Ladies..scared of BIRTH CONTROL!



  • im on RIGEVIDON. When i went to get it from my GP i spoke to him about my weight loss and which one would helpme the most, he put meon this pill and it can be difficult to get hold of sometimes but ive lost about 10lbs whilst taking it so hasn'thindered me whatsoever and my hormones are modd swings or anything!

    They are amazing.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I had a similar problem with the implant, but it's not the implant that makes you gain weight it's the increase in hormones. It's the same as that we crave sweet things when it's our time of the month, it's just because hormones make you crave things sometimes.

    It's important you speak to your doctor about this and try to get one with a very low dose of hormone, it's possible to get this one.
    Then it's all about maintaining a good diet and trying to make healthy choices. For example, I have switched to dark chocolate now which is much better for you and if I am craving sugar I try a cup of tea with 2 sugars in it to feed my cravings.

    It's all about listening to your body and making good food choices. Don't buy the temptations and if they aren't around you, you can't have them.
  • I have the Implanon implant and haven't had any issues with gaining weight and have successfully lost and maintained that loss while on it. But, the main thing to remember is that everyone reacts differently to hormone combinations. Though, since Implanon is a progestrin only device, you probably will want to stick with combo-pills that also use estrogen. Generally people react similarly to the mini-pill and the Implanon device.
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I have the depo provera injection and was warned that that could make me gain 10lbs in the first 3 month...i'm 1 and a half months in and actually lost 5 :')

    So no I don't think it does make you gain weight...just keep working out and eating properly and you'll do fine :)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    The pill doesn't make you gain weight. A calorie surplus does.

    This. I've been on BC for 4 years now and I've only ever gained because I get lazy and start eating too much.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I recently had to start up on it and had been putting it off for the same reason of fear of weight gain. I'm on the mini-pill. Here's what I learned. The pill itself does not make you gain weight. But it may mess with your hormones and make you feel "hungrier", in which case it comes down to tightening up on your self-control. The first month I gave into my "cravings", but have since reigned it in.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I'm on Loestrin 24. No weight gain, but it's made me quite a bit moodier when I have PMS and I get pretty bad muscle cramps if I don't watch my potassium. The cramps used to discourage me from exercising, but I work around them now.
  • appletonirvinea
    appletonirvinea Posts: 100 Member
    BUMP although Bump and birth control shouldn't really go together - will read this all later as quite interested
  • Crocks and Vibram 5 fingers are both nearly 100% effective birth control, and have no associated weight gain
  • freshstart14
    freshstart14 Posts: 49 Member
    I haven't read all the responses but I just wanted to tell you that Aviane was the best pill I was ever on. I got zero side effects - however all women's bodies respond differently to different pills.

    Good luck!
  • KrissyKris10
    KrissyKris10 Posts: 68 Member
    The pill doesn't make you gain weight. A calorie surplus does.

    This! Taking a pill cannot magically create fat on your body. The BC does not cause fat gain itself.

    Does it cause water retention due to hormones? Yes. That will show up on the scale. Is it fat weight, no.

    Does it mess with your hormones causing you to feel hungrier than normal? It sure can.

    Does it mess with your hormones and sometimes make it where you dont have the energy to workout? I'm sure it can.

    Ultimately, taking a pill will not cause you to gain fat.

    I've been on Aleese for a while (with my old Pharmacy they gave me Avaine). It has not made any difference in my weight loss... at least no difference that wasn't caused by me.

    ^^^ this..i also find that most people don't give it long enough for the side effects to wear off. the first 4 months after starting any new BC is going to be rough. your body will soon adjust tho. that said...different strokes for different folks. I like having a shorter regular period, clearer skin, and no babies.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Condoms are great and no hormones! :love:

    Condoms are shown to be 99.7% effective (if worn/used correctly)

    That means that assuming NO human error (good luck after that 6th margarita), for every 1000 times you have sex, you run the risk of pregnancy 3 times.

    Even considering the probability of conception is around 20% each month when no contraception is used (barring any medical/fertility issues) those are still not odds I want to take on.

    P.S. We used condoms. My son is 8 months old and cute as can be.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    A lot of my patients are on various forms of birth control. Anecdotally, I'd have to say that very few gain weight with the pill, many do gain with the Depo shot, and perhaps with the implanted form (not as commonly used in this area). I don't know of any who gained with the Mirena (hormone IUD). Basically, it seems to be mostly due to progesterone-only forms of BC. Unfortunately, the women who seem to gain are the ones who have struggled with being overweight for years. The skinny-toothpick girls who need (and often WANT) to gain some weight so they'll have curves almost never do. I have to think there is something going on metabolically in a woman's body that predisposes them to weight gain, and the additional hormone manipulation feeds into that. Just a hunch...

    At any rate, you will just have to try it and see how it goes. You might consider a Paragard IUD (copper, no hormones). It's actually more effective at preventing pregnancy, and is very safe.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Thirding the recommendation for Ortho-cyclen. I'm on a cousin, "Ortho-novum", have been for 9+ years. I didn't gain weight when I went on the pill, either.
  • deanabailey
    deanabailey Posts: 124 Member
    I went on the pill about 6 months ago and was scared to death of weight gain. I am on Lo Loestrin Fe and have had ZERO weight gain and since eating better and working out dropped 6 lbs.
  • I switched to a diaphragm because I became noticeably more bloated on many of the different pills over a 10-year period. And yes, you can stick to your calorie count, but being wildly "hungry" all the time makes one miserable.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    This is TOTALLY not a popular option, I know, but I feel obliged to throw it out there.

    Natural Family Planning - you can get the book. It requires some effort and diligence on your part to track, and it will take some time before you can rely on it as you need to establish your body's patterns BUT it is 100% hormone free - doesn't require any barrier (mood squashing) protection and it really gets you in tune with your body in general!

    They say it has the same effectiveness as the pill IF used properly - but that's the same disclaimer as the pill!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Have you thought of switching to something other than the pill?

    My youngest daughter (19) and I both have the Mirena IUD. However, it seems to be one of those things that women experience's are either absolutely amazing or complete disasters. Both of us love ours and no weird side effects from them other than no periods which we consider a good thing not a side effect. In fact, that is the only reason I have one, since I had my tubes done right after the birth of my youngest. My ob/gyn decided I should try it as a last resort before doing a hysterectomy to treat very very heavy periods due to a bleeding disorder that I have (ITP).

    My eldest daughter (23), uses the Nuvaring. She absolutely loves that because she only has to deal with it once a week and can skip her period if she chooses by continuously using the ring (skipping the week off).

    Both are options that keep the hormones "locally", so tend to have less side effects.
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I have been on Yaz for a few years and have definitely noticed a weight gain. I am not hungrier and I work out regularly, but I have only gained weight since I've been using it, never losing. So...there's that.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    never had any weight gain because of them