The Last 10



  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Guys! I just joined this group on Sunday night and didn't report my loss yesterday! I gained nearly 2 lbs over the last two weeks and was so disappointed but when I saw this group I was excited to be part of it. I decided to stop eating my exercise calories since I started exercising a little more, therefore eating more and think that may be contributing to my gain (in addition to Easter candy :explode: )

    Anyway, it must have been some water weight because I am proud to announce a .8 lb loss for last week! Yea! Only 1 lb. to go to get back to my pre-Easter gain! Hopefully I can get close this week.

    Thanks for the group - I will be here often!
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'll join this group too.

    SW: 172
    Current W: 155.4
    Goal W: 150

    (My real goal weight is probably at 145 - that'll be my weight back in college).

    5 more lbs, and then I'll probably push myself to lose another 5 if I can.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Welcome everyone! Our group is growing.
    One question I have is if I should be eating my exercise calories back? There's a lot of discussion about this in other threads and something I hear is that the body will burn up muscle before fat if you're not getting enough calories. So does that mean that if you eat back your calories the body will burn up fat first?!?!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Would love to join this group. I have lost 10 pounds on this site already and I have 10-15 more. I am in training for a 10k and I am half way through the training, 4 weeks to go. I have really doubted myself as to whether I would be able to do it. I made 5.5 miles on monday and felt pretty good. As long as I can keep my head in the game I will have no problem. This looks like a perfect group for me.
    SW 162
    CW 152.2
    Goal 140 (maybe 135)???
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I've found that the trick that worked for me when I had those last few pounds to shed, was to UP the cardio, stength train only 3 days a week, and cut my carbs..good luck girls, you can do it!

    How long did you do this for? I am wondering because I am looking to drop the last 10-15 as well and cannot seem to get there. I could use a good kick and this might work, but not something I want to do for more than a couple weeks.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome everyone! Our group is growing.
    One question I have is if I should be eating my exercise calories back? There's a lot of discussion about this in other threads and something I hear is that the body will burn up muscle before fat if you're not getting enough calories. So does that mean that if you eat back your calories the body will burn up fat first?!?!

    Hi beb.
    I have mixed feeling about this as well. There are those on the site who are adamant about eating all of your excercise calories and yet, even some of our success stories like Tamtastic/Tami admits to only eating half.

    Another friend was running 6 miles a day plus and not losing. She started going to a trainer and he now has her running only 3 days a week, incorporating weight lifting and toning, plus reducing her calories so that she is now basically eating half and she is now losing. By eating her excercise calories she could have been eating up to 2000+ calories a day and now she is eating more like 1500-1700.

    As for me personally, my baseline is 1300 and I do try to eat most of my excercise calories. I do not have the opportunity to excercise for hours every day so my excercise calories only amount to an extra 200. If I go several days of eating a net that falls below1200 or 1300 I stop losing and I have to increase my food consumption.

    When calculating my excercise calories I use a HRM but I subtract the amount I would have burned anyway. For example, if I go on the eliptical for 30 minutes and the HRM says I burned 230 calories I only record 170 as I would have burned 60 calories sitting at my computer and those calories are already figured into my BMR.

    Now that I am down to my final few pounds I found that I had to really increase my protein and lift weights to keep losing. My food ratios are40/32/25 and it seems to be working. I am now losing about a half of a pound per week.

  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    SW: 162
    LW 119.8
    CW: 119.4
    GOAL WEIGHT: 115 :noway:

    Wow! Good for you! I looked through your pictures and you look awesome!
    SW: 65 kg (144lbs)
    GW: 57 kg (122 lbs)
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    Welcome everyone! Our group is growing.
    One question I have is if I should be eating my exercise calories back? There's a lot of discussion about this in other threads and something I hear is that the body will burn up muscle before fat if you're not getting enough calories. So does that mean that if you eat back your calories the body will burn up fat first?!?!

    Yes, there is lots of discussion on here about this - short answer, YES you are supposed to eat the exercise calories, BUT..................... I was stuck and even gained a bit so I stopped eating them this week and have already lost 2.5 lbs in 3 days. That said, I don't burn a TON of calories either - only about 200-350 each day. I wouldn't recommend not eating at least some if you are burning lots more.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Good moring everyone!
    I had a great day yesterday after the lunch incident at Souplantation which wasn't that bad actually. I worked out for 40 minutes on the treadmil and completed a 60 minute Yoga class. I feel great today (a little sore) but great!
    Beb - I don't think that eating your work out calories is too important. Of course on days I work out I don't worry if I go a little over my goal for the day which is 1500 cals (I'm 6 feet tall). But I def alway try to stay within my range. I think one of the most important things is to change up your diet and make sure you get most of your calories from protein. Some healthy carbs and lower your fat intake, of course making sure you eat healthy fats as well.
    I'm not a proffesional by any means. Maybe immagymrat can jump in and help us out, but this has been working for me so far.
    Have a great day!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I started this as another thread but after over an hour with many views no one commented but then I thought I might get a better perspective from all of you, so here goes:wink:

    So, I have been on the journey for 5 years now. My weight loss has been really slow but steady. I am getting closer to my goal and I wanted to hear from people at what point do you start seeing what others are seeing. I still think of myself as fat. When I look in the mirror and see this thin person I start thinking crazy things like, "oh it's the just the mirror, I don't really look like that" or if I see a picture, I think "oh, that was a good angle for me because I don't really look like that."....So when will my mental picture of me reflect what is really happening?


    BTW...if you click through my pictures, I am 5+ pounds less than the jean shorts with orange tank pic.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I don't know that I have a good answer for you. I still don't quite see things clearly in the mirror either. In fact, that might be how I was able to gain back a good 15 lbs from my lowest point--I just wasn't seeing it in the mirror and I was in denial about my clothes (and I stopped stepping on the scale, so I did a lot of things wrong).

    Maybe someone else has a better answer!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    This is def a tought one to answer ladies. I also started this process a long time ago. At my heviest I probably weighter 202 lbs. :embarassed:
    Now at 169 lbs, I still struggle seeing that old person in the mirror. It usually takes other people input to help me see that I'm the only one not seeing the change.
    And personally I can say that I think Yoga is one of the things that has helped me the most! I know Yoga is not a super intense workout, but I can totally say that Yoga has made me so aware of my body and the way it moves that it has made me realize what shape I really am.
    Of course the short tight dresses have done that too :laugh:
    I think more than anything realizing you are living a healthy new life, and are capable of doing things that in the past you didn't are what little by little will make you forget about the past and leave in the NOW because you deserve the body you have, you are the one putting all the effort and should enjoy your progress along the way and celebrate your accomplishments :flowerforyou:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Well, I've lost a little over 40 pounds and, to be honest, I don't feel I look any different when I look in the mirror. Lots of comments, my clothing fits better- but I still see a heavy person. I don't know if there's ever a 'switch' that goes off where one day you 'see' all the results of your hard work. I think it's a gradual process. Like, I might go to the washroom and catch a glimpse of my butt in the mirror as I'm walking out the door and think, 'Hey, wait a minute, that was looking pretty good!' but I'm not 100% confident yet, and don't think i will be for another ten or fifteen pounds. A BIG part of it is how others see me- the more other people talk about how thin I am looking, the more I start to believe it. I know I shouldn't put much stock in what other's say but in my case, it's just how I feel.

    As for eating exercise calories, really it depends on the person. I've only ever eaten about half of my exercise calories, and have seen results. The fact is, some people NEED to eat them to lose weight, some CANNOT eat them, or they won't lose weight. I say eat your exercise calories and if you're not seeing a loss, then gradually start reducing the amount of calories you're eating in a day until you start to see progress again. But really, it's up to you. The main thing to remember is, if what you're doing isn't working (and give it at least a month, because sometimes it takes that long for your body to adjust!) then try something different.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Thanks for all the answers on the exercise calories! For now I'm going to try not to eat them back.
    I'm annoyed with myself, I was having such a good week and today I ate chocolate and cookies and have gone over my calories - I didn't do much exercise though.Aaaargh.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and wish eveyone a great evening. I'm soo ready to get out of work. I made sure to eat a salad for lunch b/c I totally feel like eating some whole wheat pasta tonight. I will be doing a 90 minute Yoga class. I was hoping to also do a circuit training class, but it looks like I won't have time to make it to that before Yoga. But at least I will get a work out in.
    I changed my cal intake to 1450 and update my goals. I haven't been on this site for too long and in all honesty i'm not a professional so I'm hoping this is good for me.
    If anyone has any input on my goals I would really appreciate it. I'm 6 feet tall. I currently weight 169 lbs. I have set my calorie intake to 1450. With a Carb/Protein/Ration or 40/35/25. I try to work out at least 3 times a week for about 90 minutes each.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I might have a different approach than many on MFP. One of my goals is to be able to keep my calories up as much as possible while still losing weight. :tongue: My reasoning is I really do not want my metabolism become so picky that every time I go over "my calories" my body grabs onto the extra nutrition! I am trying to keep my metabolism up!!

    I have been choosing whole foods and staying away from white flour and excessive sugar. I have found when I have stayed really strict I gain very easily when I stray. For me it's been working to "change it up" while not getting too far out of bounds either way. Not so very scientific, I know, but this certainly fits the reality of my life which gives me days where I can be disciplined about diet and exercise and days that would drive me and those I am with off the edge, over the cliff, into the deep end.... :happy: ...were I to be so strict.

    Gaby I just ran across this little BMI wheel that I had around and checked your an my BMI on it! We're Twins!! (except I'm 5'5" and 137) I feel pretty good about my size and am trying to get down to 132 just to get into what will be known as my SAFE range (132-135)

    To me it just boils down to what works for each of us and where we feel good - which is DIFFERENT from where we feel we LOOK good. Our society has messed with our heads and images enough to give us the "Fun-House Mirror Effect" (this WILL become an official medical term :laugh: ) Meaning .. our self image is distorted and does not allow us to see that we look good at our healthy weight.

    So eat those exercise calories/ or not. Exercise like a maniac/ or take a nice walk 3 times a week. Deny yourself of all sugar/ or indulge enough to keep the cravings in check. Do the ratio of cardio, strength training that works for you... KEY WORDS "THAT WORKS FOR YOU!" This is your experiment, cool huh?? You are in charge and we have all come a long ways already! :drinker: :drinker:

    Whew this got so long I think I'll BLOG it.! Too see more of my convoluted reasoning:
    My Blog is entitled "Living Lean in the Land of Plenty"
    I'm not sure if anyone is listening but sometimes it is nice to sort out these twisted thoughts! Hope you all have a great weekend, I'm starting out tomorrow since I get to accompany my hubby to Chicago for meetings! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Thanks Hoosiermomma! I often wondered what happens when we get to our goal weight. Do we up our calories or we stuck at 1400 (or whatever) for the rest of our lives?!

    I'm already getting worried for the weekend - I am going to a birthday party and I know I'm going to each too much. I just can't resist cake and treats if they are infront of me. How can I do it???
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Thanks Hoosiermomma! I often wondered what happens when we get to our goal weight. Do we up our calories or we stuck at 1400 (or whatever) for the rest of our lives?!

    I'm already getting worried for the weekend - I am going to a birthday party and I know I'm going to each too much. I just can't resist cake and treats if they are infront of me. How can I do it???

    When I know that I'm going somewhere I let myself have some treats. I eat my favorite 2 treats and stick to healthier options after that. I cut my portion sizes to a 3rd. So have a small piece of cake (try not to eat a lot of frosting, that's where most of the fat is), have 5-6 chips with salsa and stick to fruit and veggies if offered. I workout extra hard that day so I can take in some extra calories. And if you do over indulge, remember, tomorrow is a new day. You get to start fresh!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    I am all about keeping my metabolism high. To be able to enjoy food and still lose weight seems like a no-brainer. I stopped counting calories last Nov, and kept up my 2x per week jogging, and basically stayed the same weight until now. I feel like my body equilibrated at the new lower weight (I had lost 25 lbs) and as long as I stayed active I could eat as much as I wanted. I did gain some flab on my belly from all the sugar I am naturally drawn to (entire batches of cookies, ice cream every night), but I think that my metabolism made it all OK. It has not always been like this...when I was inactive I was a big blob and gained weight easily.
    Now I am eating about 1800 (including exercise) calories and I have lost 2 lbs this week. Some of that weight is likely water weight since I have stopped eating sugar (except a few bites of chocolate and fruit) and my gut doesn't feel puffy anymore.

    But I am not entirely sure what raises your metabolism. I heard somewhere that you should eat and exercise early in the day, has anyone else heard that?
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Hope your day is going well today. So far I'm having a great day. Kinda bumbed that I'm not sure I will get to complete a workout tonight. I've been looking forward to my hair appointment to her my hair highlighted. But depending how late I get home, I might have time to do a Jillian Michael's DVD. I've been enjoying the new Yoga Meltdown DVD.
    Anyways, just wanted to check in and with eveyone a fantastic day.