I feel like crying



  • rasmoo
    rasmoo Posts: 11
    Hey dovetail22uk I'm stealing that line - "If you didn't have a setback you couldn't have a comeback."

    Sweetie - Don't get discouraged by this. Everyone has slip ups. Forgive yourself and start over. I do it at least once a week. You can always ask for support here. That's why I joined.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    My favorite quote, and kept me going after v-day.. because God knows I ate WAY to much. "I don't care if you ate Charlie's whole goddamn Chocolate Factory. Don't give up!"

    Everyone messes up... just get back up and do it again.

    ^ This !
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Eh, you'll be just fine! I have a cheat meal every week that actually seems to get my metabolism going. You should prolly not do whole days of over eating though lol. Just have something you really wanted once a week :)
  • OH YES! I have been Jogging down the street while Bawling my eyes out thinking "why do I have to work SO freaking hard just to say CHUBBY when my sister is stick thin and can eat whatever."

    Yesterday I grumbled through an hour of Yoga.

    All weekend long i pigged out. But I'm not giving up. Give yourself a BILLION chances to start a new day. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!

  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I personally wouldn't classify one day as a setback. One bad meal (or day) won't undo your success in the exact same way that one good meal (or day) won't cause you to lose weight. Sticking to it. Making sure 80% of what you do over the course of the week is for the good of your body. Realizng that you do need food in order to have energy. Food isn't the enemy! Just stick to it. Persevere.
  • Mrc1974
    Mrc1974 Posts: 75 Member
    I am no where near goal, but hey we all have our up's and down's, put it in perspective, it is only one day and it won't wipe out all of your hard work to date :O)

    Tomorrow is a new day, just log your bad day and move on wards and upwards!! Keep your chin up :O)
  • trgobble
    trgobble Posts: 51 Member
    Oh, man, I know just how you feel! My husband is especially bad about this. We are on this journey together, but when he has even the smallest of setbacks, he belittles himself for the rest of the day. We're human--changing our lives is hard work! You just have to tell yourself that it's ok what you did, and you'll do better next time. As long as the cheat "day" doesn't turn into a cheat "life," you'll be just fine. Feel free to add me if you feel you could use some more support. <3
  • Gleamy88
    Gleamy88 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I agree that I wouldn't count one day as a set back. These things happen. I've lost 9lbs of my goal but this is the first time in a long time despite my efforts for weight loss. The problem was when i "messed up" I equated that with "give up" I realized my mistake and made a decision to change. You can make that decision and stick to it.

    It may be helpful to no longer use food as a reward system. It has never worked for me because a little bit made it easier to keep slipping. Instead find something else that delights you and reward yourself that way. My husband may buy me the sims game i wanted or i treat myself to fabric or yarn.

    I'm reading this great book called Made to Crave which helps the reader to grow closer to God, identify their weakness, and know that we were made for more than over eating and treated our bodies badly!

    I'm rooting for you!!!!