10lbs a week???



  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    Is this a joke? It's really not healthy.

    I started at 290 less than two months ago, and I'm at 271 right now. I eat about a 1700 cal diet, and I exercise 30-60 minutes a day. I lost 6 lbs my first week, 5 my second, and from there it's been between 0.2-2.2 lbs a week. You will really only lose big those first couple of weeks. I had my calories lower for a bit in the middle and I was losing 0.2-1.0 lbs, when I kicked it back up is when I saw 2 lb losses consistantly. I've lost 20 lbs basically in less than 2 months, so yeah do I wish I was magically 164 right now? yes. But I will be a lot faster than how long it took to put it on. Do it safe.

    Another note -when people do crazy diets to lose the weight it always comes back plus more. ALWAYS.
