Anyone else doing the ZCUT DVDs?



  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    I just got the set and did Month 1 first workout today and it was so hard! But I absolutely adore Zuzka, she's beautiful, motivating, sweet, and she's working hard! I love that SHE is doing the workout, not two non-stop smiling robots in the background. I'm not a fan of JM for those very reasons, I find her very loud and abrasive, and Zuzka is more gentle and encouraging. I hope it gets easier for me because it was definitely really hard today, and I couldn't begin to keep up with her.

    I used to love JM until this season of Biggest Loser! WTF? She is so mean!
    That style doesn't work well with me...
    Needless to say, after that, it totally turned me off of any JM workouts.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I haven't bought her DVDs but I might, just to support her, since I do her free YouTube workouts.

    When I do HIIT, I track it as Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort.

    Have fun :)
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    ooh I am intrigued by these now ! Can you get them off amazon?

    I did look at her YT channel but got confused about what workouts to chose, like is there any order to them and if not, how do I know what one to choose
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    Just hearing about the ZCUT DVDs, must be new. where can I order them?
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    You can buy them here:

    and her Yoga DVD:

    But also check out her website:

    If you go to her "workouts" section, you can find all of her ZWOWs (Zuzka'a Work Out of the Week) there. She breaks down the workout in one video and then does the entire workout with you on the second one. So every week you get a new routine! The DVD's are more of a program. Her blog is very interesting as well. She's awesome!

    Have fun!
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I am trying to get motivated to do the Zuzan Zwows hear they are pretty good to....
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    ooh I am intrigued by these now ! Can you get them off amazon?

    I did look at her YT channel but got confused about what workouts to chose, like is there any order to them and if not, how do I know what one to choose

    There's no logical order to them.

    You should watch the preview version first, might as well start with whichever is the most current (I think her oldest ones do not have a useful preview). The preview gives you a 5 minute description of the exercises. If you are missing equipment or think it may be too advanced, then try another workout. I'm sure you'll find at least one :)

    53 is bodyweight only, 43 you'll only need a chair, 38 was one of my favorites but you need a dumbbell or kettleball.
  • fireflyish
    So an update: I finished workout 5 yesterday. Things are getting a little easier. I can do the whole work out now with modifications on some of the exercises. I think I hurt my lower back yesterday doing burpees so Im not sure if I am going to do it today. So..the good....I am doing real pushups during the warm up instead of knee pushups. I cant get as far down as Z, but the first and second days I had to do knee pushups. I can feel my cardiovascular health getting better. I havent lost any weight though. I am eating a 1250 calorie a day diet and still no loss at all. Its a little frustrating. I thought Id lose a pound or two. I have about 30lbs to lose so its not like 1 pound is so huge. I want to die while doing the workout but after I feel great. Ill update again next week!
  • fireflyish
    Ok update #2 I am now through with workout #10 which means I am about 2 weeks into the program. I have lost 5 pounds total. My body looks different. I can see a difference between my before picture and my current picture. My clothes fit differently. I dont have to get a new wardrobe yet, but if things keep up I might have to invest in a good belt. Ive gotten to the point where I look forward to my workout. They are still very hard, but I am keeping up with her more and am having to modify a lot less. Ill update again next week!
  • Sonjalalala
    Sonjalalala Posts: 101 Member
    Ok update #2 I am now through with workout #10 which means I am about 2 weeks into the program. I have lost 5 pounds total. My body looks different. I can see a difference between my before picture and my current picture. My clothes fit differently. I dont have to get a new wardrobe yet, but if things keep up I might have to invest in a good belt. Ive gotten to the point where I look forward to my workout. They are still very hard, but I am keeping up with her more and am having to modify a lot less. Ill update again next week!

    Awesome progress. Keep it up! :)
  • KaylaRae2727
    KaylaRae2727 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I'm gunna jump in this conversation too. I just ordered the DVD's last night and am really excited to start them. I've been following Z for about a year and a half, but I've been inconsistent in doing her workouts regularly so I hope the calendar will help me so I don't have to "choose" and "plan"'s already done for me! Plus writing down my workout after I've done it in a calendar really helps me to make it official.

    For those of you who already in the process, please keep us updated. I love to read about your struggles and successes!
  • fireflyish
    Just a miniupdate. I bought these jeans 2 weeks ago and I need a belt with them now. Theyve been falling down at work. Also during the warm up I am doing 12 (it says you do 10 but you really do 12) real pushups all the way down. Ive never in my life been able to do this and in just 2 weeks I can do it. Amazing! I wish my boobs would shrink but they seem to be the same. I was 120lbs 2 years ago and I still had d cups.
  • fireflyish
    fireflyish Posts: 13
    Update: I am in the last week of month one. I have lost a total of 9 pounds which puts me at 150. I have gone down one pant size. I am feeling pretty damn good. I can mostly keep up with Z now and on some workouts I can go a little faster. Unfortunatly I sprained my ankle pretty badly yesterday so I am going to have to take a break for a week or two. I did not sprain my ankle doing Zcut though.
  • Sandylovesm
    Sandylovesm Posts: 242 Member
    I found a tremendous amount of challenges on youtube, meaning we could even do some of her exercises for free! I'm not sure it's as complete as the DVDs. However, it seems great fun and an amazing pace.

    I wanted to congratulate you for what you did so far, you're inspirational!
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    congratulations to everyone on your progress. I just started this week. I did WO1 and had to pause it a couple of times to catch my breath. I took a day off yesterday because I had too much other stuff to do (grading papers for the end of the semester) and WO2 really intimidates me. Psyching myself up to do it this afternoon when I get home.
  • fireflyish
    fireflyish Posts: 13
    My ankle is feeling better. I was on crutches for a few days last week, but I am back at it again. Ill complete month 1 tomorrow and move on to month 2! People have been telling me how great I look and are really starting to notice a difference. I did not feel like I backtracked during my week off. I felt just as strong as when I sprained my ankle last week. I was nervous to do two workouts in a day in month 2 but now I am pretty sure I can handle it (though its going to be tough). I did gain a few pounds this week but I think its due to water.
  • kmgallagher79
    I am starting the DVDs tomorrow...not going to lie I am terrified....but have heard so many great things I am also very excited to hopefully see results.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I've tried some of her workouts before. They're really tough. That woman is in crazy good shape.

    I don't think there's anything she won't add a burpee to. She has burpees in her yoga routine, for crying out loud, lol. Those things kill me.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    I've tried some of her workouts before. They're really tough. That woman is in crazy good shape.

    I don't think there's anything she won't add a burpee to. She has burpees in her yoga routine, for crying out loud, lol. Those things kill me.

    I used to HATE burpees. Hate. I have gotten used to them now though and do okay with them.

    I completed the power cardio back in the beginning of April and am anxiously awaiting tomorrow's release of the strength training series. Can't wait to have it all planned out for me. That is the best part of it IMO is having a plan with varied workouts!
  • fireflyish
    fireflyish Posts: 13
    Burpee # 800005058381

    So Im nearly done with month 2 and body is seriously different. I havent really lost all that much weight but Ive gone down about 3 pant sizes and Im starting to see ab definition (not all the fat is gone yet sadly but its shrinking and a pretty amazing pace) I think by the end of month 3 Im going to be nearly at my first goal body. Ill post some before and midway pictures when I finish month 2!

    She just came out with a new set of dvds that I think I will get after Im done with zcut. She also has her new Zgym which could be cool. You get new work outs every week.