Food is Fuel



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Can you describe what you mean by "a typical SAD diet"?

    High in sugar & processed foods. Eating out a lot rather than cooking at home. Eating conventionally raised meats & eggs. Heavy on grains, light on fat. Very light on vegetables period. I think that cutting processed food and going for more veggies & meat will have a HUGE impact. Going the extra step to eat more local, organic & grass-fed is a bonus and will most likely lead to even more improved health.

    The "Standard American Diet" (S.A.D.) is a similar term, specifically used to denigrate what some authors say is the stereotypical diet of Americans. The typical American diet is about 50% carbohydrate, 15% protein, and 35% fat[5] which is over the dietary guidelines for the amount of fat (below 30%), below the guidelines for carbohydrate (above 55%), and at the upper end of the guidelines for the amount of protein (below 15%) recommended in the diet[6]

    From wikipedia

    By using the Wikipedia definition, a SAD diet would not necessarily be a bad thing, if the carbs and fat were from healthy sources. But I think the definition above it is more likely what is meant. I believe the source of nutrients is as important as the amount.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    I would suggest focusing on your own food and not worrying about what everyone else is doing.

    Thanks for the article! I hadn't thought about how the term "clean eating" could have been applied to the low-fat/fat-free craze of the 80s...etc.
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