Want weight loss? Push your body to the limits



  • jesusgrl14
    jesusgrl14 Posts: 250
    This sounds amazing! I am totally up for the workout! Thanks!
  • jlohern
    jlohern Posts: 52 Member
    oh, you know what? I just thought of something, if your gym has a place that is big enough (like a big aerobics studio, or a basketball court or something), that should be plenty big enough for monsters. you can definately replace the sprinting with monsters. Make sure you have good solid cross training (not running, this is harder on the ankles then running) or basketball sneakers for this.

    What is a monster you ask?

    Here it is:

    Mark a spot 10 yards away (10 paces)

    then mark a spot 20 yards away (in basketball they do 4 lines but we can do 2 since we are doing other things)
    1 monster is: sprint up to the 10 yards, touch the spot, sprint back to the starting line, touch that, sprint up to the 20 yard spot, touch, sprint back and through. You might want to lower your reps to 10 if you do these as, it sounds easy but thats 60 yards instead of 30. The key is go flat out for the 20 yard return (the last part), no matter how tired you are, when I say as fast as you can, I mean it (contorted face, hands clenched, grunting, you know, all the nastyness of a workout in full bore).

    We called those Mountain Climbs in school!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    So I just did a modefied version of this. I don't get enough time at lunch to do the whole thing.
    So I shaved 1 minute off my rest time between each, I took the crab crawls out, and cut the end sprints down from 15 to 8. But it was still a good workout. Man, 2 minutes isn't enough in between. that was brutal, I am now over the post workout slight headache, and the adrenaline euphoria is just hitting me. Man this is a great feeling. I can still feel the residual lung burn from it, not winded anymore but I feel it, but even with that, I'm feeling damn proud of myself.

    One modefication to the routine you may need. 3 minutes of non stop jumping jacks might just ruin you, I forgot how rough those are, I would probably do 1 minute on, 30 seconds off and 1 minute on. At least at the start. Also if you don't have great wind yet, that 1st set of wind sprints might break you, you may want to lower that to 10 or 12, the key is going full blast, not so much how many you do, but getting everything you can out of the ones you DO do.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I pushed myself beyond what I have ever done. I worked out with free weights with my husband. My arms are so swollen and it has only been 1.5 hours since we finished. I will be hurting in the morning. My husband mad a good point....use free weights more and machines less. The machines aid you to much and the free weights forces you to use your muscles.
    Great post Banks:drinker: as always:flowerforyou:
    Another 75 degree day in sunny Fresno. CA.
    Yard work and planting for the rest of the morning.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I pushed myself beyond what I have ever done. I worked out with free weights with my husband. My arms are so swollen and it has only been 1.5 hours since we finished. I will be hurting in the morning. My husband mad a good point....use free weights more and machines less. The machines aid you to much and the free weights forces you to use your muscles.
    Great post Banks:drinker: as always:flowerforyou:
    Another 75 degree day in sunny Fresno. CA.
    Yard work and planting for the rest of the morning.

    Nice! you got a similar end result as me. The only real difference between working to failure with weights as opposed to cardio and circuit type is that the next day, I don't feel sore (well, not AS sore) but that sore is a good thing, it means you worked hard enough that your muscles are still repairing, which means you STILL have a raised metabolism. That's an awesome feeling, I get that in my Quads after a particularly hard body pump class.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh wow! I love it!!!!

    I'm gonna try it maybe this weekend I can have my hubby help me while he plays w/ our son....I love stuff like this you can do outside and w/out equipment! I have two brothers that I watched do these and as a former cheerleader we'd be practicing and they'd be doing these and honestly I always wanted to try it! I would run the stadium stairs w/ the players sometimes LOL...keep them coming Banks!!! and hmmm maybe not this weekend (snow is coming to mass as you know...lol) but def. next weekend...I'll be happy to report back! lol....as sad as it may be lol

    hugs! and thanks!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I might have to try this...though I generally stick to the elliptical or something easier on the joints. Bad knees run in my family. I do push myself on the elliptical. I do the "random" setting because it will go from a steep hill to flat, so it's a good "interval" type workout. I have been burning around 675 calories in 55 minutes doing that but lately, I started pushing myself a little further and today I burned 721 calories in the same time! I am up to level 17 too which is actually starting to get easier now. Amazing! A few months ago, level 5 was hard!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    go for it tam! The other thing you guys you can do, is sub in some exercise that you really like better then any one of these. This isn't set in stone. I mean if you want to ditch the jacks and grab a jump rope instead, go for it. If you need to shave down the exercises because you don't have the wind for it yet (there is wind, like jogging on the tred mill, then there is WIND like being able to do a 100 yard wind sprint at TOP speed and not collapse at 80 yards.) That's fine. This routine is more about pushing your body beyond it's comfort zone then any specific type or amount of exercise.

    See, the human body is amazing, it will allow you to push it further then you thought, then it will take stock and say, hey, I guess I need to be better, so it will get better, quick too. It's almost too cool when you do this for 3 days and look at how much easier it becomes, so you end up doing more, and longer exercises, it's a vicious cycle (the best kind). It's kind of like a drug addiction, the more you do it, the more you need to. The endorphins at the end are just crazy.
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    I'm in a bootcamp class at my gym this semester and we do these things twice a week.
    I've never seen my body look like this before.

    I was going to the gym for 5-6 days a week for over an hour, and while I was pleased, I wasn't happy.
    These things work.

    I'm glad to have this post to I can refer back to it when my class is over in May.
    Its going to be SO much harder when I don't have people making me do it!!!

    Maybe I'll start doing this myself on Saturdays or something just to get myself used to doing it alone.
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    I went through Army Boot Camp about 6 years ago, it is alot easier when you have a giant angry mean drill sergeant screaming in your ear. Our main Drill Sergeant's name was Drill Sergeant Hughes. He was like 7 foot tall and we called him Drill Sergeant Huge. LOL. I sometimes wish I had my own drill sergeant again!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Lol, that's funny, I'm glad everyone likes this! Well, we can't all have drill sergeants, but think about it this way, if you can accomplish it without one, you know it was you and only you. And THAT will feel damn good if I do say so myself.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Love ya Banks but I'm not doing it! This girl isn't in good enough shape for any of that. But I believe it because my daughter was in the reserves. But I'll be thinking of you:bigsmile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Love ya Banks but I'm not doing it! This girl isn't in good enough shape for any of that. But I believe it because my daughter was in the reserves. But I'll be thinking of you:bigsmile:

    That's ok, I still thing your the bees knees. :tongue:
    This ain't for everyone, I'll be the first to admit it. It's a high stress thing, and if you aren't ready for it, you aren't ready for it. For some, it's probably more dangerous to do it then to not.
  • JessicaDeering
    JessicaDeering Posts: 7 Member
    Hey sounds like this is something I could try. My daughter is in the National Guards so she is willing to do it with me. But it will not be this week we are supposed to get more snow tomarrow.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    How funny would you look in the middle of a park, crawling on your hands and knees though!

    Boy Banks you hit This nail on the head when you replied...
    No funnier then we used to look, and I look right now. But think about it this way, is it worse to have someone seeing you from a distance and chuckling at some anonymous person doing an odd looking exercise, or you at the beach, overweight, wearing a tee shirt because you never got into shape?

    I've been telling my son who is 10 ( and my morning work out buddy. :smile: ) everyday for the past two months... " I don't Care what I look like now, I do care what I look like later. " We do such things like push ups off slide ladders or the bridge rail. Dips off park benches or fences. Crunches off picnic table tops. We jog backwards or walk on our heels ( heel walking strengthens the muscles around the shin. Strong muscles prevents splints. :wink: ) All sorts of silly significant stuffs.

    The only thing impedeing us is our imagination. Not how we look doing it. :smile:
  • PrincessRitty
    Good Morning,

    Well Banks, I didnt manage it last night. Not due to not trying, but Bcus of this awful rain were having here in Uk. I did however, go for a run and thats the first time in like 4 weeks since ive actually moved my *kitten* enough to be tired.

    Maybe your thinkin, if you can run then y not do the Army Challenge (as i have named in it my Notebook),
    but the park was water logged, and i would of got Filthy!

    So as soon as this rain dyes off, i will begin!!

  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member

    Nice! you got a similar end result as me. The only real difference between working to failure with weights as opposed to cardio and circuit type is that the next day, I don't feel sore (well, not AS sore) but that sore is a good thing, it means you worked hard enough that your muscles are still repairing, which means you STILL have a raised metabolism. That's an awesome feeling, I get that in my Quads after a particularly hard body pump class.

    I LOVE body pump- I see such results from it and unfailingly, every monday morning after my sunday class, I can't walk around the office at work because my quads are so severely trashed. I love it!

    As for the "monsters", we call them "suicides" at basketball training, and have to run them the FULL court!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    Nice! you got a similar end result as me. The only real difference between working to failure with weights as opposed to cardio and circuit type is that the next day, I don't feel sore (well, not AS sore) but that sore is a good thing, it means you worked hard enough that your muscles are still repairing, which means you STILL have a raised metabolism. That's an awesome feeling, I get that in my Quads after a particularly hard body pump class.

    I LOVE body pump- I see such results from it and unfailingly, every monday morning after my sunday class, I can't walk around the office at work because my quads are so severely trashed. I love it!

    As for the "monsters", we call them "suicides" at basketball training, and have to run them the FULL court!

    Ahh, yes, I have heard suicides before too. Yeah, you guys do all 4 quarters right? Free throw, half court, free throw, baseline right?
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Oh, and for anyone that feels that the wind sprints aren't enough for you (ya right, but it actually does get a little easier after say, 2 weeks of doing them). There IS something worse then either wind sprints OR monsters (suicides...etc). Oh yes, there is. We did them in Rugby, and I hesitate to even mention them for fear of my legs collapsing just out of sympathetic memory of how ruthless they are.

    they are called called 4 corners. very simple concept.

    Place 4 cones 50 yards (yes 50) away in a box (I.E each cone is 50 yards and 90 degrees of the last cone), now you start by sprinting to the first cone, then jog to the last three, then (no stopping please) then sprint through the first 2 cones, jog the second two, then sprint 3, then sprint ALL 4. Now I know this doesn't sound so bad. Well...try it. It's bad.
    that's 800 yards, or 1/2 a mile, and of that 800 yards you are sprinting 500 of them (go look at a football field and think "could I run to the end 2.5 times as fast as I possibly can?"). Without a rest period. It's like death by the 2nd half of the last stretch. On the upside, it's fast, the pain is over pretty quick, as opposed to wind sprints or monsters which last close to 10 minutes for 15, 30 yarders. For distance runners who want to increase wind or increase their "kick" at the end of a run, this is a huge help.
    I get the shivers thinking about this. More then one rugby player has puked after doing these. We had to do 2 at the end of each practice. Just something to think about. :sick:
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    Are you trying to kill us?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kidding! I can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit so I can get outside and try these. If I tried to do these outside right now, I'd sink to my knees in mud! :noway: Softball season is coming up and I'd like to be able to run the bases without running out of breath! This will definitely help with that. Thanks Banks!