Want weight loss? Push your body to the limits



  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    My flab on my arms are looking more like a muscular bump
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    ive lost 31 lbs as of today yahoooooooooooooooooooooooo! thanks for the support and myfitnesspal
    and good luck to everybody
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    That's awesome guys. Remember, it isn't so much about finishing as pushing yourself to that point where your at complete failure. You body will step it up and soon enough you'll be looking for me to add more difficulty to it (Oh, don't worry, I have plenty more :devil: ). I am a firm believer in that if you do something, go all out! Great work folks!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    That's awesome guys. Remember, it isn't so much about finishing as pushing yourself to that point where your at complete failure. You body will step it up and soon enough you'll be looking for me to add more difficulty to it (Oh, don't worry, I have plenty more :devil: ). I am a firm believer in that if you do something, go all out! Great work folks!

    umm... can't wait :noway: lol :tongue:

    I did this monday, (and am still aching lol) and am doing it tonight. I plan on doing this monday and thursday from now on, and i have togs so come rain or shine i'll be doing this.

    I was talking to my brother about this and he recons after about a month i should see a massive improvement. So i'll ask you in a month for the harder stuff lol

  • jesusgrl14
    jesusgrl14 Posts: 250
    So, I woke up this morning still killer sore from Tuesday's workout and did it again. You know what, it was easier! My friend and I couldn't believe how much better we felt today than Tuesday! Still can't get those dang frog jumps past 2 laps but we actually did all of the wind sprints! I have no injuries so I don't know what the deal is but my shoulder just won't let me do more than one lap of the crab crawls. We adjusted to routine a bit and did the one lap (I am going to get these if it kills me!) and then did 2 mins of sit-ups. We will add laps in the crawl slowly until I have built up the shoulder and then add minutes to the sit-ups. This whole workout makes me feel like a million bucks right now! Everyone should give this a try and adjust to fit what you can do and build from there. Just what I needed! We keep laughing that we are going to be rock solid by this summer! :laugh: :laugh:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Nice. I love it!
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Well banks I think YOU should try it and then post pics after 9 weeks and we will perhaps be inspired. A woman's body is different and so is her workout even in the Army for bootcamp. Also I know a LOT of people who were plus size (but still barely under the max for height in the army) AFTER basic training. They weren't all lean or muscular. I'm not trying to take away from your post, what I do want is for women to keep in mind their workout should fit their life choices, their body and health, and their physical goals. You don't need to "kill" yourself to loose weight and look great. Pilates is proof positive of that and so is Richard Simmons who has one of th emost low impact workouts out their but has helped thousands of people loose weight with low impact and better diets.
    So shows like the biggest loser help people loose weight using workouts that KILL, they actually workout about 5-8 hours a day! YUP. On the secrets to the show and in the fine print. So Unless you are in Bootcamp or working out 5-8 hours or more day, then be reasonable and do what feels comfortable for you. You do NOT have to cause yourself pain to get fit.
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    ok, i actually printed it out, but i haven't tried it yet. this sunday is the half marathon that i've been preparing for and i'm afraid i will hurt myself. boo hoo, poor me. i sound like a wus, but i will do it after the race.

    AND banks, what is that about 3 minutes on the treadmill at a, what was it? 6 minute mile pace ? I can't imagine what that would be like. Today i did 3 sets of 3 minutes at a 9 minute pace and I thought I would die. I think at your pace I would fly off the back of the machine.

    Again, after Sunday I will take on your workout. I love a good challenge.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    So I tried it this morning. I couldn't complete it. Not because I wasn't pushing myself (I'm probably one of the most competitive girls out there), but because my lungs just can't take it. My asthma was killing me. My legs were about to give up but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's just the lungs. I mean even the 5 minute jog kills my lungs. But I'm gonna keep at it. Hopefully my lungs will get used to it eventually. That's a great workout though. It took me back to basketball conditioning in high school lol.

    :heart: Kels
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    So I tried it this morning. I couldn't complete it. Not because I wasn't pushing myself (I'm probably one of the most competitive girls out there), but because my lungs just can't take it. My asthma was killing me. My legs were about to give up but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's just the lungs. I mean even the 5 minute jog kills my lungs. But I'm gonna keep at it. Hopefully my lungs will get used to it eventually. That's a great workout though. It took me back to basketball conditioning in high school lol.

    :heart: Kels

    Listen to YOUR BODY! You have asthma, this isn't the workout for you if you are hurting and havingtrouble breathing. That's why you especially and anyone morbidly or moderately obese or new to working out and so many other fine points should consult a PROFESSIONAL-those professional should be your family doctor FIRST and then a licensced trainer or instructor. You can often get FREE guidance at your local YMCA or community center. Low impact and and strengthening and conditioning would probably be safer and better for YOUR Body. Not every crazy thing fits EVERYONE. Please don't do more damage than good. You are doing so great that whatever you were doing before was working and I assume you didn't feel like a bomb exploded 3 feet away from you after. :explode:
    I just find it frustrating knowing that some advice isn't good advice and could actually cause DAMAGE or SERIOUS injury to a person.
    Just a word of advice- safe advice-look at the profiles and see how the person giving you tips has progressed. Some people, in fact have done AMAZING jobs and done it safely and without PAIN. And it wasn't overnight. There is no overnight fix. What you will do is ruin your body doing a crazy high impact workout if you do not have the physical conditioning to do so. That would come after a year or so of eating right, mulitiple workouts, and TRAINING!!!!! PLEASE people THINK! If you just started working out do you think you should be doing a MILITARY style workout? First of fmost people who get into the military are in decent condition BEFORE, they have to pass a physical afterall!!!! A serious strict physical, DUH:noway: so don't think unless you have the six pack and the killer calfs already that this is a workout you should be doing for a week!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please be careful everyone and take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, even my own.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    So I tried it this morning. I couldn't complete it. Not because I wasn't pushing myself (I'm probably one of the most competitive girls out there), but because my lungs just can't take it. My asthma was killing me. My legs were about to give up but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's just the lungs. I mean even the 5 minute jog kills my lungs. But I'm gonna keep at it. Hopefully my lungs will get used to it eventually. That's a great workout though. It took me back to basketball conditioning in high school lol.

    :heart: Kels

    Listen to YOUR BODY! You have asthma, this isn't the workout for you if you are hurting and havingtrouble breathing. That's why you especially and anyone morbidly or moderately obese or new to working out and so many other fine points should consult a PROFESSIONAL-those professional should be your family doctor FIRST and then a licensced trainer or instructor. You can often get FREE guidance at your local YMCA or community center. Low impact and and strengthening and conditioning would probably be safer and better for YOUR Body. Not every crazy thing fits EVERYONE. Please don't do more damage than good. You are doing so great that whatever you were doing before was working and I assume you didn't feel like a bomb exploded 3 feet away from you after. :explode:
    I just find it frustrating knowing that some advice isn't good advice and could actually cause DAMAGE or SERIOUS injury to a person.
    Just a word of advice- safe advice-look at the profiles and see how the person giving you tips has progressed. Some people, in fact have done AMAZING jobs and done it safely and without PAIN. And it wasn't overnight. There is no overnight fix. What you will do is ruin your body doing a crazy high impact workout if you do not have the physical conditioning to do so. That would come after a year or so of eating right, mulitiple workouts, and TRAINING!!!!! PLEASE people THINK! If you just started working out do you think you should be doing a MILITARY style workout? First of fmost people who get into the military are in decent condition BEFORE, they have to pass a physical afterall!!!! A serious strict physical, DUH:noway: so don't think unless you have the six pack and the killer calfs already that this is a workout you should be doing for a week!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please be careful everyone and take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, even my own.

    Thanks for being so concerned :smile: But I did listen to my body which is why I didn't complete the workout. I guess you have to know me to know what I'm talking about but when I played basketball, I would have asthma attacks all the time. I knew when to tell my coach to take me out because I knew what my body could and could not take. I am now a coach myself and I see my players go through things and I know when to take them out. I completely understand what you're saying. This workout definitely isn't for everyone. Yes, what I've been doing has been working great. But I'm always looking for new workouts to add because I don't want to get bored. I tried it this morning. It was hard. Yes, maybe I'm in denial about not being as fit as I once was. But I'm not giving up. I said I'm gonna keep at it, which to me means that I'll slowly add a little bit every day. I won't rush myself. I know what I can handle. Maybe I'm like the only one, but workouts like these are fun to me. I'm a very competitive person. I'm sorry if I took this a little personal but I've always had people try to handle my asthma for me and nothing they suggest works...even inhalers. The only thing that works for me is slowly getting my lungs stronger by continuing to push myself every day. Sorry for venting a little.

    :heart: Kels
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Good work Smilin. As long as you know your limits and are comfortable with them (I assume since you have had Athsma for a long time you have already spoken to doctors and know the limits and consequences to what you are doing) I'm comfortable with what you are doing.

    I have to ask, Phatmomma, is this an attack on me and my post? Because it sure looks like it. I mean, you just unloaded on it. I don't easily take offense to things, so I'll wait for a response, but really, you need to clarify.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I think you could have asked me privately. I don't take things personally either. My concern from reading some of your posts (and the feedback both positive and questioning) is that perhaps you seem to take on an authoritative position to most topics. So I am politely disagreeing and stating that I think people should consult professionals BEFORE embarking on a serious workout that could HURT even the most fit person. Which is precisely what happened to me. I worked out all of my life and I pushed it to the max. My parents were very health conscious and my brothers are both physically fit. My eldest a body builder and my middle made the olympic track team and owns a running club-so we grew up pushing the limits. You know no pain no gain. I feel (and this is my opinion although it is backed by research) that you do not have to experience pain or push your body to exhaustion to experience excellent results in physical fitness or in your personal health. I didn't think i had to agree with you to post here:smile:
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Dear you misunderstood my post. It was a GENERAL statement and WARNING to anyone with health problems or new to working out or obese to morbidly obese to use caution. I am not trying to manage any aspect of your life and that is a personal issue. I'm simply stating that if a person (ANY PERSON) says their lungs and legs were giving out then whatever you are doing is probably medically unwise. The last thing anyone who is having weight or health issues needs is to htink that anything unsafe is necessary to become better.
    I do recognize that you stated you get your lungs better slowly and you like to push yourself.BRAVO:flowerforyou: . I was merely stating that as you do yourself, LISTEN to your own body and that is for ANYONE, not specifically you. Just me or anyone. Pushing doesn't mean hurting. To me it means doing an extra set, or an extra few yards, or that extra 5 minutes, you know. Not screwing up my joints any more than they already are lol. Now that's me venting:mad:
    So I tried it this morning. I couldn't complete it. Not because I wasn't pushing myself (I'm probably one of the most competitive girls out there), but because my lungs just can't take it. My asthma was killing me. My legs were about to give up but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's just the lungs. I mean even the 5 minute jog kills my lungs. But I'm gonna keep at it. Hopefully my lungs will get used to it eventually. That's a great workout though. It took me back to basketball conditioning in high school lol.

    :heart: Kels

    Listen to YOUR BODY! You have asthma, this isn't the workout for you if you are hurting and havingtrouble breathing. That's why you especially and anyone morbidly or moderately obese or new to working out and so many other fine points should consult a PROFESSIONAL-those professional should be your family doctor FIRST and then a licensced trainer or instructor. You can often get FREE guidance at your local YMCA or community center. Low impact and and strengthening and conditioning would probably be safer and better for YOUR Body. Not every crazy thing fits EVERYONE. Please don't do more damage than good. You are doing so great that whatever you were doing before was working and I assume you didn't feel like a bomb exploded 3 feet away from you after. :explode:
    I just find it frustrating knowing that some advice isn't good advice and could actually cause DAMAGE or SERIOUS injury to a person.
    Just a word of advice- safe advice-look at the profiles and see how the person giving you tips has progressed. Some people, in fact have done AMAZING jobs and done it safely and without PAIN. And it wasn't overnight. There is no overnight fix. What you will do is ruin your body doing a crazy high impact workout if you do not have the physical conditioning to do so. That would come after a year or so of eating right, mulitiple workouts, and TRAINING!!!!! PLEASE people THINK! If you just started working out do you think you should be doing a MILITARY style workout? First of fmost people who get into the military are in decent condition BEFORE, they have to pass a physical afterall!!!! A serious strict physical, DUH:noway: so don't think unless you have the six pack and the killer calfs already that this is a workout you should be doing for a week!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please be careful everyone and take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, even my own.

    Thanks for being so concerned :smile: But I did listen to my body which is why I didn't complete the workout. I guess you have to know me to know what I'm talking about but when I played basketball, I would have asthma attacks all the time. I knew when to tell my coach to take me out because I knew what my body could and could not take. I am now a coach myself and I see my players go through things and I know when to take them out. I completely understand what you're saying. This workout definitely isn't for everyone. Yes, what I've been doing has been working great. But I'm always looking for new workouts to add because I don't want to get bored. I tried it this morning. It was hard. Yes, maybe I'm in denial about not being as fit as I once was. But I'm not giving up. I said I'm gonna keep at it, which to me means that I'll slowly add a little bit every day. I won't rush myself. I know what I can handle. Maybe I'm like the only one, but workouts like these are fun to me. I'm a very competitive person. I'm sorry if I took this a little personal but I've always had people try to handle my asthma for me and nothing they suggest works...even inhalers. The only thing that works for me is slowly getting my lungs stronger by continuing to push myself every day. Sorry for venting a little.

    :heart: Kels
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    Dear you misunderstood my post. It was a GENERAL statement and WARNING to anyone with health problems or new to working out or obese to morbidly obese to use caution. I am not trying to manage any aspect of your life and that is a personal issue. I'm simply stating that if a person (ANY PERSON) says their lungs and legs were giving out then whatever you are doing is probably medically unwise. The last thing anyone who is having weight or health issues needs is to htink that anything unsafe is necessary to become better.
    I do recognize that you stated you get your lungs better slowly and you like to push yourself.BRAVO:flowerforyou: . I was merely stating that as you do yourself, LISTEN to your own body and that is for ANYONE, not specifically you. Just me or anyone. Pushing doesn't mean hurting. To me it means doing an extra set, or an extra few yards, or that extra 5 minutes, you know. Not screwing up my joints any more than they already are lol. Now that's me venting:mad:
    So I tried it this morning. I couldn't complete it. Not because I wasn't pushing myself (I'm probably one of the most competitive girls out there), but because my lungs just can't take it. My asthma was killing me. My legs were about to give up but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's just the lungs. I mean even the 5 minute jog kills my lungs. But I'm gonna keep at it. Hopefully my lungs will get used to it eventually. That's a great workout though. It took me back to basketball conditioning in high school lol.

    :heart: Kels

    Listen to YOUR BODY! You have asthma, this isn't the workout for you if you are hurting and havingtrouble breathing. That's why you especially and anyone morbidly or moderately obese or new to working out and so many other fine points should consult a PROFESSIONAL-those professional should be your family doctor FIRST and then a licensced trainer or instructor. You can often get FREE guidance at your local YMCA or community center. Low impact and and strengthening and conditioning would probably be safer and better for YOUR Body. Not every crazy thing fits EVERYONE. Please don't do more damage than good. You are doing so great that whatever you were doing before was working and I assume you didn't feel like a bomb exploded 3 feet away from you after. :explode:
    I just find it frustrating knowing that some advice isn't good advice and could actually cause DAMAGE or SERIOUS injury to a person.
    Just a word of advice- safe advice-look at the profiles and see how the person giving you tips has progressed. Some people, in fact have done AMAZING jobs and done it safely and without PAIN. And it wasn't overnight. There is no overnight fix. What you will do is ruin your body doing a crazy high impact workout if you do not have the physical conditioning to do so. That would come after a year or so of eating right, mulitiple workouts, and TRAINING!!!!! PLEASE people THINK! If you just started working out do you think you should be doing a MILITARY style workout? First of fmost people who get into the military are in decent condition BEFORE, they have to pass a physical afterall!!!! A serious strict physical, DUH:noway: so don't think unless you have the six pack and the killer calfs already that this is a workout you should be doing for a week!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please be careful everyone and take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, even my own.

    Thanks for being so concerned :smile: But I did listen to my body which is why I didn't complete the workout. I guess you have to know me to know what I'm talking about but when I played basketball, I would have asthma attacks all the time. I knew when to tell my coach to take me out because I knew what my body could and could not take. I am now a coach myself and I see my players go through things and I know when to take them out. I completely understand what you're saying. This workout definitely isn't for everyone. Yes, what I've been doing has been working great. But I'm always looking for new workouts to add because I don't want to get bored. I tried it this morning. It was hard. Yes, maybe I'm in denial about not being as fit as I once was. But I'm not giving up. I said I'm gonna keep at it, which to me means that I'll slowly add a little bit every day. I won't rush myself. I know what I can handle. Maybe I'm like the only one, but workouts like these are fun to me. I'm a very competitive person. I'm sorry if I took this a little personal but I've always had people try to handle my asthma for me and nothing they suggest works...even inhalers. The only thing that works for me is slowly getting my lungs stronger by continuing to push myself every day. Sorry for venting a little.

    :heart: Kels

    Yeah I kinda knew that it was a general statement, but I felt like I needed to explain myself and how I feel my body works. I don't want anyone thinking that I'm crazy or anything :tongue: Sorry if I made you upset :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I think you could have asked me privately. I don't take things personally either. My concern from reading some of your posts (and the feedback both positive and questioning) is that perhaps you seem to take on an authoritative position to most topics. So I am politely disagreeing and stating that I think people should consult professionals BEFORE embarking on a serious workout that could HURT even the most fit person. Which is precisely what happened to me. I worked out all of my life and I pushed it to the max. My parents were very health conscious and my brothers are both physically fit. My eldest a body builder and my middle made the olympic track team and owns a running club-so we grew up pushing the limits. You know no pain no gain. I feel (and this is my opinion although it is backed by research) that you do not have to experience pain or push your body to exhaustion to experience excellent results in physical fitness or in your personal health. I didn't think i had to agree with you to post here:smile:

    I didn't see any need to ask privately. On your post you stated publicly that
    Not every crazy thing fits EVERYONE
    I just find it frustrating knowing that some advice isn't good advice and could actually cause DAMAGE or SERIOUS injury to a person.
    So I wanted clarification. You have given it, which I thank you for. I don't necessarily agree with all your statements, although I do agree that you don't need to feel pain to see positive results.
    If you go back and re-read the original post, you'll see that I never made this out to be the end all, be all. If you don't agree, that's fine, but there is just as much documentation out there about training using military type routines and very intense workouts as there is about less strenuous cardio training. I realize you had a personal tragedy that put's you firmly in the camp against it, but with any strenuous physical activity, there is a risk of injury.

    I dare say you mentioned that you politely disagreed. I would like to disagree with that statement, citing the above quotes as examples. I have no problem with disagreement, and in most cases welcome it if it is in a good light, but to imply that this post is "Crazy" and that my advice is "bad" is not polite, IMHO. Saying something like "Wow, this is a very strenuous workout, just remember there are other methods for working out besides this method" or something to that affect would have been fine with me.
    As to my comming out with an authoratative position. Fair enough, but if you read more of my posts you will see that most of the time, if there is a question of possible medical complications or physical injury, or even questioning about nutrition and diet that could lead to health issues, I almost always refer the poster to a doctor or physical therapist or certified trainer.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    Good work Smilin. As long as you know your limits and are comfortable with them (I assume since you have had Athsma for a long time you have already spoken to doctors and know the limits and consequences to what you are doing) I'm comfortable with what you are doing.

    I have to ask, Phatmomma, is this an attack on me and my post? Because it sure looks like it. I mean, you just unloaded on it. I don't easily take offense to things, so I'll wait for a response, but really, you need to clarify.

    Thanks Banks! Yup I've been to the doctor many many times about my asthma so it's all good :happy:
  • AlbertSchwartz
    Hey dudes,

    Tried it again for the second time this week, couldn't do it :mad:

    My groin is still strained, i'm so anoyed with myself, i'm going to have to take the weekend off and try again Monday :grumble:

    I love this work out, i'm just gutted with my recovery time.

    Once i'm able to do this twice a week i'll be uber in no time, but as i'm 20 stone and very driven, i certainly need to allow enough time to recover as once i'm in the zone...

    Awesome workout Banks matey!!!

    Wish me luck for Monday :happy:

  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey dudes,

    Tried it again for the second time this week, couldn't do it :mad:

    My groin is still strained, i'm so anoyed with myself, i'm going to have to take the weekend off and try again Monday :grumble:

    I love this work out, i'm just gutted with my recovery time.

    Once i'm able to do this twice a week i'll be uber in no time, but as i'm 20 stone and very driven, i certainly need to allow enough time to recover as once i'm in the zone...

    Awesome workout Banks matey!!!

    Wish me luck for Monday :happy:

    Did you hurt yourself doing this workout? Be careful. I wouldn't push it! Maybe do half what's recommended? at a slower pace? JMO:smile:

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    bump for banks:flowerforyou: