Food is Fuel



  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    If those people are making the effort to come on here, log their food and start making positive changes, then bravo to them. Not everyone can make a complete 180 in their lifestyle change overnight. These things take time, and there's plenty to learn.

    Worry about your own progress.

    I'm not judging. I honestly feel SAD for people who sustain themselves on slimfast and special k bars (ALL DAY LONG). I find it hard to believe that they are ENJOYING their "meals". I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    As I said, it takes time to learn. This is why I think MFP is far superior to many other weight loss sites because if used the right way, it teaches you about food and its effects.

    When I started on here, I also ate special k bars (or similar) and 'healthy' microwave meals. I wouldn't say I was miserable, but they never kept me full for long, and I would often have a sugar high and then crash very quickly after.

    A while ago, after reading a bit on the forums, I swapped my microwave meals for a chicken breast or salmon fillet with salad, and the special k bars for fresh fruit and handfuls of nuts, and months later, I feel much better (and much fuller), and I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole now. But it took time to get there, and it took time to learn that.

    You also have to bear in mind we live in a society were everything is 'on the go' and about convenience, and some people like things they can just grab. Unfortunately due to clever advertising a lot of people are fooled into thinking these things are healthy.

    Sorry for the long reply. :ohwell:

    I agree with you. I'm hoping this post might help some people to start thinking about trading some of their "healthy" junk food for some simple, real food choices. I was that person a few years ago too. And I was unhappy. Fat and unhappy. Like I said, I don't eat "perfectly clean" (whatever that might mean), but I am conscience about what I put in my body and try to give it as much real food as possible. Some days are better than others...
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Yum, spinach and mushroom egg white omelette. This thread has started making me hungry.

    Edit because typos make me sad
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I feel a zillion times better since rearranging my diet and cutting out grains and sugars. I'm always mentioning all the ongoing health issues I resolved by doing so, but here's a list again: arthritis, digestive problems, skin problems (acne, rashes, itchy scalp), plantar fasciitis, TFL syndrome, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, etc.

    Since I wanted to eliminate sugars and grains, I pretty much had to stop eating processed foods as it was too much of a pain in the *kitten* to go through ingredient labels a mile long each time I wanted to buy something. I just buy everything as whole as I can and cook from scratch now. Easier and healthier, plus I am a FAR better cook than Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice or any other microwave meal or fast food restaurant. Pretty easy for anyone to cook something tastier than that stuff.

    Weight loss shakes and bars--no. I don't eat the "healthy" bars, either. Too much sugar.

    I do supplement with a whey protein shake on the days when I lift, which is the only thing I would remove from my diet to improve it.

    That said, I don't care what anyone else eats....except for my child. I care what he eats. The rest of the world can keep eating soylent green for all I care.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    On an anectdotal note, I wont eat ANY protein bars (I have to be in dire straits to do so). A long time ago on one of my early forays into losing weight, I got into Balance (and Zone Perfect) bars. I used them as a thought-free snack, so I was averaging 2-3 a day. It took about 3 or 4 months, but my teeth started getting loose. After some experimentation, I ended up cutting the bars out, and within a month, my teeth were solid again.

    My trainer's always trying to give me a protein bar after workouts. No thanks ... I'll cook when I get home.

    Whoa! Good reason to quit eating them! I tried to like protein bars. They all tasted terrible to me!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If those people are making the effort to come on here, log their food and start making positive changes, then bravo to them. Not everyone can make a complete 180 in their lifestyle change overnight. These things take time, and there's plenty to learn.

    Worry about your own progress.

    I'm not judging. I honestly feel SAD for people who sustain themselves on slimfast and special k bars (ALL DAY LONG). I find it hard to believe that they are ENJOYING their "meals". I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(
    Plenty more serious things to be sad about in this world than people eating slimfasts!

    For a lot of people, the only way they know how to control their intake is with that kind of food. It makes them feel safe. Being faced with a whole world of food choices is not something they can handle. That is sad, but they're making the choice to eat that way instead of overeating and gaining more weight. Some people only see those two options.

    Also, for many people, what you see in their diaries now is just one step from where they started to where they'll end up (not gonna say the "J" word). Not everyone can (or wants to) completely overhaul their diet overnight, but maybe they're eating a slimfast instead of a diet coke, and a protein bar instead of a Twix. Maybe it's a low calorie microwave meal instead of a high calorie one, or a high calorie takeaway. Maybe next, they'll start wondering if they could make the same thing themselves, only better.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    I try to eat clean as possible but sometimes find it hard with the everyday. How do you get enough protein? I am trying my best and I feel like I never get there. Everyone around me is recommending protein supplements but I don't know how I feel about putting them in my body. Many aren't regulated and are potentially dangerous for that reason.
  • ladyblue301
    ladyblue301 Posts: 8 Member
    You wouldn't pour dirty dish water in your car's fuel tank and expect it to run well, would you? So why eat garbage and expect your body to perform? Reading some people's diaries makes me sad. I would be seriously depressed if I lived off of Slim Fast shakes and Special K bars (yuck!) Come on, people! Pick up a vegetable (in its natural form) and eat it! Get your protein from meat, fish & eggs, not some processed chemical ****-storm shake! I don't eat perfect all day every day, but I do make sure that my body gets some good nutrients to work with. It's no wonder everyone is chugging 5-hour energy drinks and acting like zombies. THERE'S NO FUEL IN THEIR FIRE!

    I agree with you 100% How do people stay energized and get their nutrients in with a shake.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I was one of those people two years ago.... that's what I though nutrition was. It's what media and marketing spoon-feeds the public!!!! It's constant on television commercials!

    I thought the only way to loose weight was to starve myself and drink those nasty shakes and bars. It wrecked my metabolism and it made me feel like crap. As time went on and I lost pounds I began caring about my body. I started to educate myself through sites like this (I was on where I learned better nutrition and that I needed all the things you just stated.

    So don't knock people down because they are doing that...They are probably new at this and they will eventually learn better nutrition, but on their time time and of their own will.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients

    I do agree, I tend to use two whole eggs and a half cup of egg white to add volume to the omlette.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I try to eat clean as possible but sometimes find it hard with the everyday. How do you get enough protein? I am trying my best and I feel like I never get there. Everyone around me is recommending protein supplements but I don't know how I feel about putting them in my body. Many aren't regulated and are potentially dangerous for that reason.

    I don't know what is "enough protein" necessarily. I'm sure it's different for everyone. I just make sure that there is some protein in every meal (even my snacks) and going by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig's recommendations (It Starts With Food), I eat 1-2 "palm size" servings at every meal. Even a petite woman can fit 2-3 eggs in her palm :)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I was one of those people two years ago.... that's what I though nutrition was. It's what media and marketing spoon-feeds the public!!!! It's constant on television commercials!

    I thought the only way to loose weight was to starve myself and drink those nasty shakes and bars. It wrecked my metabolism and it made me feel like crap. As time went on and I lost pounds I began caring about my body. I started to educate myself through sites like this (I was on where I learned better nutrition and that I needed all the things you just stated.

    So don't knock people down because they are doing that...They are probably new at this and they will eventually learn better nutrition, but on their time time and of their own will.

    I didn't mean to "knock people down". I was hoping to do the opposite, perhaps get them thinking about trading some of their convenient, yet junky "health foods" for more whole food choices. Maybe my approach sucked? Sorry. But it's sort of a tough love situation, isn't it? And yes, I ate like that too. I'm glad that I don't anymore and I hope that more people start to try eating real food and get away from the heavily marketed crap that we are fooled by at one time or another. I wish someone had "woke me up" earlier. I hate that I wasted my 20s eating garbage and being unhealthy :(
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients

    Well .. define superior. If I have meat or cheese in them, it has to be whole eggs, but I like the flavor of whites and veg. The cholesterol in 3 eggs worries me a little since it has been an issue in the past. (633mg, aka 210% of daily requirement). I add a little fat by sauteeing the veg in olive oil, and no omelette in my house goes without hot sauce.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients

    Well .. define superior. If I have meat or cheese in them, it has to be whole eggs, but I like the flavor of whites and veg. The cholesterol in 3 eggs worries me a little since it has been an issue in the past. (633mg, aka 210% of daily requirement). I add a little fat by sauteeing the veg in olive oil, and no omelette in my house goes without hot sauce.

    I always eat the whole egg too, but I agree that egg whites taste better with veggies than whole eggs! I just can't bear to waste the yolk!

    There have been studies showing that there is not a link in dietary cholesterol to your body's cholesterol numbers. The research is still a little young, but my husband and I went from eating maybe 1 dozen eggs a week to 4-5 dozen (he eats 4-6 eggs a day!) and his cholesterol went down!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Had a protein shake this morning, enjoyed it, filled me up, made me hit my macros... Don't see the problem! I'll be having meat tonight too, but I enjoyed my shake. Don't see why it'd make YOU sad!
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I was one of those people two years ago.... that's what I though nutrition was. It's what media and marketing spoon-feeds the public!!!! It's constant on television commercials!

    I thought the only way to loose weight was to starve myself and drink those nasty shakes and bars. It wrecked my metabolism and it made me feel like crap. As time went on and I lost pounds I began caring about my body. I started to educate myself through sites like this (I was on where I learned better nutrition and that I needed all the things you just stated.

    So don't knock people down because they are doing that...They are probably new at this and they will eventually learn better nutrition, but on their time time and of their own will.

    I didn't mean to "knock people down". I was hoping to do the opposite, perhaps get them thinking about trading some of their convenient, yet junky "health foods" for more whole food choices. Maybe my approach sucked? Sorry. But it's sort of a tough love situation, isn't it? And yes, I ate like that too. I'm glad that I don't anymore and I hope that more people start to try eating real food and get away from the heavily marketed crap that we are fooled by at one time or another. I wish someone had "woke me up" earlier. I hate that I wasted my 20s eating garbage and being unhealthy :(

    Yeah I agree...I wish I would have learned sooner too. Hahaha tough love does work, but I don't think it has the same effect online. I guess we can live my being model MFP'ers??? :happy:

    Perhaps putting daily tips or examples of what can be substituted for shakes? Simple enough for new people to pick up on...that's how I learned! Reading other peoples journals. :tongue: I was nosey.

    I.e. "eat this, not that"

    Slim Fast shake -- 190 cals and 10g of Protein (YUCK & YOU'RE STILL HUNGRY!)

    Instead eat....

    Scrambled egg and mini baby bell light cheese sandwich on a whole grain english muffin -- 220 cals and 17g of Protein ( YUM, FUELED, AND FULL)
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I agree with you for the most part, except that I always have a protein shake post-workout. It's a great way to get my recovery protein, and I really couldn't stomach a chicken breast at 6am. As far as protein bars, on the rare occasion I have one it has to be a Quest bar - all natural and low sugar (and no sugar alcohol!).

    Frozen prepared meals are gross.:noway:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Had a protein shake this morning, enjoyed it, filled me up, made me hit my macros... Don't see the problem! I'll be having meat tonight too, but I enjoyed my shake. Don't see why it'd make YOU sad!

    I didn't say that supplementing with protein shakes makes me sad. Sustaining yourself every day all day on slim fasts, special k bars and protein shakes is sad.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients

    Well .. define superior. If I have meat or cheese in them, it has to be whole eggs, but I like the flavor of whites and veg. The cholesterol in 3 eggs worries me a little since it has been an issue in the past. (633mg, aka 210% of daily requirement). I add a little fat by sauteeing the veg in olive oil, and no omelette in my house goes without hot sauce.

    I always eat the whole egg too, but I agree that egg whites taste better with veggies than whole eggs! I just can't bear to waste the yolk!

    There have been studies showing that there is not a link in dietary cholesterol to your body's cholesterol numbers. The research is still a little young, but my husband and I went from eating maybe 1 dozen eggs a week to 4-5 dozen (he eats 4-6 eggs a day!) and his cholesterol went down!

  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I know when I ate those frozen "smart ones" meals every day for lunch, I was miserable :(

    Me too. I've completely abandoned frozen meals - even the healthy ones. Just not enough bang for the buck, calorie wise.

    Agreed. I can fry up a pound of hamburger with some veggies and get 4 meals out of it for the price of one of those bland tasting cardboard box meals :)

    Egg whites are my go to for fast protein. I can stuff my face on a giant egg white and veg omelette for well under 200 calories and close to 20g protein. And it only takes about 4 minutes to cook (if you have the veg ready to go)

    Egg white omelets are fail, omelets made with whole eggs are superior in taste and nutrients

    Well .. define superior. If I have meat or cheese in them, it has to be whole eggs, but I like the flavor of whites and veg. The cholesterol in 3 eggs worries me a little since it has been an issue in the past. (633mg, aka 210% of daily requirement). I add a little fat by sauteeing the veg in olive oil, and no omelette in my house goes without hot sauce.

    I always eat the whole egg too, but I agree that egg whites taste better with veggies than whole eggs! I just can't bear to waste the yolk!

    There have been studies showing that there is not a link in dietary cholesterol to your body's cholesterol numbers. The research is still a little young, but my husband and I went from eating maybe 1 dozen eggs a week to 4-5 dozen (he eats 4-6 eggs a day!) and his cholesterol went down!


    Another variable to add... we changed from regular store-bought eggs to farm fresh. Maybe that makes a difference in cholesterol levels?