Anyone else doing the ZCUT DVDs?



  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    I just got the set and did Month 1 first workout today and it was so hard! But I absolutely adore Zuzka, she's beautiful, motivating, sweet, and she's working hard! I love that SHE is doing the workout, not two non-stop smiling robots in the background. I'm not a fan of JM for those very reasons, I find her very loud and abrasive, and Zuzka is more gentle and encouraging. I hope it gets easier for me because it was definitely really hard today, and I couldn't begin to keep up with her.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    I just got the set and did Month 1 first workout today and it was so hard! But I absolutely adore Zuzka, she's beautiful, motivating, sweet, and she's working hard! I love that SHE is doing the workout, not two non-stop smiling robots in the background. I'm not a fan of JM for those very reasons, I find her very loud and abrasive, and Zuzka is more gentle and encouraging. I hope it gets easier for me because it was definitely really hard today, and I couldn't begin to keep up with her.

    That is why I prefer Zuzka too. Not only do I get better results but she is positive and uplifiting vs JM beating you down all the time.

    The first time I did workout one I thought I would die...I paused it several times. It gets better!
  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I just ordered these DVDs tonight! I love Zuzka, so I am really excited to get started! I am so glad to have found this discussion!! I was working really hard during the summer and doing ZWOWs and old BodyRock workouts. But I lost momentum once school started (I'm a teacher) and I haven't been working out at all for the past few months. I am a little concerned because I need to lose about 50 lbs, and these workouts are intense. My question is this, will these workouts be too intense to jump into, or should I work up to the program by doing 30DS? I already intend to do Couch to 5K to build up my stamina while I wait for them to arrive.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    Hi! I just ordered these DVDs tonight! I love Zuzka, so I am really excited to get started! I am so glad to have found this discussion!! I was working really hard during the summer and doing ZWOWs and old BodyRock workouts. But I lost momentum once school started (I'm a teacher) and I haven't been working out at all for the past few months. I am a little concerned because I need to lose about 50 lbs, and these workouts are intense. My question is this, will these workouts be too intense to jump into, or should I work up to the program by doing 30DS? I already intend to do Couch to 5K to build up my stamina while I wait for them to arrive.

    I think you can just jump in! Just don't expect to keep up with Z right away. I still have some workouts that I can't keep up and I am 1.5 weeks into the 3rd calendar!
  • Hello everyone! Just looking for some extra motivation :) I am 24, 5'5, and 150lbs. I'm new to MFP and started ZCUT yesterday. Hoping to see amazing results but nervous that I won't. My goal weight is ideally 125 but would be happy with between 125 and 135. I gained about 15 pounds, and I've probably been 145-150 for about 2 years now and just can't seem to lose it. Dieting doesn't seem to do too much so I'm assuming my metabolism is much slower than it used to be when I worked out ALL THE TIME. Which is why I bought ZCUT. MFP calculated my daily caloric intake to be 1290 to lose 1 lb/wk. Over the passed week and a half I have been doing that but the scale hasn't budged. I'm hoping to see results by continuing the diet and doing one ZCUT workout per day. Realistic?

    What about everyone else? Are you guys seeing results? How long did it take before you actually started seeing them (just so I'm not expecting something unrealistic)?
  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    I ordered the dvd's last week and I can't wait for them to arrive.
    I am on wk3 of c25k and I plan to incorporate it in w/ the zcut workouts.
  • kelfran1
    kelfran1 Posts: 1,213 Member
    ... I hope it gets easier for me because it was definitely really hard today, and I couldn't begin to keep up with her.

    So glad I thought to get on here and look ZCUT up. I just started working out today after a long 'vacation' from exercising (we are talking months, not weeks). I was a little intimidated reading the first few comments, since everyone else seems to be coming straight from doing other workout programs. It makes me feel better to know that other people struggled with the first workout too. I had no idea how far out of shape I've gotten since last summer and I am not looking forward to the soreness tomorrow, but at least I feel better to know that this wasn't simple as pie for everyone but me.

    Have you guys been keeping track of your times? It took Zuzka under 10 minutes to do WO1, and I clocked in at around 23 minutes....and that was forgoing that last round of burpees that she slipped in at the end. :ohwell: On the plus side, I am definitely going to be able to improve upon that!
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    ... I hope it gets easier for me because it was definitely really hard today, and I couldn't begin to keep up with her.

    So glad I thought to get on here and look ZCUT up. I just started working out today after a long 'vacation' from exercising (we are talking months, not weeks). I was a little intimidated reading the first few comments, since everyone else seems to be coming straight from doing other workout programs. It makes me feel better to know that other people struggled with the first workout too. I had no idea how far out of shape I've gotten since last summer and I am not looking forward to the soreness tomorrow, but at least I feel better to know that this wasn't simple as pie for everyone but me.

    Have you guys been keeping track of your times? It took Zuzka under 10 minutes to do WO1, and I clocked in at around 23 minutes....and that was forgoing that last round of burpees that she slipped in at the end. :ohwell: On the plus side, I am definitely going to be able to improve upon that!

    I didn't keep track of my times the first month but I have month 2 and 3. It is vital for me in month 3 because there are zero rest days and I need to know an estimate of how long I will have to push through since there are no rest days. Month 3 is one workout day 1&2, then 2 workouts on day 3, then abs only on day 4...and repeat. I am 2 weeks into it and it is killer. I have been having a really hard time pushing myself to do it but I am determined to get through the last 2 weeks.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    Hello everyone! Just looking for some extra motivation :) I am 24, 5'5, and 150lbs. I'm new to MFP and started ZCUT yesterday. Hoping to see amazing results but nervous that I won't. My goal weight is ideally 125 but would be happy with between 125 and 135. I gained about 15 pounds, and I've probably been 145-150 for about 2 years now and just can't seem to lose it. Dieting doesn't seem to do too much so I'm assuming my metabolism is much slower than it used to be when I worked out ALL THE TIME. Which is why I bought ZCUT. MFP calculated my daily caloric intake to be 1290 to lose 1 lb/wk. Over the passed week and a half I have been doing that but the scale hasn't budged. I'm hoping to see results by continuing the diet and doing one ZCUT workout per day. Realistic?

    What about everyone else? Are you guys seeing results? How long did it take before you actually started seeing them (just so I'm not expecting something unrealistic)?

    Late getting back to you but I started seeing results within 2 weeks, in terms of stamina and feeling more fit.

    Also FWIW, your calories might be too low. Some people have trouble losing weight if their calorie intake is too low. It might be worth bumping it up to 1500 or so for a week and see how it goes. FWIW I am 5'5 and 125/128 give or take and have a calorie setting at 1830 per day and have been maintaining for a few months now.
  • kelfran1
    kelfran1 Posts: 1,213 Member
    After trying the first workout for the first time, I needed two days to recover. Man, that was hard for me. As stated above, I clocked in around 23 minutes on that first one. After the two days of recovery, the second workout seemed a little scary, so I opted to do the first one again and this time I clocked in at 21:10, so I'm feeling a little better about that. I should mention that I nixed the last set of burpees both times (so I did 5 sets of 10 and skipped that sneaky 6th set.)

    I just did the second workout. First of all, I'd like to say that I felt a little misguided about that 'high knees to plank' exercise. Watching the set up, I was under the impression that 10 high knees and 1 plank counted as the 10 reps - man was I wrong! :-o I clocked in at 32:20, which is a lot longer than I thought I'd be working out today, but I feel good about it because I actually did all 60 of those plank ones.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    After trying the first workout for the first time, I needed two days to recover. Man, that was hard for me. As stated above, I clocked in around 23 minutes on that first one. After the two days of recovery, the second workout seemed a little scary, so I opted to do the first one again and this time I clocked in at 21:10, so I'm feeling a little better about that. I should mention that I nixed the last set of burpees both times (so I did 5 sets of 10 and skipped that sneaky 6th set.)

    I just did the second workout. First of all, I'd like to say that I felt a little misguided about that 'high knees to plank' exercise. Watching the set up, I was under the impression that 10 high knees and 1 plank counted as the 10 reps - man was I wrong! :-o I clocked in at 32:20, which is a lot longer than I thought I'd be working out today, but I feel good about it because I actually did all 60 of those plank ones.

    How is everyone else doing?

    I don't remember how long the first workout took me when I did it the first time but I know it was a LOT longer than it took Z! The 60 sets of 10 high knees to plank is AWFUL. Even in the 3rd month I despise it haha. It does however get results!
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    I just started my DVDs the other day, but didn't get a calendar with them (they are shipping it now I guess...) so not sure of how I'm suppose to be following the DVDs. Just going through the first DVD so far. Today was day three for I go to DVD two once I finish the first and what about the bonus abs? When do I do that?? My body is killing me so far but I'm loving it....we don't have rest days right? (I thought that was what zuzka said on one of her videos) feel free to friend me! I'd love the support :)
  • kelfran1
    kelfran1 Posts: 1,213 Member
    I just started my DVDs the other day, but didn't get a calendar with them (they are shipping it now I guess...) so not sure of how I'm suppose to be following the DVDs. Just going through the first DVD so far. Today was day three for I go to DVD two once I finish the first and what about the bonus abs? When do I do that?? My body is killing me so far but I'm loving it....we don't have rest days right? (I thought that was what zuzka said on one of her videos) feel free to friend me! I'd love the support :)

    If today was day 3, then I think today was your rest/bonus day. The calendar has:
    Day 1-WO#1,
    Day 2-WO#2,
    Day 3 has a 'Skinny Tip' but no workout listed,
    Day 4-WO#3,
    Day 5-WO#4,
    Day 6-'Skinny Tip',
    Day 7-WO#5
    Day 8-WO#6
    Day 9-WO#7
    Day 10-'Skinny Tip'

    Basically, the first week is 2 days on, 1 day off, then after that is 3 days on, 1 day off. If you feel good with it, then you can do the Bonus Abs on the off days, but I need the rest for my muscles. The program is set up so that you cycle through all 12 workouts on the three DVDs and then start over (so Day 7 is WO#5 instead of cycling through 1-4 again). The other thing that the calendar has is a place to record your waist, arm and leg measurements and your weight each week. Hope that helps!
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    I just started my DVDs the other day, but didn't get a calendar with them (they are shipping it now I guess...) so not sure of how I'm suppose to be following the DVDs. Just going through the first DVD so far. Today was day three for I go to DVD two once I finish the first and what about the bonus abs? When do I do that?? My body is killing me so far but I'm loving it....we don't have rest days right? (I thought that was what zuzka said on one of her videos) feel free to friend me! I'd love the support :)

    If today was day 3, then I think today was your rest/bonus day. The calendar has:
    Day 1-WO#1,
    Day 2-WO#2,
    Day 3 has a 'Skinny Tip' but no workout listed,
    Day 4-WO#3,
    Day 5-WO#4,
    Day 6-'Skinny Tip',
    Day 7-WO#5
    Day 8-WO#6
    Day 9-WO#7
    Day 10-'Skinny Tip'

    Basically, the first week is 2 days on, 1 day off, then after that is 3 days on, 1 day off. If you feel good with it, then you can do the Bonus Abs on the off days, but I need the rest for my muscles. The program is set up so that you cycle through all 12 workouts on the three DVDs and then start over (so Day 7 is WO#5 instead of cycling through 1-4 again). The other thing that the calendar has is a place to record your waist, arm and leg measurements and your weight each week. Hope that helps!

    Thanks! I'll have to record everything then mark it down in the calendar once it gets here :)
  • I am finished day 2 of Zcut yesterday. Holy shmoly. Stupidly I started day one with a bit of a cold thinking "its a short work out, how hard can it be." Big Mistake! I ended up puking 3/4 way through the work out and had to stop. However I woke up the next day without a cold so I did day two. I made it through the work out with some modifications (10 high knees to plank, sometimes I skipped the plank). My lower back muscles are sore today. I dont think I have EVER had lower back muscles be sore. Also day one I could barely do the 10 knee pushups in the warm up, day two I did a few regular pushups. I weighed myself yesterday and was 159, so I will keep you guys posted on my weight loss. Im planning on doing a short Rodney Yee yoga video on my off days just to keep stretching.
  • char2009
    char2009 Posts: 68
    What is everyone doing nutrition wise??? I'm doing pretty good with the workouts, doing some modifications but need to step up my nutrition to support my workouts...
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Jealous of all of you! I did Zuzka's workouts when she was doing Bodyrock. I loved their athleticism, felt great, had results pretty fast (used to do more of the 20-30 minute ones, no extra cardio). My feet couldn't take it though.

    She talks a lot about nutrition on her youtube channel, it's basically what you'd expect - lean protein, lots of veg, good fats, minimal high processed carbs, but I think she has more carbs in general now than she used to.

    I'm glad she's seeing continued success, hope she makes a ton of $.
  • Hi all... I wanna join your discussion regarding ZCUT... honestly, I was one of those who bought it on the first day but honestly, my workout routine was ruined when I moved to another work department but now back to my old department again. I was only able to do few days of ZCUT... I stopped! :( Darn hard when you lost your momentum and routine. Always hard to get back. So, I talked to myself and been honest. Well, I am currently working on my daily routine - do walking every lunch break at work whether i like it or not, I stop thinking but just do it... Once I get back to my momentum then I will start it again and stick to it. I also have Zuzka's Yoga now and it looks like this is the yoga that I wanna do - so much fun. Good luck to all of you... I'll get back here when I finally restart the ZCUT. :)
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    oh my god I haven't read all of your replies yet but I need to bump this thread asap, it excites me so.
    I have been a Zuzana fan for a couple of years now. Like some of you, I followed her on Bodyrock, then she disappeared and I cried, then she came back and I peed my pants. I really disliked BR so I was thrilled when Zuzka Light came to be.
    I just ordered the ZCUT DVD's and I can't wait!
    Can you guys friend me too? :love:

    Ok I am going to go back and read the rest of this thread now :)
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    Hello, I know I am jumping into this forum a little late, but I didn't think to look here before for anyone else doing ZCUT. I started month 2 yesterday. Month 1 was hard but I noticed so many changes in my body. Glad to see others happy with it as well. I also don't know how many calories you burn in a ZCUT, but I programed my calorie counter to match Zuzka's advice with calorie intake: body weight X12. This is how many calories she suggest you eat everyday to lose weight. This has worked for me. I just don't log my workouts on here anymore.

    Do any of you run in addition to these workouts? I would like to start because I signed up for a race, but I don't know if I should run before them or after?

    I don't have the dvds yet but I regularly work out to the ZWOWs. I also run and I do it either after my ZWOW, or on my "off" days. I don't always have time to do a workout AND a run, so it's usually one of the other. But when I do both, it's ZWOW first, THEN run. Otherwise I just don't have the energy to do all the bodyweight stuff after a good run!