The Last 10



  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Good morning team,
    So I hope you all had a grrrrrreat weekend. I didn't get to work out as much as I wanted. But did do a hike with my fiance and my puppy on Saturday, that was nice. I was pretty good with my meals, but I think I need a better schedule for the weekends to make sure I get all my meals in.
    Now, for today's date with the scale. I was down .5 lbs from Friday. So that made me happy. I know that the last 10 lbs are going to be a slower process, so even seeing the scale move a bit makes me thrilled and motivated for a new week.
    SW: 184
    LW 170
    CW: 169.5
    Good luck everyone and check back in for support and motivation!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Here I am for Monday weigh in! 137.5. that's a 1/2 lb down, It is crazy how we move up much more quickly than down!! :noway: I attribute the rapid rise with all the salt that is in those splurge foods. Now to keep on flushing with water and stay with the exercise! Monday weigh in is just a bit cruel but probably more realistic than Friday! :wink:

    Have a good week all! Hope we all remember the scale awaits next Monday! I have a Chicago week-end so I will have to be extra good on my home days! I know the right things to do, now just to apply that knowledge!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Ok I am in on this.....I too am at the countdown for my wedding and have these last 10lbs to lose and I want them off so bad, I seem to have gone up three pounds and then the scale stuck there for the last 3 weeks, so this week it is slacking. I want to stand up on my wedding day and feel beautiful!!!!!!
    Motivation .........
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    SW: 162
    LW 119.8
    CW: 119.4
    GOAL WEIGHT: 115 :noway:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    BUMP - tryin to everyone who joined the group last week back on :flowerforyou:
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Hi there,
    I didn't go for a run at the weekend as I should have. But I did a lot of walking. I ate OK but I didn't track it. I did have a great day today though! I got in some exercise and I've eaten only natural, healthy foods and have not eaten my exercise calories back....if only I can keep this up.....
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Mine was less than stellar! I find that I do REALLY WELL during the weeks. My water intake kicks butt, my calorie intake is spot on, and I hardly consume any sodium. Weekends are a lot more difficult- I tend to eat too much sodium and forget to drink water. I'm almost ALWAYS retaining an extra pound or two of water from Friday to the following Monday (which falls off by Tuesday or Wednesday, when I start drinking lots of water again! For example, i was up 1.4 pounds today from where I was friday.... but I know I didn't gain fat so I'm not counting it.... this is why I only log my weight at MFP on Fridays.

    Anyways, from last weigh-in to my most recent weigh-in I lost 1.3 pounds!

    Thought I'd post my stats here, though. I'll put my start weight as the weight I was today (even though i know I'm retaining some water), and start doing weigh-ins on Mondays as well, just for this group.

    Starting Weight: 184lbs
    Previous Weight: 145.8lbs
    Current Weight: 144.5lbs

    Goal Weight: 135lbs
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I'd love to join this thread!! I have 7-8 pounds left to lose. I went through a major plateau (almost 6 months) but now I am over it and starting to lose again. I am in the camp that says I may need to re-evaluate once I hit my goal. My goal is 120 but deep down inside I really want to be 112-115. (I am short!)

    For me, what helped push through the plateau was to increase my protein, decrease carbs, become more serious about strength training and up my cardio.

    I do eat most of my excercise calories. If I dip too low in calories I instantly stop losing and might even gain. It is still so weird to me to think that eating more is better.

    My current ratios that are working for me are 40/35/25. I am often under in fat but my weaknesses are natural peanutbutter, cheese, and nuts!

  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello DeeDee,

    Welcome to the group. We just started this group late last week, so you are more than welcome to join and any ideas are welcome. This is the first time I start a group. And have only been on MFP for about 2 weeks, so far I love it. I've been lossing weight for a while before joining the site. But now its getting harder with the last few lbs to lose :)
    I'm on the same ratio as you. Even though I try to always stay under on my carbs and eating more protein, specially when working out.

    If anyone has a good idea for this weeks challenge, please share with us!!!

  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hello DeeDee,

    Welcome to the group. We just started this group late last week, so you are more than welcome to join and any ideas are welcome. This is the first time I start a group. And have only been on MFP for about 2 weeks, so far I love it. I've been lossing weight for a while before joining the site. But now its getting harder with the last few lbs to lose :)
    I'm on the same ratio as you. Even though I try to always stay under on my carbs and eating more protein, specially when working out.

    If anyone has a good idea for this weeks challenge, please share with us!!!


    Does anyone like the idea of trying a new excercise that they have never done before or haven't done in ages? This past week I got on the trampoline with my kids! I was going to walk so I had my HRM on and decided to see how it well it ranked. Well it kicked my butt! I burned more calories playing with my kids than I do on the eliptical and I am positive that I used a lot of different muscle groups. It was fun. We should all be open to trying something new.

  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Does anyone like the idea of trying a new excercise that they have never done before or haven't done in ages?

    I think that's a great idea. On Sunday I went to my first of six kettlebell classes. It was so invigorating! I had been seeing kettlebells around and I just really wanted to try them out, so I signed my boyfriend and myself up for a class at the local YWCA.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am not off to a great start. My last recorded weigh in was 147 and this morning I was 147.4 My goal is 135.

    I did get in a great workout everyday this past weekend so I am feeling good even though the scale is up. I got up early this morning and got in a kick butt workout, and I think I am going to try out my Bosu Ball with its DVD (which I have never tried) after I get the kids to bed. My husband bought me my Bosu last year but I haven't really used it. I am excited to see what the DVD is like.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Good morning Team!
    I think the new excersice idea is great! I'm not sure when or if I'll get a chance to do something different this week, because I'm going to Palm Springs this weekend and as far as the week goes, I pretty much have my scheduled time to go to the gym. But I'm going to look around for something new. Thanks DeeDee that's a good challenge.
    Hope eveyone is starting the week on a positive note. I had a pretty good day yesterday. Stayed under my calories (I don't like eating my workout calories, think it deffets the purpose of working out!) But I'm still on the hunt of more protein pack snack and food ideas.... any thoughts? You may think this is weird, but I did eat cottage cheese for the first time in my life... I have always thought the cosistency looks weird, but it wasn't bad, with some apples and little cinnamon :)
    I also did get in a 75 minute workout. Not my usual 90 minutes, I was running late after work, but I did work out hard for the time I was there.
    Anyway, hope eveyone is having a fantastic day.
  • I have 10 lbs to lose before my Jamaican vacation on June 5th! No better time than now to start losing!
  • I always take hard boiled eggs into work for extra protien (I only eat the whites typically). String cheese and cottage cheese are my other protien snacks.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Nuts are a good protein snack - high fat content though.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    sadly my weight stayed the same, well actually at one point in the week it was 2lbs heavier, so now I'm back to my starting weight again of 132.2, my scale won't budge! I'm hoping to get in the gym tonight, and maybe some P90X Kenpo :)
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all,
    I would like to join your group as well. I see people on this site with serious amounts to lose just shedding pounds, and I feel like it is a really different thing to slim down when you are already within a 'normal' bmi. I lost 25 pounds here last summer and maintained all winter and now I want to get over this last hump. look forward to working hard with you all!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I'm making it a personal goal of mine today to 1)Drink all my water and 2)Eat lots of fruits and veggies.

    I tend to eat tons of carbs and proteins and have a hard time getting in enough fruits and veggies. Even if my calorie count is okay, I NEVER have enough veggies on my plate, in my opinion.

    For breakfast, I had a smoothie made with fresh blueberries, strawberries, bananas. Some chocolate soy drink and a little protein powder, with a lowfat yogurt, all blended together. I'm STILL stuffed almost three hours later! For lunch I'm having a Gourmet Steamer (I LOVE them. They're a little high in sodium but not TOO ridiculous) Beef Merlot. It comes with loads of green beans and carrots. For a snack I have a banana, a salad with grapes on it, and some carrot sticks. For dinner I'm having chicken breast with salad and mixed veggies. I can't remember eating this many fruits and veggies in one day, ever!

    When I need a little extra protein I'll add some protein powder to my smoothies. I also eat yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and nuts. I also eat turkey pepperoni, which is very filling and only 50 calories a stick.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    Just had to share with eveyone that lunch did not go as good as I hoped :explode:
    Went to Souplantation and did make sure to fill up with a HUGE salad with non-fat italian dressing.
    But by the end did have a couple things that I was hoping not to. Guess I will be going to the gym longer than expected tonight to make up some of it.
    I had planned to do 30 minutes of cadio and a 90 minute yoga class. But I think I'll go in and do more cardio. But I do love love love my yoga class so that is fo sho yo!!! :wink:
    Also, will be making some smart choices for dinner. Probably just load up on some veggies and some protein after my workout.
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