Mixed weight Couples: what are your thoughts?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I had to re read the title to make sure I read it right.

    I have no thoughts on mixed weight couples.

    BUT when I was overweight (after pregnancy) I did feel a bit sorry for my husband having to be seen with me like that lol!!
  • dcuevas6235
    dcuevas6235 Posts: 135
    All my past gf's were way hotter than me. No complaints here!
  • thethinwhiteduke
    i often joke with my husband that when we walk the isles of a store together we look like the number 10. him lean and fit, me short and round. he tells me he loves me fat or thin, it's ME he fell in love with. so long as two people love one another and treat each other well, who cares what they look like. the only one i need to impress is my partner :)
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    This is honestly something Ive never even thought about. Good people love good people.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    Interesting article. Hmmm. I get all the points about loving someone no matter their size, but I think there is something to be said for how different levels of health and fitness impact a relationship.

    Most of the men I've dated have weighed less than I have. I've been with some super skinnies. Like 5'9" 135. I liked 'em scrawny for a while. And it always weirded me out. I mean I am 6ft tall with an hourglass shape, but it did bother me. That being said, it never bothered the guys I dated and it never really ended up being an issue.
  • cassiemk85
    cassiemk85 Posts: 20 Member
    My fiance is over a foot taller than me and 100 or so pounds heavier. I love him regardless, I was crazy about him from the moment we met. I dont think it should ever matter. If its right, its right!
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
    Small sample size alert. Lets not jump to conclusions on ****ty research.

    " Also, mixed-weight couples who ate together often reported more conflict than those who didn't. But couples had less conflict when the overweight person reported feeling the partner was supportive of their efforts to exercise and eat a healthy diet."

    Doesn't even mention statistical significance, probably indicating there was none - just data trends.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    It's well known that when you lose a few sizes you have to trade your fat friends in for thin ones. But your spouse? I'm not convinced (though I'm leaning in that direction).
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've never dated a man who is overweight (except my exhusband, went through a period of a few months where he had a bit of a belly, but he lost it quickly) and I've always been very obese myself and have never been of normal weight. Never had any issues with being a "mixed-weight couple". If it was going to be an issue, then we wouldn't be dating in the first place.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    My husband has always been slender and before our daughters 19 months apart were born I was fit and curvy.He loved me then and he loves now even 30 lbs heavier ,though he says I did give him the best gift I ever could two beautiful little girls whom he adores.Im losing wieght though Im sure when all the wieght is gone he will just have to love less of me lol The one thing he does love about me losing wieght is my confidience has increased drastically he just wants me to be happy with myself,fyi my youngest turns a year old March 9th coming soon.:)
  • DrCaspianDoll
    DrCaspianDoll Posts: 87 Member
    I'm five foot tall I've fluctuated between sizes 2, 4 (even 6 at a sad sad time ahhh) Every man I have ever dated is 6 foot tall and over had a 6 pack, but one of my ex's gained weight (college football player with a foot injury=bad news) I still loved him at the time, but now once I am out of love with him, I couldn't give him a chance to be honest. It takes more than a hot bod to keep my attention but definitely need a hot bod to grasp it initially.
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    Never even crossed my mind as something that should be thought about...
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    My fiance weighs more than me. He's also eight inches taller than me.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I had one ex, who was not only overweight (I was overweight as well) he smoked, was very sedentary and older than me. I used to worry that he would die years before me and I would be alone.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Most of the "martini couples" (you know, toothpick and olive visual) I know have been together for a while.

    I prefer my men to be a little "huskier". Whether it's due to lifting or good eating, I like my men to be broader than me, must be the sense of safety when I am with them.
  • RobfromLakewood
    When my wife and I met, we were both leaner than we became. She started eating like me and I worked out like her (as in not at all). I got fed up this last summer and went back to working out, after the first month, she joined me. I eat more like her, she works out more like me. We've lost a combined 90 pounds. I think mixed-weights would work for us, but mixed lifestyles are harder to balance for us.
  • blondemom1979
    blondemom1979 Posts: 64 Member
    I had one ex, who was not only overweight (I was overweight as well) he smoked, was very sedentary and older than me. I used to worry that he would die years before me and I would be alone.

    I can understand that, I worry about my husbands bad eating habits (6-9 pepsi's a day and no water at all) even tho he is much thinner than me, he's one of those damn people with amazing metabolism!. I would hate worrying about my partners weight, and smoking etc. because of the history of cancer in both of our families etc. I hope he doesn't worry about my weight being a health issue....something to concider, good point!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I had one ex, who was not only overweight (I was overweight as well) he smoked, was very sedentary and older than me. I used to worry that he would die years before me and I would be alone.

    I can understand that, I worry about my husbands bad eating habits (6-9 pepsi's a day and no water at all) even tho he is much thinner than me, he's one of those damn people with amazing metabolism!. I would hate worrying about my partners weight, and smoking etc. because of the history of cancer in both of our families etc. I hope he doesn't worry about my weight being a health issue....something to concider, good point!

    Pepsi is mostly water.
  • ShannonGo
    ShannonGo Posts: 60
    Seriously flawed study is seriously flawed. We should talk about this again when the sample size is over 1,000.

    My husband's definition of being overweight is NOT having a six pack. He had his body fat analyzed (pinch test) and came out "average" for a guy his age. Now? He's on my diet plan because its unacceptable to be average when you're my super husband. *SIGH* and he's lost 6lbs in less than a month. Part of me was like, "no, we can't share diet plans. Not yours, you can't have." But that's a douchey thing to do, so I don't say that. I thought it hard though and if he would just get around to reading my mind, he'd have known how I felt about this.

    He's supremely supportive of my efforts to lose weight, we do lots of active things together and he's now kind of understanding where I am coming from when I say its hard to stay focused on the diet I'm on. Someday, I'd love to weight less than he does, but he keeps insisting his ideal weight is obscenely low, which I don't think I could ever beat without being skeletal. He loves me anyway, I love him too. My weight is not a source of conflict, and despite jokes about him reading my mind, I don't blame him for being who he is!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    20 years so far, and we don't have conflicts. I think we're doing fine (I'm very obese, and he's tall and lanky). My parents have been together for 42 years and get along really well still (she's small, he's very obese).

    Like has been mentioned, studies with small sample sizes are not generally reliable.