The Last 10



  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I finally went for a run this morning! I only did about 2 K in 20 minutes but it's a start! I think I will go again on Sunday morning. I'm going to try and build up my speed and the distance and hope I can go regularly. The problem is my husband is usually away during the week so I can't leave the kids in bed on their own. I think running is such a great form of exercise and is good for toning too! Do you think if I can only manage a run once a week it's still worth doing?
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Heading off to Guatemala with my daughter's Senior class. Diet and exercise will most likely not be at the top of my priority list. :smile: We will be working at an orphanage and I am so looking forward to the experience, especially for the kids! I am also excited to be at a healthier weight and fitness level. Sure will help to keep up with the students! Please keep our safety and servant hearts in your prayers! I will be back in May!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    bebbjeb- i think that running/ jogging is great no matter how far or how often. i started jogging about a year ago when I started losing weight, but I have never run more than 2mi. usually I just go to the end of the street and back (about 1.5 mi) in about 20 min, and I am able to go maybe 2x per week. i used to take long walks with the stroller when I was heavier, but discovered that I could do the same distance in 20 min if I left the babe at home. It feels so great not to be pushing or carrying a child and I have noticed a nice change in my legs and core. I think any amount of exercise is good- it all adds up in your favor!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Thanks Aurora - I managed another run today. I did 4.5K in 30 minutes. I felt great afterwards. I'm really going to try and do this as much as possible! My problem is that I still can't control my eating. If there's a yummy food around - I just have to eat it. I completely forget about all my goats. This is the next big challenge for me - to taste a bit of a treat, but not stuff my face!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Bebb, way to go on the running thing. I am just beginning to do a very little bit. I look really funny doing this but.... I pray as I walk and the medetative prayer that I use has two parts...I walk on the first part and slow jog on the second part. This seems to be working for me. So slow starts end with 10K's! So lets keep encouraging each other! 4.5 in 30 minutes is pretty amazing!!!!

    Aurora, funny that you are now leaving baby behind...I have started adding weights because I am not carrying babies!

    Hoosier: praying for a safe trip. Those children will be blessed by your trip!

    Gaby...tell me more about this Brazil Butt lift...I really need it! I have been doing all of these leg, hip and butt excercises and I hope they are working but if there is something faster...bring it on!

  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hey all
    Weigh-in time, or actually I guess past weigh in time now - how'd everyone go?

    I'm now sitting on 155 exactly, which is a loss from last Monday of 2.3 pounds. That takes me to actually within 10 pounds of my lowest goal (I have 2 - 149.5 but probably going all the way to 145).

  • francayoung
    When you say lower carbs, can you tell me what you weight, height, age, and how many carbs you are currently taking in? Also, up your cardio?? How much are you doing now. I only ask because I have been trying to lose those 10lbs for over 6 months now and I can't seem to budge off the same weight or lose pant sizes. I feel stronger, look tone, and have alot of muscle, but can't seem to lose the "fat" that surrounds the muscle. I am getting frustrated because the last month or so I have been working out at least 5 days a week doing, trx, boot camp, kettleball, spin, and zumba. I feel like I work out hard, sweat alot, and I feel very fit. I love to work out but how many hours do I have to work out to lose inches.? I am literally watching everthing I eat and I don't cheat either, no soda, no white bread, no bad snack, no sweet snacks. i dont' crave or want any of those things. My friend just has to think about dieting a bit (by elimating one bad food like soda) and working out some and she sheds pounds fast. I know I am blabbing on and on, but I am so very frustrated because I just wish I could see some results from all my hard work....a few pounds is all I ask.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    When you say lower carbs, can you tell me what you weight, height, age, and how many carbs you are currently taking in? Also, up your cardio?? How much are you doing now. I only ask because I have been trying to lose those 10lbs for over 6 months now and I can't seem to budge off the same weight or lose pant sizes. I feel stronger, look tone, and have alot of muscle, but can't seem to lose the "fat" that surrounds the muscle. I am getting frustrated because the last month or so I have been working out at least 5 days a week doing, trx, boot camp, kettleball, spin, and zumba. I feel like I work out hard, sweat alot, and I feel very fit. I love to work out but how many hours do I have to work out to lose inches.? I am literally watching everthing I eat and I don't cheat either, no soda, no white bread, no bad snack, no sweet snacks. i dont' crave or want any of those things. My friend just has to think about dieting a bit (by elimating one bad food like soda) and working out some and she sheds pounds fast. I know I am blabbing on and on, but I am so very frustrated because I just wish I could see some results from all my hard work....a few pounds is all I ask.

    I feel your pain honey. I feel stronger as well, have for a while, but there is still a good amount of fat surrounding the muscles (mostly on my stomach) and I cannot seem to shed it no matter what I do. I have tried eating 1200 calories, I've tried eating 1400 calories, I've worked out morning, afternoon, and night, and I've lightened up and only done once a day in case I was overtraining. Nothing seems to help. I don't care as much about what my weight is (though I would MUCH rather see 125 lbs as opposed to 140 lbs) as I care about my body fat percentage which is currently 29%. I want to get to the lower 20s, but cannot figure out how to get there. Sorry I don't have any advice for you... just wanted to commiserate with you.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Hope everyone is doing great on here!! I haven't checked in for a while because I was just tooo discouraged (I hadn't changed weight in like 3-4 weeks!) Any anyway finalllly my weight has budged about a pound (I was 131 Sunday morning!!), and it's about 3 weeks till my wedding so I'm trying to kick cardio into high gear! Only 6 pounds away from my ultimate goal, but at this point I'd seriously just be happy to be anything under 130, and look somewhat decent in a swimsuit! How is everyone else doing with this last ten devil pounds!!?
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    When you say lower carbs, can you tell me what you weight, height, age, and how many carbs you are currently taking in? Also, up your cardio?? How much are you doing now. I only ask because I have been trying to lose those 10lbs for over 6 months now and I can't seem to budge off the same weight or lose pant sizes. I feel stronger, look tone, and have alot of muscle, but can't seem to lose the "fat" that surrounds the muscle. I am getting frustrated because the last month or so I have been working out at least 5 days a week doing, trx, boot camp, kettleball, spin, and zumba. I feel like I work out hard, sweat alot, and I feel very fit. I love to work out but how many hours do I have to work out to lose inches.? I am literally watching everthing I eat and I don't cheat either, no soda, no white bread, no bad snack, no sweet snacks. i dont' crave or want any of those things. My friend just has to think about dieting a bit (by elimating one bad food like soda) and working out some and she sheds pounds fast. I know I am blabbing on and on, but I am so very frustrated because I just wish I could see some results from all my hard work....a few pounds is all I ask.

    Are you weight training. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn during exercise and at rest. You should weight train with resistance (machines, free weights, etc) about 3 times a week minimum. That with cardio will help. Are you eating enough protein and often enough during the day? You should eat at least half your body weight in grams of protein per day and you should eat every 2-3 hrs. Portion out your foods. Make sure to eat within 30 min or sooner after working out. I eat a Greek yogurt or drink a protein shake directly after a workout. I bring it with me to the gym in a cooler. Then I eat again (dinner) about an hour later. has some great articles about eating and working out. Eat first thing when you wake up, watch your sodium intake, drink lots of water, eat every 2-3 hrs, make your diet high protein incorporate weight training and maybe cut down on some of that cardio. You'll see some changes.

    You do a ton of cardio. When I was at 144 I was stuck at that weight for 2 months and I was doing spin 3 times a week, running 5 miles 2 times a week and taking kick boxing classes. After 2 months of no movement on the scale, I cut out some cardio and incorporated more weight training and I noticed changes on the scale immediately (within a week). Now when I do weight training I only 20-35 min of cardio on those days after I lift weights. I do that 4 times a week and I run 5 miles 2 times a week and have one off day. I'll start spin again this summer after school is out (I'm a teacher). They don't have classes that are at times I can go to the gym. But so far, between the diet I explained and the training I've been doing I've dropped 12 lbs since Jan. It takes time when your body gets to a healthy weight. You have to shock it again! I'm down to 123.4! My goal is now 120. It was 125. My body fat % goal is 16% and I'm fluctuating between 19% and 20%. BUT, I was at 24% in Nov. I've been slacking on weight training lately due to staying after school with students. I have a limited time I can work out at the gym, so now I'm going to work on getting to the gym about 15 min earlier so I can get in some better weight training workouts. I know that will help me get my body fat down and become more defined! You just have to learn how to manipulate your body. You can do it!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Hope everyone is doing great on here!! I haven't checked in for a while because I was just tooo discouraged (I hadn't changed weight in like 3-4 weeks!) Any anyway finalllly my weight has budged about a pound (I was 131 Sunday morning!!), and it's about 3 weeks till my wedding so I'm trying to kick cardio into high gear! Only 6 pounds away from my ultimate goal, but at this point I'd seriously just be happy to be anything under 130, and look somewhat decent in a swimsuit! How is everyone else doing with this last ten devil pounds!!?

    At your height I bet you look amazing at 131! Good luck with your wedding!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,

    Sorry I've been MIA for a while. I've had so much happen in the last few weeks. And right now I'm at a hotel with my dog because there was a fire in my building and I had to leave my apartment for a few weeks. Its hard cuase I don't have any of my workout gear, no kitchen to make healthy meals. And I dunno when I will be able to go back. This sux. But I'm going to try my best. I haven't even weighted myself fist b/c I'm a little scared (even though people around me tell me that it looks like i've lost more weight) and also b/c right now I don't have a scale handy.

  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I'm on my last 10 lbs! :) So thought I'd hop in here ... Lost 50 over 4 years, and have been fighting the last 10 lbs for about 18 months now! My trainer says this is probably where I'm at ! but I know I can get to 122 lbs *Currently at 132.8 lbs*

    I had a bad break up last year, and went down to 117 lbs! almost had a six pack! ... But of course unhealthy way of doing it! not eating or sleeping lol :)

    But after a lazy winter (I live in the mountains) i've changed my eating habbits April 1st (with my beau) and hired my trainer again til mid July, twice a week ... I've lost 3.5 lbs and 2.5 Inches since April 1st... And couldn't feel better!

    Having my boyfriend in this with me helps huge too! We're accountable to each other
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Gaby ! So sorry to hear that! Can you ask a friend for some work out clothes? or maybe just do a lot of walking around ?

    SUBWAY! lol
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Hi Gaby - I'm so sorry you've had a hard time. It's crazy you can't go back to your appartment. I hope your hotel is nice! Can you do some exercises in your room or go for long walks? Not really the same thing but could be enough until things settle down. It's hard having to eat out all the time too but there are some healthy choices out there, you probably have to up the water intake becuase there is usually more salt in store prepared food. I know you can do it!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks so much for the support ladies. Well things did get a little better, because I got my Brazil Butt Lift dvd in the mail yesterday along with a HMR I ordered from Amazon. So I'm excited to be able to do that workout in my hotel room. I'm going to start with the basic dvd this weekend to get used to the moves. And I will be starting my program on Monday. I'm super excited about it, plus I can do it in any clothes in the hotel room. I've never used a HRM so I'm excited to be able to track my workouts using it. I'll keep you guys posted on the BBL workout, it looks like a lot of fun.
    My fiance made me take the "pencil" test last night. And I already passed the test, but looking forward to a tighter bum bum... lol
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hi all

    Bit of a disappointment posting today as I'm up 1.2 pounds from last Monday. The tragedy is that I've been so good this week!

    Under on my total calories every day, but I've made sure to eat my BMR at a minimum. Tuesday I ran to work and back then had a dance class and went climbing, and over the weekend I went tramping for three days in the hills. So have been so good and was expecting to finally break the 70kg barrier (I was sitting on 70.45kgs last week) and then this morning, I weigh MORE!

    I am hoping that maybe the efforts from the weekend will drop my weight over the next few days. I think I've heard before that after exercise your body holds onto water etc while it repairs - and I'm certainly sore enough to be in repair mode!

    No change in measurements either this week :(

    Maybe I need to do more weight training, I hear it talked about all the time but I get so bored doing it! I'm all about the exercise that's actually fun. I rockclimb 1-2 times a week and consider that strength training but maybe I need to buckle down and do some proper weights.

    FutureNeuman, glad to hear you're on the way down again after a plateau!

    Gaby it sounds like you've been through the wringer the last few weeks! So sorry to hear it. It sounds like you're doing a pretty good job making the most of the situation though

    Welcome to the group Serenifly!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    thank you all for the inspiration that I needed. Ivfunandfit, your post was what I most needed to hear. I really want to get rid of these last 10 and I do think that weight lifting is the direction I need to be headed. I am just a bit insecure about how to get there.

    I am good on the protein, in fact, I usually am higher than what you recomend. I do eat every two to three hours. I drink water or plain herbal teas with two teacups of white tea in the morning. No white sugars, especially no HFCS and minimize processed foods as much as possible. (With a busy house full of kids pizza two or three times per month is inevitable)

    I have been slacking in the area of eating proteins after working out. I used to do what you describe, have a protein drink ready and waiting for when I am done.

    I plan to check out the website and set up a plan for myself.

    How do you space out your 4 times per week to incorporate recovery? What do you do on the days you don't lift? I was thinking of yoga or pilates.

    hepkitty: I do think training can increase your water weight...but so can sugar, sodium, and tom.

    Gaby! Man, I would be going crazy. My husband lives out of a hotel room 6 days per week and it is nuts. He even has a heated pool and excercise room!

    Serenifly: That sounds like my weight loss journey...50# in 4 years with 10 more to go!

    Have a great week everyone.

    No weight loss for me...:sad:
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    hi all, its monday already! I did really well working out last week and was sore on saturday. I had lost a pound, and now I have gained half of it back! until it stays off, i feel like this fluctuating is just me maintaining. or maybe I am gaining muscle? either way I feel good since I have been eating clean and exercising a lot. considering I am in finals mode, I won't beat myself up. with summer coming we will have lots of yummy fresh fruits and veggies at the farmers markets, and I tend to eat less when it is hot.
    It is good to hear about all your ups and downs. I wish you all the best and better!
    cw 148.8
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Thanks for the encouragement guys! Wow, these last 10 are sure hard, obviously your body wants to hold on to them, because it's so used to having them! But it's also hard because we're so close to our goal that cheats become easier since we're so close to our goal weight. But if we remember "why" we're doing thing- for ourselves and not for others- maybe it'll be easier not to cheat, it's a "personal" goal, and nothing feels better than accomplishing that! Anyway, I'm at 130.8 whihc is only a .2 lb diff, but since it's my TOM and my lowest weight in like 9 months, I'm pretty happy. I need to work on weight training, but since I don't really know too much about it, I think that's why I don't do it more, because I feel kind of stupid doing it at the gym (but I'll try resistance bands at home). Hope everyones week is going well. You're still in my prayers Gaby!! Stay strong through your tough situation, and you'll have to tell me how BBL is going!