Recording when you go over cal goals



  • lives21
    lives21 Posts: 78 Member
    I log everything. It's like a slap in the face to do better. That I gave myself lol
  • mmctaw
    mmctaw Posts: 30 Member
    I add everything...even if its not so good. It's better to know what you need to maybe make up the next few days than to lie to yourself. Besides, it's better to know so you can target your problems instead of denying they exist.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I record everything...right down to a cough drop.:smile:
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    Its way better to just log everything, that will keep you in check the day you're logging. I just spent the weekend in Vegas and was 5000 calories over pretty much every day. I probably won't look back at those days ever, because the goal should always be now and the future.
  • Susie_Q12
    I record honestly, no matter what. I'm not here to impress (or lie to) anyone, including myself. IMHO, being truthful to/with yourself is the first step to success.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    I'm pretty new at this, only a few weeks in, so I'm in learning mode. I'm logging everything so I can learn how I eat and why I slip up. I got a bit overconfident after a few good weeks and bought salted peanuts -- mistake! So after two days of eating over calories, I threw the rest out to the ducks. I learned not to bring stuff into the house that's hard/impossible to resist eating in small amounts, and if I do it's better off feeding the wildlife.

    I enjoyed everyone's responses; thanks for sharing your experiences. It helps.

  • mrspinky85
    mrspinky85 Posts: 79 Member
    I try to record everything but if my calories are off its probably because either I made something homemade and can't figure out the calories or I got to busy and forgot to finish my journal. I know that I need to be more consistant and stop with all the fast food quick fixes. But hey if I was perfect would I need myfitnesspal. Nope. Congrats on being honest but for those who are afraid to be honest its ok. No one here can judge you because we all have a reason we need to track our food. I know I won't be judging over
  • Sofitin2013
    I record everything. I tried burying my head in the sand about my diet nd my weight and I ballooned up over two years. I need to be honest with myself to be successful
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I do.

    Your body knows what you eat, whether you write it down or not. So why lie? Why intentionally mis-lead yourself into believing you're doing a good job, when you aren't, and increasing your own frustration level?

    After losing almost 250 pounds, I have to think my approach works. Certainly for me.

    My diary is open (I think it is anyway), you're welcome to look...

  • ellenvmelon
    I do, 90% of the time. Other times I just plain forget. But after seeing that the scale was going the wrong way (though I am getting stronger every week) I'm now recording EVERYTHING and clicking that treats = less food later if I've run out of calories!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I record everything. I need to be accountable. I don[t beat myself up over it...unless I go over on sodium!
  • TimFranklin423
    TimFranklin423 Posts: 26 Member
    I try to record everything...and I'm usually pretty good about it. Lately i've switched to Intermittent fasting and only have a 4 hour window to eat. So lately i'm so hungry that I just devour everything my wife sits down in front of me and I forget to ask "oh btw, what was that?" On days when I cook, though, it's always something from the Everyday Paleo book, and if I can't find the recipe already added in the MFP database, I just make one with all the ingredients from the cookbook and use that, so it's much more accurate.

    There were plenty of days when I would go over my calories though, but honestly, I don't care lol. No one from my friend list has ever said anything negative to me about my diet so I don't even feel like it's a big deal. I knew if I went over what the consequences would be..and I just worked out a little bit harder the next day or go out for a walk/swim that night to even things out.

    I think so many people here get so caught up in thinking things have to be 100% perfect all the time. Like if you're not following some silly formula that you're going to **** up and gain 10lbs over night. This is a journey and something that you will have to listen to your body on. Give it good foods, give it plenty of water, give it exercise. If your food is clean, then it's not going to hurt you to eat over what some damn calculator online told you to keep your calories under.
  • TimFranklin423
    TimFranklin423 Posts: 26 Member
    I do.

    Your body knows what you eat, whether you write it down or not. So why lie? Why intentionally mis-lead yourself into believing you're doing a good job, when you aren't, and increasing your own frustration level?

    After losing almost 250 pounds, I have to think my approach works. Certainly for me.

    My diary is open (I think it is anyway), you're welcome to look...

    This ^

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I do....I like to know how much I've gone over...often I'm still in a calorie deficit, just a smaller one...sometimes I'm at maintenance. I'm very rarely at a surplus these days. I find it difficult to do with the kinds of foods I eat.

    Besides, why lie to yourself...that's just weird.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I used to just not log on the days when I ate terribly, because I knew I was being bad so I figured didn't need to log it.

    I log even the bad days now, though - it helps me see the overage of calories, and if you think about it being distributed throughout your week, that one day can cancel out all that hard work and good that you did for the whole week. It gives me better perspective on it.
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I record everything because even though some days I go over the others I dont and for the week, I usually come out under my weekly goal.:happy: And I dont feel like crap for going over the 1 or 2 days.
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I record EVERYTHING!! I am really serious about this! If I only record the good I am not being honest with myself. Ignoring the overage doesn't make it go away. I don't tend to have over days because like I said I am really serious about this but if I do I record it. This holds me accountable :smile: Good luck to all! :flowerforyou:
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I am really wondering how many people record literally everything you eat even when you have a BAD eating day. I record literally eat bite sometimes it's 2500 cals but I'm being honest. How many others make sure they do this or do you just quit and start again the next day???

    I commend you for your honesty.

    I am the same, I log it all...
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    It is what it is......... and I record it all!
  • emafairycake1986
    emafairycake1986 Posts: 38 Member
    I Always record everything i eat so i know even whhen i snack on crap at least we are all aware of what erve put in out bodies x