a weekday.

    It is hard, mostly because it's new. I have a fairly structured day and the first few weeks I couldn't honestly see where I could find an hour to exercise and the truth is, I don't have a whole hour, but I do have lots of little 5 or 10mins and while it may not be ideal, it's a hell of a lot better than I was doing before (sitting on my *kitten* eating cake is a reasonable assumption :) ).
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've started doing squats while waiting for my husband's toast to pop in the mornings - anyone watching through the window must think I'm nuts lol

    not whilst making toast but I do squats each evening while I'm drying my hair - amazing how many you can do in that time!
  • bens_goal
    bens_goal Posts: 4 Member
    I stuck with MFP religiously over a year ago, did over 20lb but then I moved house... had no kitchen, we lived off takeaway and microwave meals and I regained all the weight and then some!!

    But I decided to really go at it again, I reset my MFP, deleted all my old stats (so not to depress me), and started again.

    Even after Christmas big meals, easter chocolates, or big going out meals. The next day I record the damage, and just start again. May make a longer process, but dieting is not something that we just do to get rid of a bit of weight and go straight back to our original lifestyle, its pretty much for life!

    Anyway, I do the 30DS, Running and Gym... Now there is only 7 days in the week and I will only do one a day... so its a bit awkward really! The 30DS has best effects if you do it every day, but its a good workout regardless so I do it when I can! Although I swear she is trying to kill me...
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm asking for ideas to help make the time, not people telling me how easy it is for them to do it or telling me that I'm making excuses by saying that I'm lacking time. While I appreciate everyone responding, sometimes people just need ideas. The fact that I'm asking for assistance shows that I've been trying and what I've been doing hasn't been working.

    What about with the kids? i'm sure they play whilst you are looking after them so why not join in? Play soccer, catch have a water fight and run around with them. It's a great way to get a work out in and i'm sure both you and the kids will enjoy it :smile:
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I know that it's important to eat healthy and exercise, but I honestly can't find the time without giving up sleep. How do you all do it?

    I give up sleep.

    I get up 2 hours earlier than I technically need to to go to the gym and do food prep.

    I work 60+ hours a week
  • andreafischer1982
    andreafischer1982 Posts: 36 Member
    I just can say what i do maybe it helps you too.
    I don't have kids but i have a full time job too and i am often on business trips.
    And on the busniess trips it is always harder but i pack my running shoes and ask at the hotel for god trails or if it is in winter i do some excercises in the hotel room.

    Maybe you don't have time to go to the gyme because of work and kids but try to get movement to your daily routine use stairs instead of elevators. Walk instead of taking the car (i know that isn't possible eveery time but sometimes)

    Maybe you can get a stationary bike or soemthing like that and place it inyour livingroom and when the others watch tv you can watch with them on your bike so you are at home with your kids and exercising DOUBLE BONUS ;)
    if oyu don't like cycling there are other opportunities like arobic running kettle bell maybe zumba with the DVDs

    I am sure you will find something that works for you
  • Danielle_Style
    Danielle_Style Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with those who are being supportive and admitting that time constraints are real problems for people. That being said, there still is much you can do.

    I think the suggestion of a 30 minute video program is a good one. On days when your mom watches the kids (due to school), could she keep them 45 minutes longer to allow you time to exercise? Or could you squeeze in a half-hour workout once they're in bed?

    Jillian Michaels was a big proponent of the "no-excuses" attitude. Then recently, I read an interview she did where she admitted that now that she's adopted two kids, she realized that there are actually real reasons people can't exercise at full effort all the time. But she suggested workable solutions (such as reading on the treadmill).

    YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING BY COMING FOR HELP - but some people on this forum are very all or take that with a grain of salt.

    Best of luck!
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    I make time even if it isn't nothing but 20 minutes.