Spouce asking you to buy junk food



  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member

    Ya know I was wondering what a spouke was... I mean my bikes have spokes.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I don't have this exactly but I am a nanny so I buy snacks and chocolate for the kids from time to time, I don't let it bother me.
    To be honest I kind of enjoy it in a weird way because I am not tempted to eat it or buy anything for myself... which feels like a massive accomplishment. In the first month or two of something like this, it's wise to keep well away from anything like that but once you've been doing it for a while, you should begin to test your self control. You will find you do a lot better than you think you will and it's all part of the journey to making a lifestyle change.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    i just did this for my husband. he wanted cookies in his lunch but we ran out the nightt before, so i dropped him off at work in the morning (630am, i normally work out right after i drop him off) and hightailed it to the store, bought the cookies and brought them back to him before he left on his route.

    it was difficult having the rest of the bag of cookies on the seat next to me as i drove home. so i can see not wanting to be tempted. but he was so happy when i brought him the oreos. totally worth it.

    Yes!! going to pick up oreos last night after my hour of Kick boxing was out of the way and I was kinda annoyed at first... but he was SO happy it was worht it... and i got a few extra min of workout by speed walking through the cookie isle!
  • mesicali_chica
    mesicali_chica Posts: 71 Member
    We're in this together... if I splurge then he'll splurge and vs. versa. But we have some bounderies and dicipline now to where we dont ever over eat the junk food stuff. We're pretty accountable. :wink:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Certainly don't agree with adini749 - REALLY??

    Agreed. What would Rosa Parks think of that statement? Hmm?

    That was for blacks. What about the white women? HUH? HUH?

    As a white woman....you are an embarrassment.

    But yet, I will still be called a bully. C'est la vie.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Not in a relationship, but if I was, hell yes I would. Why should your SO be deprived of food they love because YOU decided to make changes?

    Plus, you're a woman. You're supposed to make your man happy.

    I love you both, I am going to PM you my wife's cell........ can you tell HER this........
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    Certainly don't agree with adini749 - REALLY??

    Agreed. What would Rosa Parks think of that statement? Hmm?

    That was for blacks. What about the white women? HUH? HUH?

    As a white woman....you are an embarrassment.
    Wow, seriously?

    She was obviously joking, yet you decided to be rude and insulting.

  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    yes I get it, but I try to make sure the amount I get, is enough for him. and that their wont be any left over for me to sneak into the kitchen later and eat when I all of a suddenget a craving.

    He smokes MJ, so it usually doesnt stay in the house for long. :) lol

    and I have found, the longer i go without sweets, the less i crave them!

    Mine has his MMJ RX so yes nothing lasts too long lol!!!
  • We go to the gym together, so no?
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    I am trying to get my wife to stop for ice cream on her way home from work, The only sticking point is what kind. O.o
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Actually, its really quite funny. I do buy my husbands junk food. When I was not dieting he wasnt able to get stuff with pecans in it because I am allergic, but now I am watching what I eat he goes crazy with pecans and I like that, I have no urge to go to the hospital so I am not tempted to cheat with it. ....He just has to brush his teeth and use listerine before he kisses me lol
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I don't mind. I just request that he keeps the "offending" food in his office... and not in the kitchen. :)
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Not in a relationship, but if I was, hell yes I would. Why should your SO be deprived of food they love because YOU decided to make changes?

    Plus, you're a woman. You're supposed to make your man happy.

    BJ's and steak amirite?
  • I do without hesitation, swings and roundabouts, he already has a mother :laugh:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Such wonderful advice... well except for the one person NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP that chose to tell me how to be a "good women!!!" Been married for 12 years... that part I have figured out THX
    But I always expect there to be some people that reply with something that doesn't apply.
    Still I'm not a hater so her opinion was just as valid as all the others.

    To clairify, I DO buy what ever he wants to have for munchies in the house... I just make him pay fo it!! :wink:

    Excuse me, but I've been in relationships before. Just because I'm not in one right now doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. So my advice still applies, thanks.

    Also, no offense but married for 12 years =/= a perfect relationship.

    EDIT: I AM IN NO WAY INSINUATING THAT YOUR MARRIAGE ISN'T GOOD. Just in case I get attacked for it. Cause that's NOT what I said. Flowers for everyone: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Wait, I've been stalking you for like weeks and THAT'S not a relationship?!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    i just did this for my husband. he wanted cookies in his lunch but we ran out the nightt before, so i dropped him off at work in the morning (630am, i normally work out right after i drop him off) and hightailed it to the store, bought the cookies and brought them back to him before he left on his route.

    it was difficult having the rest of the bag of cookies on the seat next to me as i drove home. so i can see not wanting to be tempted. but he was so happy when i brought him the oreos. totally worth it.

    Yes!! going to pick up oreos last night after my hour of Kick boxing was out of the way and I was kinda annoyed at first... but he was SO happy it was worht it... and i got a few extra min of workout by speed walking through the cookie isle!

    i dont think it has anything to do with the cookies, i think it has to do with the spouse wanting the feeling of being cared for. that you are willing to go out of your way to do something for them. my husband and i do lots of stuff for each other, but sometimes you need a little extra gooshy feeling. so its not whether or not you should get the bad food, its all about doing for each other. maybe we can get on board with doing for each other something a little healthier.. maybe.. i could be totally off base :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't see why you would want to support unhealthy habits like junk food with your loved ones. If your sig/other asked you to stop on the corner and pick up a dime bag of smack for him, would you? because YOU are the one not shooting heroin, not them?

    Lucky for me, both my wife and I have similar tastes and goals in achieving better health. But I know for a fact that if I ask her to grab a frozen pizza or a bag of cheetoh's while she's at the store she will, and has, say if you want to eat that junk buy it yourself. And I thank her for it.

    Pizza and cheetos = smack? That seems a bit extreme.
  • ijavagypsy
    ijavagypsy Posts: 109 Member
    Just wondering if there is anyone out there that as they head out to the gym for a good work out their spouse or Significant Other asks them to stop and buy Oreo's or ice cream or some equally unhealthy thing your trying NOT to eat....
    Do you do it and just try to stay storng or do you tell them to get it themself????
    Actually, what I have done is explain that if I want junk food, I'll cook/bake it myself as a measure of calorie control. After all, if you don't want to go through the trouble of making it, perhaps you don't want it badly enough lol! :smile:
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    If I'm already going to the store shopping, yes. On my way home from the gym? No. My workout would be ruined.