Plus Size Barbies - Week 3



  • I love love love this challenge. I was fighting myself not to complete that 2nd mile after dinner but I did and it felt great!

    Monday: 49 mins (did 2 miles)
  • Monday: 35 min (treadmill incline at a 5 )

    I Love P.S Barbies and I'm so grateful that I have you all, thanks for motivating me! :heart: Jessica
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Monday: 30 min (took two 15 minute breaks at work and walked up and down a hill outside, it's HOT in Georgia!)

    Found a Curves near my hotel and went in tonight after work. The one at home is run by older women. The trainer at the one I went to today saw me marching in place to keep my heart rate up between machines. She asked, "Has anyone ever shown you alterative exercises to do between machines?" No one ever had so whe proceeded to KICK MY BUTT for the next 30 min. There were seriously times I thought I wouldn't be able to continue but I'm glad I stuck with it. I guarantee I burned at least 100 calories more than I usually do and I feel fantastic. I hope I can get out of work early enough tomorrow to go work out with her again.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Monday: 30 minutes
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Challenge: Walk 30 minutes each day (Challenge sent in by JACQUE509)

    Monday: 33 minute walk, about 1.2 miles

    This works like last week you copy and paste each new day and tell me how long you walked!
  • EmilysMommy
    EmilysMommy Posts: 78 Member
    Week 3 Challenge

    Monday- 30 minutes!
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Starting Weight - 193.4 (3/29)
    Week 1 - goal 2 lbs, weight 190.8 - 2.6 lbs (4/5)
    Week 2 - goal: 1.8 lbs, weight 190.2 - 0.6 lbs (4/12)
    # lbs LOST: 3.2 lbs
    # lbs TO GO: 50.2 lbs
    Week 3 - goal: 1.6 lbs

    30 minutes on eliptical yesterday. Wish I had more time for cardio. By the time I get off work and get to the gym it's right at 6. I do about 30 minutes of cardio and an hour or so strength training and abs. When I get home it's close to or right at 8 and though I know you really should eat late, I really don't have any other option and try not to eat too heavy, this resulted in less than 600 calories yesterday. I know I should have ate more during the day, but I wasn't really hungry and was kinda busy.

    I suppose I could go for a walk on my lunch hour, but I am just not a fan of getting all sweaty (and I will cause sometimes it's hot as hades and I don't really feel like I'm doing enough unless I sweat) when I know I have to go back and put on my nice work clothes afterwards. And I suppose I could get up earlier and at least use the eliptcal that is right in my room, that I never use (who's bright idea to put the eliptical next to the bed?) but, well, mornings and I aren't exactly bffs and I always set my alarm way earlier thinking that maybe one day I will actually do this and then I hit snooze like 8 times. :grumble:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Monday: 70 mintues of exercise -no walking
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    Monday - 45 minutes of walking
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    Monday: 30 mins!
    Tuesday: 30 mins! on the elliptical.
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Starting Weight - 193.4 (3/29)
    Week 1 - goal 2 lbs, weight 190.8 - 2.6 lbs (4/5)
    Week 2 - goal: 1.8 lbs, weight 190.2 - 0.6 lbs (4/12)
    # lbs LOST: 3.2 lbs
    # lbs TO GO: 50.2 lbs
    Week 3 - goal: 1.6 lbs

    30 minutes on eliptical yesterday. Wish I had more time for cardio. By the time I get off work and get to the gym it's right at 6. I do about 30 minutes of cardio and an hour or so strength training and abs. When I get home it's close to or right at 8 and though I know you really should eat late, I really don't have any other option and try not to eat too heavy, this resulted in less than 600 calories yesterday. I know I should have ate more during the day, but I wasn't really hungry and was kinda busy.

    I suppose I could go for a walk on my lunch hour, but I am just not a fan of getting all sweaty (and I will cause sometimes it's hot as hades and I don't really feel like I'm doing enough unless I sweat) when I know I have to go back and put on my nice work clothes afterwards. And I suppose I could get up earlier and at least use the eliptcal that is right in my room, that I never use (who's bright idea to put the eliptical next to the bed?) but, well, mornings and I aren't exactly bffs and I always set my alarm way earlier thinking that maybe one day I will actually do this and then I hit snooze like 8 times. :grumble:

    I am not a morning person either, but for the past 3 weeks I have been getting up everyday (Monday - Friday) at 5:00 and go to the gym. It is great, I get my work out done and don't have to worry about getting there after work. The first couple of days were hard, and Mondays :grumble: . But once you are up your up and it will become easier. :happy: I love it, I wish I would have done it earlier, then I maybe wouldn't be over weight.
  • wow my bf sucks and promised a walk with me and we never went i still worked out but no walk on monday!!!!!!
    i will walk to night as soon as i swited my laundry over

    monday: none
    tuesday: around 30 up hill and down! (mostly up)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Monday: 50 mins
    Tuesday: 30 mins (also did 30 mins with my trainer)
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Monday - 70 minutes exercising
    Tuesday - 60 minutes exercising
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Monday: 30 minutes - 1 day down That felt so good! :wink:
    Tuesday: 31 minutes :happy:
  • Monday: 49 mins (did 2 miles)
    Tuesday: 105 mins
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Monday- 30 minutes of walking, 30 minutes at Curves
    Tuesday- 40 minutes of walking, 30 minutes at Curves, 40 evil abdominal exercises

    My core needs work!!! Worked out with the same Curves trainer today. After my work out she then asks if I want to do some ab work with her. I'm willing to try and she asks how many reps for each of the 11 exercises. We decide to do 5 reps. Two of these exercises were so hard I physically could not do them. The other nine hurt like hell, LOL.
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    I have always been told I have weak ankles......boy do my ankles burn like hell after walking a half mile. I MEAN BURN. what can I do?

    Monday: 33 minute walk, about 1.2 miles
    Tuesday: 35 minute walk, about 1.2 miles
  • Good luck ladies! You all can do it and are doing ssssooo good so far:) God bless you all
  • Monday: 35 min (treadmill incline at a 5 )
    Tuesday: 35 min and I actually ran for 5 of those!! yay

    I Love P.S Barbies and I'm so grateful that I have you all, thanks for motivating me! :heart: Jessica
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