Things you hate people say about working out

lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
What are somethings that people say about either their workout, or how other people work out?

Mine is: "You can't show up the the gym in a full face of makeup and your hair all done and get a good workout in."

I hate this...I usually go in after work, so my hair and makeup are already done.

It's not like I go out of my way to do my makeup to go to the gym, so I'm not going to go out of my way to take it off either.


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    squats are bad for the knees (actually rather ironic I should say that)
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    Ewwww.....I hate sweating....

    I don't want to bulk up....
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I don't want to bulk up....

    ETA: I also really hate when my friends (those who DON'T exercise) try to give advice of any sort, because its very often the 'fitness myths' that annoy most of us here on MFP...
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Your genius is showing
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I don't want to bulk up....

    I'm gonna third this as it is my sister's no.1 excuse and I hear it about every damn day.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    my metabolism is down because I'm old. NO! its because you don't work out.


    I get my exercise chasing after my kids.. Unless you ran a mile after them you did not.
  • its all genetics, so why bother trying? Yea, that's annoying.
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    I hate it when people tell me "women shouldn't lift heavy" drives me nuts!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i don't want to bulk up
    i want to look fluffy anf feminine.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    This just happened to me today! I was doing my thing at the gym when a well intentioned old man came up to me and advised me that I shouldn't be using free weights or barbells b/c I could get hurt, and that I should just use the machines for a far superior workout. LOL!!! My trainer and I got a laugh out of that.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    After years of hearing unsolicited "advice" I came up with a standard reply

    "If I wanted to look like you, I'd work out like you"
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    Ewwww.....I hate sweating....

    I don't want to bulk up....

    I had a guy in my office telling me that I was lifting too much, and he wouldn't want to lift as much as I'd like to because he doesn't want to get "all big and stuff." He said he'd rather do very light weights. I said, "You're such a girl." I then realized that I know plenty of girls (especially on here) that lift "like a man," the way it should be.
  • genericaroar
    genericaroar Posts: 51 Member
    This just happened to me today! I was doing my thing at the gym when a well intentioned old man came up to me and advised me that I shouldn't be using free weights or barbells b/c I could get hurt, and that I should just use the machines for a far superior workout. LOL!!! My trainer and I got a laugh out of that.

    Ummm....rage. That would have likely caused me to launch into a full on feminist rant.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    "Lifting's going to mess up your shoulder again".

    Context: I separated my shoulder in 1999. Left physiotherapy a member of the "3lb" club: able to lift 3lbs with my left arm again... told never to expect more out of it. Fast Forward 10 years... Yeah. Doing squats with a 40lbs barbell across my shoulders.

    Screw you, physiotherapist! And screw you people who say you're just going to get hurt. SLOW & STEADY wins the race! AND... I know 40lbs isn't a lot to squat... but when I want to do more, I use a machine, just in case!

    But lifting has YET to hurt my shoulder!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I don't want to bulk up....

    definitely this
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    You have been on the tradmill too long and need to get off, when there are at least 15 open treadmills at the time.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    No pain: no gain.

    A very false statement.
  • tracyowens22
    tracyowens22 Posts: 49 Member
    "I'm allergic to sweating"...yes I did hear this...from a lame *kitten* cycle instructor who never does the work.
  • squats are bad for the knees (actually rather ironic I should say that)

    Does your profile pic describe your squat workouts :P
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    "When you stop working out like that, your muscles will turn back to fat." This little gem came from the weakest women I've ever seen.