Things you hate people say about working out



  • "I'm allergic to sweating"...yes I did hear this...from a lame *kitten* cycle instructor who never does the work.

    omg I actually met this girl from a different hot climate country and she said the exact same thing. That she is allergic to sweating and she faints all the time if she sweats.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    When someone tells you that you sweat too much. I thought that is why we go to the gym?
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    You HAVE to lift, or else...
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    You are a girl, why are you using the machines? (I should mention that I was told back in 2003 that I would never weight lift because of straining the main nerve in my elbow that causes for me to lose feeling from my elbow down and i started adding it back in almost 2 months ago).

    Getting dirty looks from high schoolers as I am running
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    "I want to tone"
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    No pain: no gain.

    A very false statement.

    I am really hoping this is true!
  • CandyDiehardBAMF
    CandyDiehardBAMF Posts: 41 Member
    What are somethings that people say about either their workout, or how other people work out?

    Mine is: "You can't show up the the gym in a full face of makeup and your hair all done and get a good workout in."

    I hate this...I usually go in after work, so my hair and makeup are already done.

    It's not like I go out of my way to do my makeup to go to the gym, so I'm not going to go out of my way to take it off either.

    Yup! I heard this one and tbh dude, you all don't wanna see me sweat let alone sweat without my makeup on anyhow rofl jk..
  • CandyDiehardBAMF
    CandyDiehardBAMF Posts: 41 Member
    Or when people assume that you don't work out because they don't see you at the gym, because that's the only place you can work out apparently? I get asked if I am gonna "get back on the horse" so much just because I haven't hit the fitness center in my community, when I actually work out at home.
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member
    "I'm allergic to sweating"...yes I did hear this...from a lame *kitten* cycle instructor who never does the work.

    omg I actually met this girl from a different hot climate country and she said the exact same thing. That she is allergic to sweating and she faints all the time if she sweats.

    This isn't completely untrue. My dad is actually allergic to his own sweat. He breaks out in a huge, ugly rash when he sweats alot. (i.e. It's 100+ degrees outside, or working out.) His doctor told him he was allergic due to his liver problems.
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    "You cant get a good workout from following a dvd." Said nay-sayer couldn't finish one round of the DVD workout.
    "Girls shouldn't lift because they will hurt themselves." From the delivery guys at work. They don't say that anymore since they now realize I can lift more than they can.

    I love proving them wrong.
  • awadm
    awadm Posts: 252
    "Good thing I'm on the thin side, I'm too lazy to workout as much as you do."

    .....uh huh, let's see how long you stay on the thin side :grumble:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    "You cant get a good workout from following a dvd." Said nay-sayer couldn't finish one round of the DVD workout.
    "Girls shouldn't lift because they will hurt themselves." From the delivery guys at work. They don't say that anymore since they now realize I can lift more than they can.

    I love proving them wrong.

    I have a coworker who told me this. I am currently doing turbo fire. She said she HAS to go to the gym to feel like she works out. DVD's do nothing for her. Let's just say she is a bit on the husky side. And i'm making progress.
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    "You are so lucky that you are thin"

    Uh, no. It has nothing to do with luck. It has everything to do with busting my *kitten* 6 days a week.
  • samanthawardle31
    samanthawardle31 Posts: 58 Member
    I honestly believed the DVD workout thing! I better dust mine of...
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    "You are so lucky that you are thin"

    Uh, no. It has nothing to do with luck. It has everything to do with busting my *kitten* 6 days a week.

    This 6x over.

    I was overweight before I started and people seem to have forgotten that 5 years ago I was much heavier than them. Now they have gained weight and tell me "you must have good genetics. I could never be that thin." I'm very confused by this as they WERE this thin when they were younger. >__<

    People have short memories.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I honestly believed the DVD workout thing! I better dust mine of...

    I lost 25 lbs and 3 pants sizes and kept it off for 5 years doing a pilates dvd. The "dvds don't work" statement is VERY false.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Bro, do you even lift?
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Regarding "if your hair and makeup is done, you're not really here to work:" it depends on what you then do at the gym once you get there. If you hop on an elliptical and proceed to go *juuuust* fast enough to keep the machine from shutting off, while flipping through an issue of Cosmo (or worse, talking loudly on your cell or with your bedazzled friend doing the same thing), then yeah. You're not here to work, you're here to be seen and take up space, and should gtfo (but not too fast, wouldn't want to start sweating!). OP, you seem to be more in the camp of "I didn't have time or didn't feel like washing my face before coming here, plus I'm going to shower afterward anyway." That's me, too. I've gone to the gym with makeup on and hair styled before. I do it pretty often, actually. Hair goes into a ponytail and I sweat my washable makeup off within about half an hour. I wind up looking like a hot mess, but who cares? I'm not out to impress anybody at that point.
  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    oh boy, where to begin...

    my #1 pet peeve is for someone who DOES NOT work out to try to give me advice. Or better yet, those people that only workout for the 3 months before summer & seem to be the experts. working out & eating right is NOT something you do 3 months out of the is LIFESTYLE!!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I just generally hate when anyone tells me what I should or shouldn't be doing unless I have specifically sought out their advice. I am fortunate to have some friends who know a lot about strength training and nutrition, and they have helped me a great deal when I have asked for their input. Then there are others who think they need to impart the wisdom they gleaned from watching an episode of Dr. Oz or seeing an Insanity infomerical, and I just want to smack them.

    Another one that gets me is "I don't have time." I have a lot more respect for a fat person who can admit that they just don't care than one who says "I don't have time to work out or eat right." Those people mysteriously find time to watch American Idol and The Bachelor every week, and they have time to go shopping and go to happy hour literally every day. But no time to work out or prepare healthy meals. Sure.