Ladies..scared of BIRTH CONTROL!



  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I was on the pill when I turned 16 and within a week or two, immediately gained 10lbs when I didn't change my diet or anything. I just accepted my new weight was my new normal until I turned 20 then switched to the Implanon implant- WORST THING I EVER DID. Gained another 10lbs almost immediately, experienced terrible bloating issues and CRAZY body acne, then completely lost my libido. I am now on the Nuvaring and it is FANTASTIC. It's got a tiny bit of hormone that isn't as systemic as the pill or an implant. I've been able to lose the weight I gained from the other choices (after some work) and my body feels better than it ever has on any other form of birth control.

    I've read other reviews that some experience depression on Nuvaring- I can honestly say I haven't had any problems with it. If I ever experience bouts of depression, it's probably because I'm a nursing school student and all I do is study all the time and don't have any time for friends. xP

    I recommend Nuvaring to anyone who has had problems with other forms of birth control. And to anyone worried about "feeling" Nuvaring when getting intimate- my boyfriend has never complained. :]

    Any hormonal birth control is systemic.

    I used Nuvaring and loved it, too - now using Mirena, and good there as well. Never heard a correlation between Nuvaring and depression.

    Also, I agree with the other poster's response - you likely didn't gain weight forever unless you ate a TON. It may have simply been water weight, which is normal when you mess with hormones.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I was on Lo Loesterin (or however you spell it) for about 6 months, I went off it when I stopped seeing the guy I was seeing, and I gained all my weight months after that LOL.
    My doctor said it has pretty much the lowest level of hormones, and I didn't gain any weight while I was on it, and I also expereinced no side effects. Just a suggestion if you're looking for a new pill.
  • Mharren
    Mharren Posts: 60
    I went on medroxyprogesterone (Depo) when it hit the market in Canada. I know a lot of people complain that it contributed to weight gain, and I did lose weight both times I went off it for a 'rest period'. I was taking it to induce amenhorrea because my dysmenhorrea was debilitating and my GP had been trying different methods since I was 11 with no luck. Narcotics didn't knock that pain out.

    I went of Depo about 9 months ago and dropped about 55lbs but once my body had resumed a normal menstrual cycle I found that I gained more weight and had intolerable mood swings. I use Micronor, a progesterone-only pill now to alleviate some of the severity of the mood swings. Depo obliterated my libido and Micronor does dampen it, but I still have enough of an interest in sex to be happy. I'm liking Micronor. I always use condom though because A) you should, and B) I am so fail at taking my pill everyday and on time. SO FAIL.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I took ortho-tricyclen when I was at my lowest weight (115lb). I never gained weight from it.

    I tried the various lower-hormone pills and had side effects with all of them (headaches, irritability, acne). The full dose one was the best one for me.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    That's low dose. You may gain 5 lbs. No biggie.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.

    LOL nice! Just generalizing ;) A friend of mine just had a baby and gained over 50lbs. I mean seriously, her baby as only 8 when she was born? Should of laid off the Taco Bell!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I totally understand your concerns. I'd been off any BC for about 5 years and just started back on the mini pill last month. I was nervous about increased apetite, but I haven't had any issues. I haven't gained or lost weight (I've been on the pill for a month, but I haven't lost weight in over 2 months so I'm sure it's not the pill keeping me from losing) and my apetite seems to have decreased, if anything. I did gain weight on the depo shot years ago, about 15 lbs that I KNOW was not from over eating so I wouldn't suggest that one. My doctor told me I would gain weight on the shot, so I know it's not just me. Good luck!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.

    LOL nice! Just generalizing ;) A friend of mine just had a baby and gained over 50lbs. I mean seriously, her baby as only 8 when she was born? Should of laid off the Taco Bell!

    LOL :huh: You are mean!!! There's more to it than an 8lb baby!!! Here's a break down:

    Baby: 8 pounds
    Placenta: 2-3 pounds
    Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
    Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
    Blood supply: 4 pounds
    Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds
    Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
    Total: 25-35 pounds
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.

    LOL nice! Just generalizing ;) A friend of mine just had a baby and gained over 50lbs. I mean seriously, her baby as only 8 when she was born? Should of laid off the Taco Bell!

    Oh, I love the Taco Bell!

    I know I'm insanely lucky. I remember with my son around halfway through realizing I had lost 5 pounds since my last visit, and frantically eating JUNK to avoid getting yelled at. They finally had me keep a food journal and just realized that I'm apparently backwards.....

    The sad part was after having the baby I was fighting to keep the weight OFF. Didn't change, kept tracking.... both times it was hard work. But I did manage to keep it off over the long term, thankfully!

    I do joke about it a lot, though. "Maybe I should have a baby to lose some weight." My luck is it wouldn't work that way the third time. :tongue:
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I've seriously never encountered anyone gaining weight because of the pill. I think it's an urban legend.... I've been on it for over 12 years myself...
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.

    LOL nice! Just generalizing ;) A friend of mine just had a baby and gained over 50lbs. I mean seriously, her baby as only 8 when she was born? Should of laid off the Taco Bell!

    Oh, I love the Taco Bell!

    I know I'm insanely lucky. I remember with my son around halfway through realizing I had lost 5 pounds since my last visit, and frantically eating JUNK to avoid getting yelled at. They finally had me keep a food journal and just realized that I'm apparently backwards.....

    The sad part was after having the baby I was fighting to keep the weight OFF. Didn't change, kept tracking.... both times it was hard work. But I did manage to keep it off over the long term, thankfully!

    I do joke about it a lot, though. "Maybe I should have a baby to lose some weight." My luck is it wouldn't work that way the third time. :tongue:

    XXL Nachos are on my cheat list this weekend ;) My food baby is growing and needs nourishment. And sushi.
  • aightbrooke
    Though I agree that it doesn't cause you to gain weight, it stops you from losing it usually. Someone people don't have any problems but then others do. I gained about 10-11 pounds within a month of starting Trinessa in October. In February I started eating completely clean, working out 4-5 times a week and I have not lost a single pound. Within the next week I am going in to get my prescription changed. I could deal with the weight gain if it allowed me to lose the weight. Being stuck at the weight due to water retention is bothersome.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    The pill doesn't make you gain weight. A calorie surplus does.

    This! Taking a pill cannot magically create fat on your body. The BC does not cause fat gain itself.

    Does it cause water retention due to hormones? Yes. That will show up on the scale. Is it fat weight, no.

    Does it mess with your hormones causing you to feel hungrier than normal? It sure can.

    Does it mess with your hormones and sometimes make it where you dont have the energy to workout? I'm sure it can.

    Ultimately, taking a pill will not cause you to gain fat.

    I've been on Aleese for a while (with my old Pharmacy they gave me Avaine). It has not made any difference in my weight loss... at least no difference that wasn't caused by me.

    This. I'm on the pill and have been able to lose weight. My friend has the magic rod in her arm and has lost weight. While it CAN mess with you, it cannot make you gain weight. Show your hormones who's boss. POW!
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    You know what makes you gain more weight than birth control? A baby. Just saying. :)

    Disagree. I lose weight like crazy every time I'm pregnant. I actually am contemplating being a surrogate to help work on the 15 extra pounds I don't want.

    LOL nice! Just generalizing ;) A friend of mine just had a baby and gained over 50lbs. I mean seriously, her baby as only 8 when she was born? Should of laid off the Taco Bell!

    Oh, I love the Taco Bell!

    I know I'm insanely lucky. I remember with my son around halfway through realizing I had lost 5 pounds since my last visit, and frantically eating JUNK to avoid getting yelled at. They finally had me keep a food journal and just realized that I'm apparently backwards.....

    The sad part was after having the baby I was fighting to keep the weight OFF. Didn't change, kept tracking.... both times it was hard work. But I did manage to keep it off over the long term, thankfully!

    I do joke about it a lot, though. "Maybe I should have a baby to lose some weight." My luck is it wouldn't work that way the third time. :tongue:

    XXL Nachos are on my cheat list this weekend ;) My food baby is growing and needs nourishment. And sushi.

    swoon sushi. I think that's the food I miss most. It's really hard to find where I moved to recently besides one place. When we feel like we can blow 100 bucks on a meal we head there.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I was worried about weight-gain and increased hunger when I went on Tri-nessa in January. I haven't gained a single lb that isn't out of the normal (which is surprising because I haven't been eating the healthiest these past couple months). The worst side-effect I've experienced so far has been sore boobs. They hurt so bad I can't lay on my stomach at all but I get a break during the sugar pills. Cleared up my acne too!
  • smiller212003
    smiller212003 Posts: 39 Member
    I have never had any problems on birth control.The one that ive taken for the last 3 years completely took away all cycles and everything that comes with it including headaches, cramps and the chocolate cravings i used to get.

    That being said, ive been on birth control for 10 years... and just quit taking it 2 weeks ago to try to make beh behs! Now im pissed ill have to deal with all the badness again after not having to deal with it for 3 years.... oh it was good while it lasted....

    And from what i have read due to the hormonal changes you can gain weight rapidly after coming off of it too... however i dont plan on letting that happen.

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I miss birth control. My skin had never been clearer. I didn't have crazy monthly food cravings or extreme mood swings. And I was pretty much cramp free. I went off last april to see if it was the cause of low labido (it wasn't). And OMG I didn't realize how much birth control regulated me. I'm looking to go back on for the clear skin alone, but don't know which to go with. I was on yaz but want to try something else. p.s. I didn't gain while on it, that I can remember.

    I've tried 3 different pills, and yaz was my favorite. I have raging PMS, and although it's not completely gone, on yaz it's manageable (I haven't beat the piss out of anyone yet). Orthy Tricycline is awesome for keeping skin clear, but hormones were wild and crazy (I became a screaming psycho), I've tried Allesse and I cried my face off is someone looked at me funny, but no cramps, and now onto Yaz...and i can't blame my weight gain on the was the beer, junk food and lack of exercise that did me in
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    I have had HORRIBLE issues gaining weight while on birth control in the past..I gained about twenty pounds when I had that thing in my arm. I am now starting back up with a pill. I am SCARED TO DEATH to gain weight (I have been trying so hard!) I know it's better then having a babes at the moment, but still. How is it working for you?

    P.S. I am starting "Aviane"

    Birth control never made me gain weight but it did MESS up my cycle so much that my husband and I have had a lot of trouble trying to conceive. My cycles are totally out of wack ever since I stopped taking it.